‘It’s a stimulus for career development’: best operator chosen at Nizhnekamskneftekhim

15 candidates for victory

A professional skills competition among young operators has taken place at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC. This profession is key and the most popular one in the company. NKNK has more than 3,000 operators. The event has been dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the TASSR and held in the N. Lemayev Petrochemistry and Oil Refinery College. 15 workers of the enterprise have competed for the title Best in Profession, one young lady and three college students are among them.

“I think it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. The best have gathered here, and I am glad to get acquainted with them because each of them really deserves the victory,” says competitor Anna Pigashyova, an operator of Butyl Rubber Plant of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

The competition programme has been though this year, it has consisted of theoretical and practical tasks, a section of questions about process safety. The competitors have had to answer 60 questions in 40 minutes, show off their knowledge of industrial safety and manufacturing process, provide the first aid and select samples of products.

Near real situations

In the practical part, the competitors have had to launch a column on a computer simulator. Nevertheless, the participation in Business Game has turned out to be no less interesting stage of the professional skills contest in which the jury evaluated every specialist’s competence in a modelled situation.

“All the situations in the game are anyway linked with the specialists who have just arrived in the workplace. We show what difficulties they might have, how the folks see ways of solving a problem,” says Roza Zakirova, a leading psychologist of Laboratory of Sociological, Psychological Research and Analysis at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

After all the stages, Timur Sarvarov has occupied the third place. As a result of a stiff fight, Ayaz Ibragimov has been second with a minimal margin. Nikita Isayev, an operator of Oligomers and Glycols Plant, has won the gold. The winner and medallists of the competition will represent Nizhnekamskneftekhim in a republican competition and will also receive prize money.

The jury additionally has noted a participant who distinguished himself when doing theoretical tasks — it is the operator of Shop No. 1307 of Butyl Rubber Plant Ilgam Mazitov. Worker of Shop No. 1206 of Ethylene Plant Dinar Nugmanov has got an “A” for the practical part. While Anna Pigashyova from Shop No. 1311 of Butyl Rubber Plant has received the prize For Will for Victory. All winners and nominees have received prize money.

“Professional skill contests are necessary. Here there is a chance to show off, demonstrate your professional skills. It is also a stimulus for career, professional development because winners and medallists can raise their grade,” says Yevgeny Ryabov, vice director of Department for Young Specialists at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

By the way, around 7,000 young workers under 35 years work at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC today, it is 43% of all workers. Professional skills contests are held in key professions during the year, moreover, not only among workers but also shift managers and engineers. This gives the workers a chance to evaluate their skills, bolster self-esteem, demonstrate knowledge and skills, improve in the profession they chose and ascend the career ladder.

Affiliate report

By Liliya Yegorova. Photo courtesy of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

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