Minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan to cut for the first time since 2020

Minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan to cut for the first time since 2020
Photo: Reznov

Plus 8,3% by the first quarter and minus 1,2%

The minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan in general in the third quarter of 2022 plans to be fixed at 21,037 rubles. It will turn out by 1,2% smaller than during the previous three months, Realnoe Vremya has calculated. This is the first decrease of the indicator in three quarters of the year.

The Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers set the minimum consumer budget for the second quarter of 2022 at 21,300 rubles. This sum was 9,65% more than in January-March this year when it was 19,424 rubles.

Photo: Platonov

So compared to the first quarter, the minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan in July-September will increase by 8,3%. It is noteworthy that according to the official statistics, in August 2002 the cost of a set of consumer products and services in the republic totalled 17,522 rubles.

The figure has grown by 17% over the year

In the third quarter of 2021, the minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan was assessed at 18,004 rubles. So over the year, this number has risen by 17%.

It should be noted that last year the Tatarstan authorities gradually increased the cost of the minimum consumer budget. So in the first quarter, the figure was 17,639 rubles, in the second quarter it iwas 17,949 rubles, 18,004 rubles in the third one, 18,731 rubles in the fourth quarter.

The gradual growth of the cost of the minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan was fixed through 2020 during the pandemic. So in January-March, it amounted to 16,216 rubles, 16,513 rubles in April-June, 16,791 rubles in July-September, 17,288 rubles in October-December.

So from January 2020 to September 2022, it is the first fall in the cost of the minimum consumer budget in Tatarstan.

Photo: Platonov

According Tatarstan’s law as of 2008, the minimum consumer budget is the price of a balanced set of foods, non-foods and services as well as obligatory payments and duties that are necessary to stay active, healthy and work.

Tatiana Dyomina

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