Evgeny Satanovsky: ‘We're still the same ancient wise people that invents headache to itself’

Friends and enemies of Tel Aviv: who is to blame for the troubles of Israel?

The International Jewish Conference 'Limmud FSU Volga-Urals' was held in Kazan on 2-4 September. Among the participants of the forum – famous politicians, culture activists, scientists, who represent the ancient people with a thousand years of history. Among the speakers was a famous Oriental scientist, political scientist and economist Evgeny Satanovsky, famous for his pro-Israel position. The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya attended the seminar of the lobbyist of Tel Aviv policy.

Who needs Palestine and the Gaza Strip?

'World 2016. Israel in the period of political instability' – was the lecture of the president of the Institute of Middle East Evgeny Satanovsky in front of the audience of the Jewish Conference 'Limmud FSU Volga-Urals' that took place last weekends in the Kazan hotel Regina.

'Israel continues to locate in the Middle East, despite the desire of its people to see something more substantial and civilized near them. We do not have the other choice. As they say, we wish victory to all parties,' the expert began the speech.

According to him, in the recent years, people have forgotten about Israel because such a terrible massacre is taking place around so that they can't think about the Jewish state right now. And the country itself has turned out to be the regional superpower.

Nevertheless, there are Jews in all radical groups, including ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra (the organizations banned in Russia) and others.

As for Palestine, according to Satanovsky, its leadership is in no hurry to become a full-fledged state.

'Its effigy is taken around the world. They get money from the Americans, from the Europeans – money, from the United Nations – a lot of money, from Russia – little money. In our country they can steal by themselves. The State of Palestine will not rise because nobody needs it, even the Arabs. If you organize it, it will be a small, poor country. The money will stop going there. People will have to work. But while there are problems with Israel, the money will come from Iran, Saudis, Gulf states. If not to organize problems with Israel but to declare that we turned in their direction, it is possible to get money from the Americans. If to do nothing, they will still receive money from the Europeans and the UN, because in the budget of the organization from 15 to 20% is the money going to the Palestinian state-building. This has been going on for decades. What fool says no to this?' he noted.

Israel is continuing to locate in the Middle East despite the wish of its population to see something more substantial and civilized near them. They do not have other choice. As they say, we wish victory to all parties

We present the main theses, which were expressed by the expert during his speech.

So, he told about the American politics as well. Barack Obama, whose presidency comes to an end, will promise a lot and will recognize anything. Hillary Clinton in case of her election as the president will continue the policy of her husband — of peaceful settlement, which failed. George W. Bush practically was not engaged in affairs of Israel but was engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan.

'Today, the Palestinian human rights activists say that if the Palestinian state is in the areas A and B, the entire Palestinian population will run to the zone C, because under the damned occupier there is life. But under their native — there is dictatorship, stealing, kleptocracy, crime and more, to live here is not very desirable. Israel has the death penalty, but they do not apply it, they can only shoot a terrorist during an arrest, if he resists. But in Palestine it does exist, it is used in full, particularly to those who are trying to sell their property to Jews, Israelis,' he stressed.

As for Gaza, no one wants to take it with all the problems. It will be necessary to completely expel Hamas, to disarm people, to remove the smuggling tunnels, to take responsibility for the population, to build the discipline there. Therefore, the rockets continue flying from Gaza to Israel, and in response there is electricity and shekels, the currency taken by Hamas.

'Only the Jews can afford to do that — to put themselves in the most stupid way. They themselves have come up with the complicated scheme. It will be forever. And the Israeli-Palestinian process will continue in the XXII century. We cannot solve that quietly – it is our national trait,' ironically noted Satanovsky.

The problem of the Arabs. On the agenda — Sham

The analyst also shared his thoughts about the relationships of Israel with surrounding countries.

In his opinion, Egypt needs Israel, because Cairo will not cope with radical groups operating in the Sinai Peninsula alone. Moreover, when the Russian airliner was shot down last fall, Israeli drones found the wreckage and reported to the Egyptian services. Then the Egyptian military got to the crash site, took pictures and promised to find who to blame and to punish them.

Jordan is now experiencing the refugee problem, 15-20% of the budget is being spent on them. Queen Rania is a Palestinian and a patriot of her own people. The main enemy of the Jordanian King is not Israel but their own Islamists from Daesh.

The Israelis in terms of the policy demonstrate the denial that the Jews is clever people. When you look what they are doing in the last 25 years, you can make only a helpless gesture

There is no such state as Lebanon despite the fact that they have the flag, the anthem. The state mechanism does work this way. Their affairs are constantly interfered by the Iranians, the Saudis, the Qataris, the Emirates and the Turks. Such country is not even able to organize the rubbish removal in the capital and the cities and it becomes the subject of political crisis, even the military actions. Lebanon is most of all dreaming of the Palestinian state where it would send all Palestinians from its territory. But now there are only extraterritorial camps, crime, weapons, cells of Al Qaeda-type. The civil war in Lebanon started after when Arafat came here. Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) is not ready to receive the refugees. Israel has to receive them from Syria, Iraq, Lebanon.

'The Israelis in terms of the policy demonstrate the denial that the Jews is clever people. When you look what they are doing in the last 25 years, you will make only a helpless gesture.'

The terrorists penetrated to Syria through refugee camps, through tunnels to the center of Damascus.

The Damascus camps were built in several floors in the center of the city, which were inhabited by Palestinians.

On the Arab periphery, we see that in the recent years Israel is almost openly becoming a part of the region: with someone it agrees, someone — back, someone helps in a closed regime.

The double standards of the monarchies of the Persian Gulf

Curious relations are with the countries of the Persian Gulf. These territories interact with Israel seriously enough. The main reason is Iran. The Sunni-Shiite war has been going for a long time — since the VII century. Saudi Arabia buys the Israeli drones through South Africa, there is the full cooperation in computer security.

The unprecedented event took place last week: on the territory of the United States there were held military trainings, which were attended by pilots from Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates together with Israeli colleagues. The pilots were warned that there are Jews, they received it quietly, everything went well.

The Dubai police and Abu Dhabi work well with Israel on identifying Hamas on their territory. Hamas for Emirates — is the same devil with horns: they are the Muslim Brotherhood, but they are dangerous. They are arrested, imprisoned, tortured. Israel has had carte blanche for many years — to work in the UAE: mutual benefit.

Qatar is small, rich, nasty, like a barking mouse. On the one hand, they are sponsors of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic State. In general, the Qataris — they have great PR people. All these videos, films about the Zionist occupation, the whole Pallywood (Palestinian Hollywood) is organized there.

The airport in Doha is protected by the system by Mahal firm, however, there is written 'Made in Canada'. They bought the agricultural technologies from the Israelis.

The Qatar is seriously inciting Hamas against Israel. But this is taking place in parallel with the Turks. Various terrorist groups that operate against the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula, in Cairo and Alexandria, are trained and financed by Qatar and Turkey. It's a little bit annoys Cairo and Jerusalem. In Israel, there are more and more thoughts: 'It is much more important the relationship with Cairo than with Ankara, and especially with the Doha.'

Thus, on the Arab periphery, we see that in the recent years Israel has almost openly become a part of the region: with someone it agrees, someone — back, someone helps in a closed regime. You are dealing with the Arab East.

No sane tourist, except our own, is not going to rest in the place, where in the neighbouring hotel the terrorists can rest, where the attacks occur at the airport, where the pipelines are blown up. Now there is a blood purge like in 1937. There will be terror — leftist, Kurdish or whatever

Erdogan: a Jedi and Darth Vader

The situation with Turkey is more complicated. The incident with Mavi Marmara is indicative. The wife of Maksim Shevchenko, a tough anti-Semitic journalist Nadezhda Kevorkova was very sorry that she was not allowed on the board, although other anti-Semitic people got there. This Free Gaza Movement was organized by Erdogan that relied on him. This outrage ended badly. All leadership of Israel exonerated from responsibility for the incident.

Erdogan took it very painfully, as a slap. The relationships with Israel were lowered almost to the level of severance of diplomatic relations, however, the trade increased exponentially. Everyone knows but there is nowhere to go. The Turks have lost much from that severance: in the military-industrial complex, Israeli market, Israeli tourists.

No sane tourist, except our own, is not going to rest in the place, where in the neighbouring hotel the terrorists can rest, where the attacks occur at the airport, where the pipelines are blown up. Now there is a blood purge like in 1937. There will be terror — leftist, Kurdish or whatever. Unlike Russian tourists, who only thinks about sales, Israeli tourists are thinking about where they can and should go, and there are zones without which you can do.

Erdogan knows how to squeeze everything he needs from different people. Turkey has only two countries left in order the economy did not collapse, — Russia and Israel. Therefore, Erdogan turned to both. Indeed, Egypt for Israel is more important than Turkey. This semi-Jedi turns by different parts, once it will be Darth Vader again.

Uninteresting Maghreb and a Jew Gaddafi

The Israeli politicians used to go and are continuing to go to Morocco at all times. They used to go quietly to Tunisia, too, until the terror began there, the civil war is right around the corner.

A normal Jew never went to Libya. The last Jew there was Gaddafi, then he was executed. His mother is Jewish, but that does not make him better. This is quite common in the Arab world. By the way, the same situation is with Arafat.

Having Assad as the head of Syria — is the best for Israel could be. Besides, he has weakened. What war with Israel? He cannot deal with terrorists on his own territory. Israel is the only country, which is not sending them terrorists, not destroying their army

Persia — a country of miracles

The Islamic Republic of Iran resembles the Soviet Union. Only instead of socialism, there is the primacy of religion over the secularism. Thus, the democracy exists, the parties are real, the press is real. Above all this, there is the local Politburo and the General Secretary, who gives the others different possibilities. There are Jews who are trading, they are fine, not all are killed. That is, in Iran Zionism is bad, but Jews — don't touch them. The Iranian basis of ideology allows peace with America but not with Israel. For them the eternal dilemma: whether the Jews control America, whether America supports Israel.

But the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps does not like either of them. IRGC sat on a huge economy that they've built bypassing the sanctions.

Many Iranians have second passports. Many of them go resting and treating to Israel.

The Iranians and the Israelis know each other's vulnerabilities.

How the Russian aviation 'let down' Tehran

The emergence of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria initially was useful for Tehran. Before, the Iranians 'failed' there: they could not cope with the numerous terrorist groups around Damascus. Having Assad as the head of Syria — is the best for Israel could be. Besides, he has weakened. What war with Israel? He cannot even deal with terrorists on his own territory. Israel is the only country, which is not sending them terrorists, not destroying their army. If Syria finally collapses, it becomes a buffer zone.

The Iranians have the idea of turning the Golan Heights into a ground for the struggle against Israel, but Russia stands in their way. Russian Aerospace Forces brought down the plans of Iran on the transformation of Syria into a Shiite state. Tehran campaigned the Alawites go in a Shia-dvunadesyatchestvo. It turned out that we restrain very much their activity against Israel.

Moscow has an agreement with Israel, while they do not touch each other in the war. When the Russian aircrafts accidentally fly into Israel territory, they are not shoot. They are just warned. Sometimes our aircraft flies in Golan Heights. In Israel, in the system of radio electronics there are Russian guys, they speak in Russian: 'Guys, you have flown the wrong way, get out'. And then they give the specific address of three letters. No problem.

'As Lieberman used to say, there are no problems with the Arabs, they are only with Jews. He was right. All the problems of Israel are internal, they do not have external problems, he can deal with them. No one is forced to get Arafat out of Tunisia, to sign Oslo… What to say, a thousand years have passed already, and we're still the same ancient wise people, which invents headache to itself solely in their ranks,' concluded the expert.

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By Timur Rakhmatullin

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Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich — a Russian Oriental scholar, an economist and a political scientist. The president of scientific center Institute of the Middle East. Candidate of Economic Sciences.