Yury Khabrov: ‘Scammers extort money from veterans of SVO military, promising to help even in dead-end situations — it cannot be allowed!’

Issues of interdepartmental cooperation to ensure the rights of veterans were discussed during the visit to Kazan of the executive director of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation

Yury Khabrov: ‘Scammers extort money from veterans of SVO military, promising to help even in dead-end situations — it cannot be allowed!’
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

Representatives of the Tatarstan Ministry of Justice and head of the Tatarstan branch of the foundation Guzel Udachina conducted a tour around the Kazan Quarter of Justice for the executive director of the state foundation for support of participants in the special military operation Defenders of the Fatherland, Yury Khabrov. The Realnoe Vremya report tells about the problems that the foundation deals with, the legal assistance that veterans and their families receive, and problems that require urgent solutions.

“There is a sign — there are not enough staff positions”

At first, Yury Khabrov was shown the main facilities of the Justice Quarter, introduced to the work of the Center for the Promotion of Civil Initiatives, the Legal Clinic, where free legal assistance is provided to participants of the SVO (special military operation), and the State Law Bureau of the Republic of Tatarstan. Then he talked with the staff of the legal bureau, who work in cooperation with the republican branch of the foundation.

“Eight specialists in Kazan and two in the Sabinsky district receive citizens here," said the head of the institution, Mars Fatkullin. “All are retired prosecutors and judges, all with extensive practical experience… This year we've received 309 people, there were 20 visits. The problems concerned mainly the issuance of certificates and the subsidies.”

Telling Khabrov about the difficulties and problems, Fatkullin mentioned that such work is being carried out in all regions of the republic. In the Sabinsky district, there is both a building and a permanent place for such consultations, but so far the foundation's premises have not been opened.

“I even have a sign," Guzel Udachina supported. “But there are no staff positions for work yet.”

“The participants of the SVO in need of consultations and their family members come to us every day," a specialist on duty shared with the Moscow guest. “The wounded often apply for the commission — those who are here for examination. They have to go to their unit for it, it is difficult for them. Yesterday, two relatives of the fighters who are missing came, their problem is that they need documents to go to court regarding the recognition of a person as dead. The military enlistment office makes a request, but the military unit does not respond… People also come with money issues — concerning payments.”

Khabrov, in turn, recalled that veterans should know where to apply for free legal aid, and the population should be informed about this as widely as possible. This is especially true due to that every day law firms are multiplying that offer services to SVO veterans, often promising them to do the impossible, and they profit from it:

“Scammers go so far as to make duplicates of well-known sites and extort money, promising to help even in absolutely dead-end situations — it cannot be allowed!”

“There are certain difficulties”

Yury Khabrov came to Kazan to participate in a round table discussion with key participants in providing free legal assistance to veterans of the SVO, where the main topic was issues of interdepartmental interaction to best ensure the rights of SVO participants and their families. He said before the event that more than 100 thousand people have already received legal assistance in the foundation's branches. Khabrov highly appreciated the work being carried out in this direction at the foundation's branch in Tatarstan. He stressed that one of the main tasks of the foundation's staff today has become to bring to veterans the correct information about their rights, create conditions for them to receive all types of assistance in a timely manner and ensure the one contact principle for them.

Yury Khabrov highly appreciated the work being carried out in this direction in the branch of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation in the Republic of Tatarstan. Динар Фатыхов / realnoevremya.ru

“Now the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Defence are working on creating a single platform that will allow participants to receive the necessary information, including such information in demand today as information on where and how to issue a veteran's certificate, get a certificate of participation in hostilities; on social support measures to which they are entitled," he declared.

Answering questions from Realnoe Vremya, the executive director of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation told how one of the most difficult problems of veterans is being solved:

“There are certain difficulties with those participants in the military operation whose legal status is not fully defined by the current regulatory documents. These are, for example, people who were seriously injured and disabled during the fighting since 2014 — defending Donbass, who participated in the special military operation as part of private military companies who did not have the opportunity to obtain the status of a combat disabled person. Now this issue is being addressed, our initiative was supported by the president of Russia, and a government decree has recently been issued that regulates this issue. Algorithms are currently being developed to ensure that the veterans do not collect the documents themselves, which many have lost. The foundation, together with the Ministry of Defence, will make this procedure as easy as possible and take place in a short time without the participation of the veteran himself.”

In turn, Guzel Udachina said that in Tatarstan, 60 social coordinators provide free legal assistance to SVO participants. According to her, more than 3,500 questions have been received by the foundation today in connection with the provision of support measures alone.

“In total, we received 26,724 appeals, the main subject of appeals is the appointment of social support measures, cash payments, obtaining a combat veteran's certificate," she clarified in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya.

For free, comprehensively, competently

The Defenders of the Fatherland State Foundation was established in May 2023 to help veterans of the SVO and their families. It solves the problems faced by veterans after service, including physical recovery, psychological rehabilitation, employment and study.

The foundation provides assistance in the registration and restoration of lost documents, as well as in the preparation of necessary papers, including obtaining the status of a combat veteran. This organisation also supports veterans in need of medical rehabilitation: it cooperates with regional and federal social rehabilitation centres to ensure an integrated approach to restoring the health of SVO participants.

A very important aspect of the State Foundation's activities is providing psychological assistance to veterans of the Armed Forces, their families, relatives of killed or died veterans. Qualified specialists provide psychological and psychotherapeutic support, help to cope with emotional and psychological difficulties.

The Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation cooperates with hospitals and other medical institutions to protect the interests of veterans and ensure their access to high-quality medical care, assists in obtaining palliative care for those veterans who face incurable diseases, helps in providing sanatorium treatment for veterans in need of restoration of health and strength in specialised institutions, and assists veterans and their families in obtaining social support measures provided for by law.

Besides, veterans and their families receive free legal assistance from the foundation: consultations on legal issues related to the registration and provision of social support measures.

Consultations and all necessary assistance in the Defenders of the Fatherland State Foundation can be received by combat veterans who participated in the special military operation in the territory of the DPR, LPR and Ukraine, as well as in the territories of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, participants in combat operations as part of volunteer formations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as family members of the killed or died participants in the special operation.

Foundation is close

To get support from the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, it is enough to contact the regional office. One don't have to go to the foundation's branch at the place of registration — one can contact any nearest branch. But support measures will be provided already at the place of residence of a veteran of military service or members of his family. The foundation helps in obtaining a combat veteran's certificate, obtaining the status of a combat disabled person and developing individual rehabilitation programmes, and assists in the restoration of lost documents. The foundation also organises home delivery of rehabilitation equipment, medicines and medical devices, including those that are not registered in the Russian Federation.

Any support measures in the foundation are provided free of charge. It should be borne in mind that the foundation does not provide financial assistance, but provides assistance in obtaining all the necessary benefits and support measures. A social coordinator is attached to each person who applies to the foundation, who accompanies the “ward” and is available for personal meetings, home visits or remote communication. This is a specialist with experience in the social sphere, who has been trained and has experience in social work. Today, among the social coordinators, there are already SVO veterans and family members of the deceased.

To receive additional education or retraining, a veteran needs to contact a social coordinator, who, in cooperation with the employment service authorities, will help determine the need and opportunities in this matter. Also, a social coordinator, in cooperation with the employment service, can provide individual job placement assistance to a veteran.

Inna Serova

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