Nearly 500 donate 215 litres of blood: World Blood Donor Day in Tatarstan

“More than 215 litres of blood has been donated today”

The blood bank was replenished with more 215 litres on World Blood Donor Day in Tatarstan. 479 people went to blood donation sites. Doctor of the Organisational and Methodological Department of the Republic Blood Centre of the Tatarstan Ministry of Health Care Yelena Tukhvatullina told Realnoe Vremya about this.

According to her, 127 people who replenished the blood bank with 57 litres of blood became donors in Kazan alone.

“There is always a stock of blood components. Health care institutions take them if there are patients who need blood transfusion. And these stocks need to be mandatorily replenished. Such donor campaigns are held for such situations,” shared Tukhvatullina.

The doctor noted the big donor activity in the republic that allows keeping the necessary stock of components of any blood types. Therefore the republic is ready for emergencies. During a talk with the newspaper, Tukhvatullina remembered a tragedy in School No. 175, the Blood Centre simply couldn’t accommodate everybody wishing to become a donor in spite of the quite big and roomy hall.

“The united donor base has more than 600,000 people”

Tukhvatullina said that the united donor base of Tatarstan has more than 600,000 people. Everybody who has donated blood even once is on the list. However, just about 32,000 people are active donors, it is 5,3% of the total number.

However, this doesn’t impede them having the necessary stock — there is no deficit of blood in the republic. The interlocutor of the newspaper said that some blood type is urgently needed when a lot of people who need transfusion are admitted to health care institutions. Then it is necessary to replenish the stocks so that every patient can receive the necessary help.

“A lot of patients with Group A or B are sometimes admitted. Though these groups are quite widespread, these components can be urgently needed in case a lot of people need them. Everything depends on what orders we receive from health care organisations,” Tukhvatullina said.

Given the number of orders of certain blood types, there is a kind of donor’s traffic lights. It is a simple and illustrative definition of how urgently the blood bank needs some type to be replenished.

Artyom Gafarov

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