‘We are cautiously optimistic’: Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan makes ‘non-verbal intervention’ to the collapsed market

‘We are cautiously optimistic’: Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan makes ‘non-verbal intervention’ to the collapsed market
Photo: realnoevremya.ru

The plan is implemented by almost 50%

This year, 2,7 million square metres of housing are planned to be built in Tatarstan, 1,3 million of which have already been commissioned. That is, to date, the annual plan has already been fulfilled by 49%, Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the republic Ilshat Gimaev said.

According to the deputy minister of construction, there has been an almost complete transition to project financing in the region. Already almost 97% of the objects are accounted for by escrow accounts.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru

According to Gimayev, the Central Bank's reduction of the key rate to 14% per annum has played a positive role. This affected the sales figures. For example, in January 2022, commercial housing was sold in the amount of 7,7 billion rubles, in February — 10,9 billion, in March — 8,2 billion. In April, the figure was 3,4 billion, its fall is also due to a change in the key rate.

“In May, apartments have been sold worth 121 million rubles at the moment. I think that now the preferential mortgage, which has already begun working, will have a positive effect. In this regard, we have cautious optimism that the housing market is still recovering from the April drop in sales and construction rates," said the deputy head of the ministry of construction of the republic.

He added that to date more than 1,3 million square metres of problematic housing have been commissioned in Tatarstan, 18 thousand defrauded shareholders have been restored to their rights. Last year, nine problematic facilities were commissioned in the republic, now there are six more left.

“The president of Tatarstan has set a task to solve this problem by the end of the year so that there are no defrauded homebuyers in the republic," the deputy minister explained.

44 construction programmes for 47 billion rubles

According to the deputy minister of construction of Tatarstan, 318 rural clubs were built in the republic in 2012-2021. At the moment, the construction of two cultural development centres in Yelabuga and Zelenodolsk is continuing.

According to Gimayev, during the same period, 600 new modular paramedic-obstetric stations, 45 outpatient clinics, three offices of general practitioners, and 24 pathology departments appeared in the region.

This year, another 105 healthcare facilities are planned to be built in Tatarstan, including 23 paramedic-obstetric stations, one pathology department, and an office of general practitioners.

From 2013 to 2020, more than a thousand universal sports grounds, 43 modules of block ski bases, 5 indoor football arenas were built in the republic. In 2022, 11 more sports facilities are to appear in the region. The amount of financing exceeds 500 million rubles.

In total, 44 construction programmes are being implemented in Tatarstan this year. More than 47 billion rubles are provided for these purposes.

“Not a single construction site has stopped”

Against the background of sanctions pressure, the construction of not a single facility in Tatarstan has been stopped, the deputy minister of construction noted. According to him, there was a rapid adaptation to new conditions.

“I can assure you that not a single construction site has been stopped because of this. Moreover, many analogues, as it turned out, are available in the Russian Federation, especially construction materials and products. New productions are also being created, which we are just learning about. I think this trend will continue," Gimaev said.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru

According to him, the country has all the riches of the world. If something is not produced in Russia, it is a common joint flaw. Everything will be fixed, the deputy minister expressed confidence.

Speaking about the rise in price of building materials, Gimaev noted that along with this, the cost of metal products has decreased. The fullness of the domestic market will grow, and prices will inevitably fall. The deputy minister of construction of Tatarstan assured: this will have a positive impact on the construction industry.

Diana Zhilenkova

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