Tourist traffic in Tatarstan started to grow after six-month decline

Tourist traffic in Tatarstan started to grow after six-month decline
Photo: Platonov (archive)

3.371.087 people visited Tatarstan in January-October 2023. It is 9.300 tourists more than during the same period last year, Realnoe Vremya calculated studying official statistics.

Earlier, there had been seen a decline in tourist traffic in Tatarstan for several periods. For instance, from January to September 2023, it decreased by 2.2% compared to nine months last year, it fell by 1.96% in January-August.

A tourist traffic decrease was registered in Tatarstan during the first half of 2023 as well. 1.856.080 people visited the republic in January-June, which is 2.8% less than during the same period in 2022. Platonov (archive)

The growth of tourist traffic compared to the same period last year in Tatarstan was seen from January to July 2023. 2.376.920 tourists visited the republic in seven months, which is 0.4% more than during the same period in 2022.

In nine months of 2023, Tatarstan is first in the Volga Federal District in number of tourists. It is followed by Nizhny Novgorod (2.013.461 people), Bashkortostan (1.942.980), Samara Oblast (1.551.177) and Perm Krai (1.043.836). Platonov (archive)

In the other Volga regions, the number of tourists welcomed from January to October 2023 didn’t surpass a million. The lowest number of travellers during this period was received by Tatarstan’s neighbour Mari El — 248.398.

A total of 15.031.269 people visited the Volga Federal District from January to October 2023. So Tatarstan held 22.4% of all tourists in the Volga Federal District.

According to the Russian Statistics Service, 3.361.758 tourists visited Tatarstan in January-October 2022. A total of 3.702.523 people visited the republic last year. According to the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism, 10.34% of all travellers who visited the region were from neighbouring Bashkiria.

Tatiana Dyomina

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