Baby boom à la Kazan: best birth rates in Volga Region — in the capital of Tatarstan

Two new schools are going to open in Kazan by 1 September

The population of Kazan is growing due to positive migration and the most significant superiority of birth rate over mortality in the Volga Federal District. Families are more and more have second, third, and even fourth children, and the number of first-graders is growing rapidly. At the next Business Monday in the city hall of Kazan, which the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya also attended, they summed up the demographic results of the past year and told about the start of the campaign to enroll children in the first grades.

Many Timurs, few Timerbulats

In 2019, 19,684 children received birth certificates in Kazan. This is by 6,3% less than a year earlier. The decrease in the birth rate has been observed since 2017 and is due to objective reasons: the majority of parents now are representatives of a small generation born in the '90s of the last century. A similar process is now being observed throughout the country.

Among those born, 52% are boys and 48% are girls. Only 44% of newborns (8,676 children) are first-born, while the rest are second, third, and even fourth in their families. Over the year, there were born 280 twins and 5 triplets in Kazan.

The registry office keeps statistics on the most popular and most rare names given to newborns. The list of the most popular names in 2019 for girls includes the names Sofia, Yasmina and Amina, for boys — Amir, Karim, and Timur. The most exotic names are Bronislav, Talmir, Dariy, Nurislam, Timerbulat, Slavyana, Lakshmi, Ilbar, Gulyaz and Marusya.

Fewer deaths

In 2019, Kazan issued death certificates for 12,846 people, half of whom are over 75 years old. The death rate decreased by 2,7% compared to 2018.

Thus, people die in Kazan by 35% less often than they are born. By this indicator, the city is the leader among the cities with a million inhabitants of the Volga Federal District. For comparison, in Ufa, it is 18,3%, and, for example, in Nizhny Novgorod — minus 25%, that is, the death rate there is a quarter higher than the birth rate. The significant superiority of birth rate over mortality, coupled with positive migration, leads to an increase in the population of Kazan.

88-year-old groom, 81-year-old bride

In 2019, 10,423 marriages and 4,810 divorces were registered in Kazan. Both indicators changed only slightly compared to the previous year (10,477 and 4,788, respectively). At the same time, as noted in the registry office, the ratio of the number of divorces and the number of marriages in Kazan (46%) is the lowest among the major cities of the Volga Federal District. This is associated with the work of psychologists of Doverie complex social service centre, which over the year managed to dissuade 99 couples from divorce.

Most often, people get married between the ages of 25 and 34, but there are interesting exceptions: an 88-year-old groom and an 81-year-old bride were the oldest couple to marry in 2019. Most often, couples who have been married for less than 5 years break up.

There are more and more first-graders

The baby boom of the early 2010s has led to a rapid increase in the number of first-graders in Kazan in recent years. If in 2008, 9,362 children crossed the school threshold for the first time, in 2018 — 16,606, in 2019 — 18,519 children. On 1 September this year, schools are preparing to set a new record by accepting, according to a preliminary forecast, approximately 20,600 children.

By Vitaly Akhmerov. Photo:

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