Summer tyres to go up in price in Tatarstan since mid-April

Summer tyres to go up in price in Tatarstan since mid-April
Photo: Максим Платонов

A season tyre price rise is expected in Kazan with the coming of warm weather. Tyre and alloy wheel stores will be gradually raising prices for popular summer tyre models from mid-April, specialised services told Realnoe Vremya newspaper.

“Winter tyre price is still low. But the earlier one buys, the better. A price rise should be expected after 10 April when everything certainly melts down and roads will be drier,” Rimzona online alloy wheel store explained.

Drivers planning to replace winter for summer tyre can face appreciation. This is why stores and services recommend not to put off the purchase of summer tyre till the last minute and replace winter tyre in advance.

“Now we are expecting a price rise with the coming of warm weather, the tyre fitting season is still just starting. People started to come to car workshops yesterday, even on the weekend, it means the prices will rise,” 5 Wheel tyre workshop shared.

Correctly chosen summer tyre will provide safety and comfortable driving in warm weather. Maxim Platonov / Максим Платонов /

Kazan stores claim that the price rise directly depends on a more active tyre fitting season when car owners come to have winter tyre replaced for summer tyre.

“The tyre replacement season cannot yet be called active, this is why the price rise is insignificant now, if there is any. Of course, the management will make a decision on raising the prices by mid-April, of course,” Vershina tyre centre said.

Renata Valeyeva

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