Per-capita milk and meat production in Tatarstan exceeds consumption rate almost by third

Per-capita milk and meat production in Tatarstan exceeds consumption rate almost by third
Photo: Platonov

Tatarstan fully provides itself with husbandry products. Per-capita milk production in the republic is 28% above the consumption rate, the production of meat is 29%, eggs are 13%, said head of the region’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov at a meeting of the Main Veterinary Office of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Administration of the Russian agricultural safety watchdog in Tatarstan.

According to him, more than 2 million tonnes of milk were produced in Tatarstan in 2022. The egg production surpassed 1,5 billion eggs. “Including 1,5 million on farms. The production of cows was over 7,000 kg,” he added.

Marat Zyabbarov reminded the audience that the construction of new husbandry facilities went on in Tatarstan. 24 new dairy farms and facilities for 18,000 head in total opened last year. Nowadays 22 investments projects for 15,500 cows are in different stages of implementation.

President of the republic Rustam Minnikhanov assured the audience that Tatarstan was fully provided with all types of products during his address to the Tatarstan State Council in October 2022. According to him, the region can supply significant amounts of products outside the region.

At the same time, the president of Tatarstan paid attention to a problem that arose in husbandry — farms and the number of livestock are closing in some municipalities. He tasked municipal leaders together with investors with saving jobs and reaching a planned number of livestock in early 2022.

Photo: Platonov

“It is important to cement our leading positions in husbandry production: to reach 2 million tonnes of milk production, 550,000 tonnes of meat production,” Rustam Minnikhanov ordered in autumn 2022.

The Tatarstan Ministry of Agriculture and Food forecasts that gross agriculture produce in 2022 will be 307,9 billion rubles considering all categories. The figure will exceed the bar of 300 billion for the first time.

Tatiana Dyomina

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