Tatarstan leader in the country in consumer loans issued

Tatarstan leader in the country in consumer loans issued
Photo: Punsheva

Tatarstan residents have borrowed 28,1 billion from banks

Tatarstan citizens have taken out consumer loans totalling 28,1 billion rubles in the third quarter of the year. Although this is by 19,1% less than in the same period last year, Tatarstan is among the leaders in this indicator. The republic round out the top 5 in the ranking of 30 leading Russian regions.

The first is Moscow, where consumer loans have been issued worth 97 billion rubles. As in Tatarstan, volumes in this segment of lending have decreased. The figure turned out to be by 27,7% less than in July-September last year.


Moscow is followed in the ranking by Moscow Oblast — 61,3 billion rubles, which is by 28,5% less than in the third quarter of 2021. St. Petersburg rounds out the top three. In the Northern capital, according to the results of the third quarter, the volume of lending also fell by 28,5%, to 41,7 billion.

Sverdlovsk Oblast is also ahead of Tatarstan. It ranks 4th in terms of consumer loans at 31,2 billion rubles. The amount was almost a quarter (24%) less than in the third quarter of 2022.

Tula Oblast rounds out the top 30. For three months, its residents were given consumer loans worth 8,2 billion rubles, which is by 30% less than in July-September last year.

Photo: Punsheva

In general, according to the NBKI (National Bureau of Credit Histories), which processes the information of 4 thousand creditors, the volume of consumer loans, compared to the same period last year, collapsed by 27,2% in Russia in the third quarter of 2022. In the third quarter, it amounted to 860 billion.

Volume of consumer loans collapse almost twofold by results of first 7 months

Let us remind that according to the results of the first seven months of 2022, residents of Tatarstan were issued consumer loans totaling 42,7 billion rubles. This is by 46,5% less than in the same period of 2021.

According to the results of January-July, the situation in Tatarstan was similar with car loans. In the first seven months of 2022, they were issued in the republic for 14,2 billion rubles. This amount turned out to be by 42,9% less than in Januar-July last year.

Photo: Platonov

In terms of the volume of consumer loans issued in the first seven months of 2022, Tatarstan ranked 6th in the ranking of 30 leading regions. Moscow was in the lead — residents of the capital were issued consumer loans worth 166,7 billion rubles during this time. The top 5 also include Moscow Oblast, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, and Krasnodar Krai.

Tatyana Demina

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