Albert Karimov to fishermen: ‘There will be help for 13 vessels that are in a difficult situation’

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Fisheries have promised to build new fishing vessels for Kamchatka

Albert Karimov to fishermen: ‘There will be help for 13 vessels that are in a difficult situation’
Photo: Максим Платонов

“They say that others will take their place. Maybe they will, but not in a year or two. We remember how after the ‘crab auctions’ out of 60 enterprises in the region, only 16 remained,” Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly of Kamchatka Krai Irina Untilova predicted a catastrophe in the State Duma. At parliamentary hearings, the authorities of Kamchatka, the Far East, Khabarovsk Krai and Karelia united against the early renewal of contracts for salmon fishing by the end of this year, insisting on a one-year postponement — until the end of 2026. They were not very concerned about the readiness of the fishing fleet, the construction of which is supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, shipbuilders do not hide the fact that the prices for fishing trawlers will increase, but the difference will be compensated by the budget. Read more about it in a report of Realnoe Vremya.

Russia ranks fourth in the world in fish production

Parliamentary hearings initially assumed a quiet and calm conversation about the evolutionary development of the country's fisheries complex — with figures on the catch and export of salmon. After all, Russia ranks second in the world in water resources, having access to 12 seas and 2.7 million lakes. But in terms of fish production, it ranks fourth: the annual catch is about 5 million tonnes of fish, which is half as much as in China (almost 12 million tonnes), Indonesia (6.4 million tonnes) and Peru (5.6 million tonnes). The very name of the hearings is Legislative Support For the Development of Fisheries. Reality and Prospects. The 20th anniversary of the adoption of Federal Law No. 166-FL On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources prompted a discussion on how a water power can “catch up and overtake” world leaders in fish production.

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However, as expected, the hearings focused on an initiative that is painful for fishing companies to renew salmon fishing contracts early. Moreover, this is not a formal paper procedure for allocating a site for fishing — fishing companies are required to pay for its use. Moreover, early — 20 years in advance.

The Russian government put forward a similar initiative in December 2024. According to it, companies engaged in salmon fishing must renew their fishing site use contracts by 30 December 2025. Thus, Kamchatka Krai farms will have to pay 127 billion rubles to the federal budget and more than 25 billion to the regional budget. Khabarovsk Krai — 13 billion rubles. Comparable amounts will have to be paid by enterprises in Karelia where trout is grown. It is clear that the regional authorities of the Far Eastern region came to the hearings to defend the interests of fishermen. As a result, the main event of the hearings was the attempt of the regions to convince the deputies to postpone this initiative for a year.

Fishing enterprises received a profit of 173 billion rubles

The position of the Russian government was outlined by head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Ilya Shestakov. He was given the floor first. He stated that the federal law On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Bioresources has radically transformed the industry over 20 years, and the mechanism of investment quotas ensured the renewal of the fleet. According to him, quotas under the keel, when a fishing company receives a site in exchange for investments in the fleet, have been used for the first time in Russia.

“There is nothing like this in world practice,” he emphasized. “New-generation vessels are being built — super-efficient, and most importantly, environmentally friendly and reliable. They are capable of processing 100% of the catch on board and producing up to 60,000 tonnes of finished products per year. In recent years, the production of high added value products has increased from 15% to 32.5%. The goal by 2030 is to increase it to 50%.”

Мария Зверева /

Currently, within the framework of the second stage of investment quotas, it is planned to build 31 vessels. We are talking about four fishing vessels, four transport refrigerators and 23 crab catchers. They also want to introduce four logistics complexes (three large and one small) and 11 processing plants (nine large-capacity and two small-capacity). The total investment volume under the already concluded contracts will amount to approximately 139.2 billion rubles. “To date, within the framework of the second stage of investment quotas, the construction of one crab catcher and two plants has already been completed,” said Ilya Shestakov.

According to the head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, the enterprises are showing good financial results. By the end of 2024, a record turnover of 1.1 trillion rubles was achieved, and net profit was 173 billion rubles.

Shipbuilders faced refusal from foreign partners

“Investment quotas under the keel are an effective mechanism that ensures the timely renewal of the fishing fleet, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Albert Karimov supported his colleague. According to him, since 2018, 106 contracts have been concluded for the construction of fishing vessels and crab catchers until 2032. Currently, 39 vessels have been delivered, and 31 crab catchers and trawlers have been completed.”

Арсений Фавстрицкий /

Albert Karimov warned that the new vessels will be more expensive than the previous ones.

“The enterprises faced the refusal of foreign partners to supply specialized equipment,” he explained. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a register of 20 types of critical technological equipment was created, the localization of which began in the country. The process is to be completed within two years.”

At the same time, the plants had to redesign the vessels. For this reason, the cost of building the fleet increased. “A deficit of 20 vessels was formed, and it was decided that their completion would be financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Last year, funds were allocated from the government reserve fund to cover the deficit for 17 fishing vessels. This year, reimbursement of costs for the construction of 13 vessels that are in a difficult situation is envisaged,” Albert Karimov explained.

In addition, a shipbuilding strategy until 2036 has been developed and will be approved soon, Karimov said. According to him, it provides for tools to support and stimulate demand for the purchase of ships. The total budget is more than 500 billion rubles.

However, the fishing companies did not want to get into the details. They were concerned about a more sensitive issue — whether they would have to pay for catching fish this year.

“You will receive not 238 billion, but only 150 billion”

“Renewal of contracts is the hour X not only for fishermen, but for the entire region,” began the discussion Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly of Kamchatka Krai Irina Untilova. “Recently, expenses have increased 12 times, and revenue has decreased, low salmon catches in the last fishing season. The catch is two or even three times less than the previous level. The enterprises have no savings or free money, and they are being asked to urgently renew contracts and pay in advance. Kamchatka enterprises will have to contribute 127 billion rubles to the federal budget and more than 25 billion in the region. 40% must be contributed this year — 50 billion rubles. How will they act? There are two options — either give up the site or take out loans. But who will take out loans at a rate higher than 28%? About 35% of farms will simply not apply, since they do not have the assets to receive a loan. They say that others will take their place. Maybe they will, but not in a year or two. After the crab auctions, there are 16 enterprises left, and there were 60. The lost income will amount to 4.5 billion rubles a year, and the Russian budget will receive not 238 billion, but less than 150 billion,” she predicted sad consequences.

“Probably, there is no such a big difference in the catch of Pacific salmon compared to pink salmon, which is caught in the Far East. The difference is 150 times. There were years when they caught 300,000 tonnes, and then 1,900 tonnes. And this suggests that this is a high-risk business that does not depend on fishermen. We fish for a year, and then have to wait for a year. In 2013, we were supposed to catch 1,100 tonnes, but we caught only 6 tonnes. We survived three years of fishing, and now we are being asked to pay for 50 years in advance. This is some kind of strange logic,” Chairman of the Kamchatka Salmon Fishermen's Association Vladimir Galitsyn was indignant.

In her closing remarks, State Duma deputy from Kamchatka Krai Irina Yarovaya gave hope that the wishes of fishermen would be met.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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