Number of e-scooter parking areas to reduce in Kazan because of imposition of their borders on private land

Number of e-scooter parking areas to reduce in Kazan because of imposition of their borders on private land
Photo: Platonov (archive)

Rent points located near the construction of Voznesenky Trakt road

As Realnoe Vremya found out, Kazan authorities are planning to change the location of e-scooter rent areas in the city. Their number will shrink from 1,575 to 1,565. The press service of the city administration explained that such a decision was made because the borders of some parking areas were on private land parcels as well as the construction of Voznesensky Trakt.

Before this year, Kazan had just 500 e-scooter rent points

It should be reminded that this spring, the city authorities, in contrast, expanded this list — the number of rent points rose from 500 to 1,575.

The e-scooter sharing season opened in the Tatarstan capital on 7 April. It began earlier than last year — e-scooters appeared in city streets only late April. Platonov (archive)

Whoosh considered the city needed over 2,000 parking areas

The press service of Whoosh told Realnoe Vremya as early as winter that for a fully-fledged operation of the transport model Kazan would need over 2,000 e-scooter parking areas. However, the city authorities offered them ten times less.

By the way, in late 2022, the service and the Executive Committee of the Tatarstan capital created a task force to make a plan and modernise the rules of e-scooter sharing in the city.

Maxim Kokunin

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