Idris Gatin: ‘A mild winter could have a negative impact on the harvest’

Rosselkhoznadzor warns farmers about the risks of pest and virus spread due to weather conditions

Idris Gatin: ‘A mild winter could have a negative impact on the harvest’
Photo: Михаил Захаров

“The year is challenging; warm weather promotes the rapid spread of pests and viruses," warns Idris Gatin, the deputy director of the branch of the Federal Centre for Agricultural Product Safety and Quality Assessment in Tatarstan. The agency under Rosselkhoznadzor fears that this spring and summer’s climate conditions could hinder a high grain harvest in the republic and do not rule out a recurrence of the 2010 drought. In an interview with Realnoe Vremya, the expert shared insights on how to prepare for adverse environmental effects and mitigate risks.

“Verified seeds is the key”

Mr Gatin, the spring field work starts soon. What should farmers prepare for, taking into account the weather conditions?

“The most important thing in preparing for sowing is proven seeds. We are working together in this direction: Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan and a subordinate enterprise, the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Center for Safety and Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The year is peculiar, quite difficult: as they say, winter is not like winter, and there was no cold weather. Even old-timers don't remember such winters, probably for 50-60 years. Snow is fine, but warm weather promotes the rapid reproduction of pests, as well as microbes and viruses. We are well aware that this, unfortunately, can negatively affect the future harvest. After all, the republic annually harvests over 4 million tonnes of grain.

This problem can affect almost all business entities: both large agricultural holdings and farms. We have well-developed farms that have small areas of grain and leguminous crops, including forage crops. And then, we produce agricultural products not only for ourselves and our needs, but also for export, for example, a lot of grain goes to China.

“Winter doesn't have much snow, but warm weather promotes the rapid reproduction of pests, as well as microbes and viruses.”. Реальное время /

Therefore, it is very important to check the seed material. By the end of 2024, our branch conducted free state monitoring of all hard and soft wheat varieties.

This work is carried out in order to determine the quality and safety of grain, to which class it belongs. Wheat of the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade? Monitoring has shown that we will provide ourselves with 100% food wheat, and it will remain for sale.

Forage crops are also in good shape, which is crucial since Tatarstan ranks among the top five regions in Russia for livestock farming. In fact, we are leaders in milk and meat production. It’s no secret that since last autumn, several regions in the country have faced a supply crunch, struggling to produce enough milk and dairy products, particularly butter, which led to a sharp price increase nationwide. Many even called us, asking why prices were rising. You might recall a similar situation when egg prices spiked. That’s why having a stable feed base for livestock and poultry plays a key role in ensuring food security.

“The successful implementation of the upcoming sowing campaign cannot be viewed in isolation. Preparation for sowing is closely linked to ensuring the quality of seed materials, the economic efficiency of using mineral fertilizers, studying by-products of livestock farming, and inspecting facilities and grain products for compliance with GOST standards and technical regulations.”

“We are even among the leaders in milk and meat production.”. Мария Зверева /

Both we and all agricultural producers face ambitious challenges — not only improving soil fertility, increasing crop yields, and enhancing livestock productivity but also expanding processing capabilities, disinfecting storage facilities, boosting export volumes, and more.”

40 warnings have been issued over unverified seeds

What did the monitoring reveal?

Based on the available data, from January 1 to March 7, 2025, the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Republic of Tatarstan inspected more than 7,000 tonnes of agricultural seeds intended for spring sowing. The checks covered spring barley, spring wheat, spring oats, peas, various types of corn, potatoes, sunflowers, and field peas.

A total of 40 warnings were issued to agricultural enterprises found to possess unverified seeds. This marks a significant increase in oversight, as only 27 such warnings were issued over the same period in 2024.

It is crucial to remind seed owners of the necessity to comply with Article 13 of Federal Law No. 454, enacted on December 30, 2021, “On Seed Production.” According to this regulation, seeds intended for agricultural production and reproduction must be assessed for varietal and sowing qualities, as well as for the presence of genetically modified organisms. These parameters must be verified through established procedures and certified with the necessary documentation.

40 warnings issued for unverified seeds. Михаил Захаров /

Our branch operates as a subordinate institution of Rosselkhoznadzor, implementing a unified state policy to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.

The accreditation scope of our testing laboratory in Tatarstan covers 542 methodologies across various fields, including grain quality and safety, cereals, compound feed and its components, by-products of grain processing, plant quarantine and protection, safe handling of pesticides and agrochemicals, and by-products of livestock farming.

“Accreditation has been expanded to meet requirements of China, African countries, and other nations”

How much grain does Tatarstan export to China?

Last year, around 350,000 tonnes of grain were shipped to China, with 12,000 tonnes specifically coming from Tatarstan. However, China imposes strict national standards regarding pesticide residue levels. With this in mind, we expanded our accreditation last August — not only to meet China’s requirements but also those of African nations and other countries.

As a result, our testing laboratory broadened its accreditation scope to include 134 methodologies (covering 176 parameters) in plant quarantine, as well as two methodologies (covering 10 parameters) for the examination of animal by-products. Our staff has undergone specialised training, and today they are highly qualified experts.

Testing laboratory has expanded its accreditation to cover 174 methodologies. Динар Фатыхов /

In addition, new equipment has been purchased to assess the quality of agricultural products. In terms of technological features, service maintenance, and methodological support, the equipment meets Russian national standards. For example, a single high-performance liquid chromatograph alone costs 60 million rubles. As a result, the Center has demonstrated positive growth in key performance indicators compared to 2023.

Life moves forward, and we must keep pace by mastering modern methodologies — not only in pesticide residue analysis but also in plant quarantine. At the beginning of November, we were officially granted new responsibilities, including the import and supply of seeds, including certified varieties. Nearly 100% of imported seeds entering the republic pass through our laboratories, regardless of volume, variety, or grain type — whether oats, wheat, soybeans, or corn. Although corn is not cultivated locally, its hybrid varieties are imported from Krasnodar and Rostov regions to feed livestock, particularly cattle. To maintain the republic’s leadership in milk and meat production, corn must remain a key part of dairy cattle diets.

“A warning to agribusiness: your harvest depends on this”

Monitoring has revealed that some agricultural enterprises have seeds that failed quality checks for variety purity, weed contamination, quarantine pests, or even genetically modified sources. In response, we have intensified control measures despite the moratorium. We conduct inspections through federal government information systems such as Zerno FGIS, verifying documentation upon request or complaint — without direct interaction with the supplier. However, risks remain, particularly from resellers who sell seeds on platforms like Avito or other marketplaces. In such cases, buyers are essentially purchasing “a pig in a poke," as these seeds have not been tested for germination, contamination, or safety.

Реальное время /

That’s why I want to warn agribusiness entrepreneurs: your harvest depends on it. Unverified seeds can introduce quarantine pests and invasive weeds, which may not currently be present in our region but could spread rapidly if introduced.

“A call to agribusiness: avoid these risks”

I want to warn our businesses to steer clear of such situations. This year, I expect an increase in unscheduled inspections, as we have already issued more warnings than before.

Once again, I urge agribusiness entrepreneurs: your harvest depends on it. Михаил Захаров /

What is causing the increase in violations this year? Are people trying to cut costs by purchasing unverified seeds?

First, they are looking for cheaper options. High inflation and the rising cost of quality products play a role. Second, there may be new market players unfamiliar with industry standards. There are many factors — both objective and subjective.

This is a worrying trend, which is why I want to caution agribusinesses: avoid these mistakes, or there will be no harvest! Why spend vast sums on fuel, machinery parts, fertilizers, plant protection, and wages—some even take out loans—if the seeds themselves are unverified? It could all be in vain.

There’s another crucial aspect — insurance. Businesses insure both their crops and livestock. However, in the event of a claim, the farmer won’t even get close to compensation if proper procedures weren’t followed. Because the insurance company will turn to Rosselkhoznadzor or our institution to verify whether the farmer conducted proper seed quality testing. They will demand all relevant documents. And if we have no records of that farmer undergoing lab testing, we will have to say: “Sorry, this business is not listed in our system.”

There’s another crucial aspect—insurance. Businesses insure both their crops and livestock. Реальное время /

Insurance companies can bypass us and go directly to the Rosselkhozcenter, which is responsible for seed quality. Their representatives are present in every district, monitoring seed deliveries, varietal characteristics, and ensuring that planting is done correctly in compliance with GOST standards and technical regulations. As the saying goes: “You reap what you sow.”

This year, we encountered a concerning issue—an infestation of thrips (a type of small insect harmful to crops). I won’t name the company, but it’s an importer and supplier of greens and salads from Naberezhnye Chelny. In such cases, we immediately notify both the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration and our central office in Moscow. At the same time, we initiate decontamination measures. We have a dedicated team, trained specialists, and special transport for this purpose. If the decontamination is effective, that solves the issue. But if not, the entire batch of products has to be destroyed.

“Farmers should prepare for a hot summer”

Let's return to the topic of climatic conditions, how can this warm winter and, according to forecasts, hot summer affect the harvest?

Due to the low amount of precipitation, there will be little moisture in the soil. Yes, we have experience with the irrigation system, there was a drought in 2010, not so long ago, and it may happen again. Therefore, farmers should prepare themselves, especially those who grow fodder crops — we cannot do without feed, we need to feed the cattle. And for those who deal with root crops, these are potatoes, carrots, beets and other vegetables, because it is also necessary to ensure the republic — these are food security issues. Therefore, it is necessary to debug the land reclamation system and increase irrigation areas.

It is necessary to fine-tune the land reclamation system and increase the acreage. Олег Тихонов /

Secondly, it is important to sow early. If you sow a week earlier, you will harvest a week earlier, that is, you must not waste time. Thirdly, it is necessary to use plant pest protection products and mineral fertilizers wisely so that the crops gain more strength. Previously, we used to apply ammonia water directly to the root everywhere. It is harmless to plants and affordable.

Fourth, there are varieties of seeds that are most adapted to hot climates. When sowing, it is better to use such seeds of spring crops so that they are not capricious to moisture. In short, an integrated approach is needed to better prepare for the hot summer.

Interviewed by Vasilya Shirshova

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