Kazan Gorbunov Plant plans to produce 20 Tu-214 planes from 2027 every year

The Kazan Gorbunov Aviation Plant (a branch of Tupolev) plans to start making 20 Tu-214 planes a year in 2027. Tatarstan Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Korobchenko claimed this during parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council.

In 2023-2030, the aviation plant is to make 115 Tu-214 planes: three in 2023, seven in 2024, 10 in 2025, 15 in 2026, 20 in 2027-2030.

Tupolev has the task of receiving a guaranteed order for 75 planes additionally, Interfax cites Korobchenko.

On 22 March, Russian Vice Premier Yury Borisov said that the country’s authorities discussed the possibility of making as few as 10 Tu-214 planes a year at the Gorbunov Aviation Plant in Kazan. According to him, Aeroflot, Red Wings and other airlines can use these planes.

In April, Rostec’s CEO Sergey Chemezov said that Russian airlines would start receiving TU-214 planes in 2024.

The Kazan Gorbunov Aviation Plant (a branch of Tupolev) used to make a limited amount of Tu-214 planes — 2-3 planes a year at best. As Realnoe Vremya found out as early as in spring, the enterprise started to prepare to build civil aviation equipment on a large scale.

The cost of one Tu-214 is estimated to be over 10 billion rubles depending on modification, but the final price will be known after the leasing operator is known. The Kazan aviation plant already makes 20 Tu-214 planes. Airplanes made in the Tatarstan capital are to replace foreign Boeings and Airbuses.

Aeroflot and the United Aircraft Engineering Corporation signed an agreement as early as in September to buy Russian 339 planes, including 40 Tu-214 produced at the Gorbunov Plant in Kazan. The sum of the agreement surpassed a trillion rubles, which is an absolute record, Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov noted then.

Tatiana Leukhina

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