Average OSAGO payment for July turn out to be higher in Tatarstan than nationwide

Average OSAGO payment for July turn out to be higher in Tatarstan than nationwide
Photo: Реальное время

In Russia, the average payment for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) set a new historical record this July — 111,809 rubles, which is by 22% higher than the same period last year, the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI) reported. In Tatarstan, the situation with OSAGO payments is somewhat different from the average Russian one. How much the region accounts for OSAGO court costs, what average payment the injured drivers receive, and what place the republic has in terms of highly profitable contracts — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Average OSAGO payment in Tatarstan is higher, but not by much

As the RAMI reported to Realnoe Vremya, the amount of the policy in Tatarstan in July 2024 amounted to 111,895 rubles, which is only slightly higher than the average in Russia.

Nevertheless, the average payment in Tatarstan still falls short of the all-Russian indicator for 7 months of 2024 — 96,200 against 96,300 rubles.

For comparison: in the republic in July 2023, the average payment was 87,919 rubles, and by the end of 7 months of 2023 — 82,782 rubles.

In Tatarstan, only 1.64% of all insurance cases reach court

In August, the RAMI published a rating of the leading regions with the highest share of OSAGO litigation costs for the period from July 2023 to June 2024. There is only one subject from the Volga Federal District in the top 10 — Mari El.

Then the president of the RAMI, Evgeny Ufimtsev, named the following regions:

  • Sakhalin region;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • Mari El;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Khakassia.

The top ten regions with the highest share of legal costs also include Crimea, Kamchatka region, Kaluga region, Tambov region and Leningrad region.

Tatarstan, on the other hand, is the 77th in this rating with a share of legal costs for OSAGO of 1.64%, the RAMI told Realnoe Vremya. Over the past year, the number of lawsuits from residents of the republic has decreased and the region has dropped in the ranking from 50th place to 77th.

Number of “risky” drivers in Tatarstan is 12 times lower than in the leading region

Since April 2022, a reinsurance pool has operated in Russia, which is designed to regulate the OSAGO price. This mechanism allows companies to pool resources and share risks for the most “unprofitable” clients. This helps to stabilise the cost of policies and reduce the risk of bankruptcy for individual insurers.

For example, young drivers aged 21-23 with zero experience often get into accidents, which makes their insurance unprofitable. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

According to the RAMI, the top 10 regions with the largest share of “unprofitable” policies transferred to the pool are mainly the regions of the Caucasus. Dagestan became the leader of the rating (79.5%), followed by Chechnya (76.3%), then Tyva (50.7%), Primorsky Krai (49.7%) and Kabardino-Balkaria (44.3%).

Tatarstan is ranked 60th in this ranking with a share of such policies of 6.9%, which is almost 12 times less than in Dagestan. Earlier, the republic was on the 63rd line.

It is noteworthy that one of the lowest rates of the share of OSAGO contracts transferred to the reinsurance pool is noted in two capitals: 4.9% of contracts were transferred in Moscow, in St. Petersburg — 4.4%.

Renata Valeeva

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