About how TAIF-NK supports recreation for children

More than 170 children of TAIF-NK employees will rest in health camps of the Republic of Tatarstan this year. The company has built cooperation with the camps to give the children the opportunity to spend holidays with health benefits. Thanks to this, parents are allocated vouchers, most of the cost of which is covered by the company. Read more details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

70% of the voucher cost is paid by TAIF-NK

Eight-year-old Karim has been to the children's camp Yunost this year for the first time. He admits that at first he was homesick, but after 3 weeks began to beg parents to leave him for another shift.

''There are a lot of clubs in the camp, especially I liked tourism and tennis. I have made a lot of friends and despite the fact that the shift is over, and most of the children returned home, we constantly correspond and communicate. We agree to rest together in the camp next year,'' said Karim Galiev.

Eight-year-old Karim has been to the children's camp Yunost this year for the first time. Photo: from the archives of the Galievs

The boy's mother, Albina Galieva, works at the oil refining company TAIF-NK. The enterprise has long been working closely with the camp Yunost, so every summer the vouchers are allocated for children. Parents pay only a part of the cost, the lion's share of the costs is covered by the company.

''The voucher to the children's camp now costs at least 25,000 rubles, therefore it is very significant that the enterprise helps the parents. We paid only 30% of the cost, 70% is the money of TAIF-NK,'' said Albina Galieva, an employee of the company.

Cooperation with the best camps of Tatarstan

During the summer, 174 children will have a rest in children's health camps. First of all, these are children from large or incomplete families, as well as children of participants of military operations. For the children to have an opportunity to spend holidays with benefit, on the initiative of Director General of TAIF-NK PSC Rushan Shamgunov, a few years ago the company began cooperation with children's health camps not only in Nizhnekamsk region, but also in the whole of Tatarstan. Now for the children of TAIF-NK employees in the camps they ''reserve'' tours, most of the cost of which is paid by the company. The main part of the children, 58 people, will have a rest in Yunost camp. It was recognized as the best among the camps, enterprises and organizations of Tatarstan in the republican contest this spring. Until the end of summer, there will be four shifts and each will organize the program Ucity, in which the children create ''a small city within the city''. They elect a president for every shift, conduct the election campaign, collect and open government ministry. This helps them to understand not only how the power is arranged, but also to realize how much the life depends on themselves.

During the summer, 174 children will have a rest in children's health camps – the children of TAIF-NK employees. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

Children who are seriously engaged in sports are sent to Olympiets. In this camp, the children come with coaches, so they spend 3 weeks in the daily training mode. ''The most important thing is to raise a sports, healthy child with goals and objectives,'' explained Anna Protasova, head of the Olympiets sports and health camp. Each shift includes about seven sports. For example, in the second — it is athletics, judo, boxing, basketball, wrestling, hockey and skiing.

''This year we have a global change in terms of nutrition. Probably, we are the only camp in Tatarstan that shifted to two sets of menus. The children are given a choice: today they can choose one complex, tomorrow — the second. Of course, the nutrition is sports,'' Anna Protasova continued.

Children who are seriously engaged in sports are sent to Olympiets. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

For already several years, the company has been working with the Kazan camp Baytik, where at least 38 children will rest this summer from TAIF-NK. To make the parents feel calm about the transport, this year the staff of TAIF-NK carried out a work to ensure the camp was allocated a bus to take the children from Nizhnekamsk to Kazan, and at the end of the shift — back. The health-improving institution is known as an educational platform, so in each shift the child can choose a training profile. For example, programming, robotics, foreign languages, theatre, choreography.

''For the first time we decided to send the child to the camp and our choice fell on Baytik. A rich programme is organized for the children here. Children combine rest with educational process, for example, my son Ralif attends robotics with pleasure. Children are always busy, no gadgets are needed. We will definitely send the child again to Baytik,'' mother Nailya Mukhamedyarova shared her impressions.

To make the choice of summer holidays for children as wide as possible, this year the company has begun cooperation with the camp Chayka in Nizhnekamsk. 38 chilren will rest there this year. There are many clubs for the development of teenagers: karate, table tennis, football, volleyball, chess and checkers tournament. In addition, there are clubs for dance, theatre, painting, folklore, the arts of photography and video.

TAIF-NK is one of the few companies that continues to support the recreation for children. Every year, the company allocates significant funds for these purposes. Thanks to this, the parents-employees of TAIF-NK save the family budget, and the children rest in the best camps of Tatarstan, not only improving health, but also getting a lot of impressions and energy, which will last for the whole academic year.

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By Ksenia Zharkova

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