Social projects of Nizhnekamskneftekhim: updated polyclinic and future medical centre

The company has allocated funds for the modernization of the polyclinic No. 1 as part of the social policy this year. Not only major repairs have been carried out, but also modern equipment has been installed. Besides, thanks to petrochemists, a new branch is going to be opened soon in the Nizhnekamsk central regional multi-specialty hospital, and it is also planned to build a new multidisciplinary medical centre in Nizhnekamsk. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

The modernization of the polyclinic No. 1 to be completed this summer

The city-forming enterprise of Nizhnekamsk employs about 15,000 people, and to ensure they received high-quality medical care, the polyclinic of Nizhnekamskneftekhim works at the industrial zone. Almost all employees of NKNK receive medical care there: in contrast to the city institutions, there are almost no queues, a lot of narrowly focused professionals, and you can get to the therapist with a preliminary call. In order to increase the level of medical care, Nizhnekamskneftekhim has allocated funds for major repairs. It was held according to new standards: the clinic has more open spaces with waiting areas for patients. The rooms with ergonomically designed workstations have been equipped for doctors.

“We have completely re-equipped the clinic with medical equipment, as well as carried out repairs. The project was formed more than three years ago, and today we are proud to announce that it is being at the stage of completion. The work done will not only increase the number of patients among our employees, but also attract other residents of the city. Since we have purchased modern equipment, and doctors have been trained,” said Deputy General Director of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC on personnel and social issues Rodin Bulashov.

The polyclinic is equipped with modern equipment: the costs are equally divided between TAIF Group and SOGAZ Group. On the part of TAIF Group, the major funding provided by Nizhnekamskneftekhim. The clinic is updating the equipment. For example, they have purchased the universal digital x-ray system EXAMION, which will allow all types of x-ray examinations. They have acquired ultrasound machines GE Logic S7 of expert class, which allow diagnosis of the abdominal cavity, musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels, urology, gynecology, pediatrics and invasive procedures. Besides, they are updating the IT-equipment — hardware, software and intelligent software.

To improve the quality of emergency care, Nizhnekamskneftekhim has purchased reanimobiles. They are equipped with new means of patient evacuation, syringe pump, innovative breathing equipment and defibrillator. All equipment is made in Italy, Germany and the USA. There will appear two new cars at the disposal of doctors soon — they will be intended for visits of crews of paramedics and doctors of policlinic for rendering medical care to employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC at home.

“We should immediately provide assistance on the spot — not to carry the victims without assistance to other cities”

Another socially significant project is coming to an end: for two years Nizhnekamskneftekhim has been working on the opening of the burn ward in the city. As a result of long negotiations, it was decided to create it in Nizhnekamsk regional multi-profile hospital. It is designed for six beds: four of them will be in surgery and two — in intensive care. All will be equipped at the level of the best medical centres in Russia: the latest equipment and specialized beds will be installed.

“There will be six beds in the ward. Two of them will be equipped with modern baths, made in Holland. Four beds will be of resuscitation type and with equipment for air aeration — this will allow to regenerate the damaged skin in an accelerated mode,” explained Rodion Bulashov, the deputy director general for personnel and social affairs of Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

Now the Nizhnekamsk central regional multi-specialty hospital has burn beds, which are in the surgical department. Doctors can help the victims with burns, but the “difficult” patients have to be send to the Republican Clinical Hospital or to the emergency hospital in Naberezhnye Chelny. The new department will allow physicians to raise the level of medical care and care for patients even with extensive burns.

“We believe that we are a self-sufficient multi-hospital, providing health care for workers of large chemistry and petrochemistry with potentially dangerous industries, so we need a burn unit to provide qualified medical care to the victims. First, it is necessary to provide assistance immediately on the spot — not to carry the victims without assistance to other cities, which is dangerous for patients with severe injuries in a state of shock. Secondly, it creates additional difficulties for relatives. If you take the patient to Naberezhnye Chelny or Kazan, the family will have to go to another city to visit him, and this creates problems. Therefore, the approach to the population of qualified medical care is a task for the national health care,” said chief physician of Nizhnekamsk Central District Multi-Profile Hospital Khabibulla Akhmedov.

The funds for the establishment and equipment of burn units are provided by Nizhnekamskneftekhim, for which the specialists of the hospital are very grateful, and not only employees of the company, but also all the inhabitants of the city and the district will have the opportunity to receive assistance there.

The future project is a multidisciplinary medical centre for all citizens

Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, part of TAIF Group, is thinking about the future, about providing modern high-tech medical care not only to its employees, but also to all residents of Nizhnekamsk, so it plans to implement the new project — the construction of a multi-profile medical centre. This was stated by Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Azat Bikmurzin. The idea is being under discussion — negotiations are underway with the leadership of Nizhnekamsk and the ministry of health of Tatarstan.

“The opening of the medical centre in Nizhnekamsk will allow to receive highly qualified medical care with use of the modern licensed medical equipment of expert level, digital and telemedicine technologies, observance of the world standards in the field of medicine. The best medical specialists will be invited here from other cities,” said Azat Bikmurzin, the director general of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

The administration of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district allocated a land plot of 9,5 hectares on Lesnaya Street for the construction of the medical centre. The area of the institution will exceed 20,000 square metres. The medical centre is designed for 150 beds and will receive 360 people per shift. It will be available for all residents of Nizhnekamsk.

The project of the medical centre is capital-intensive, so it is planned to implement within the framework of public-private partnership. After the format of cooperation and the amount of funding is approved, the timing of the project will be known.

By Ksenia Zharkova

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