''More votes for Tupolev were given in Kazan than, for example, in Sheremetyevo''

Why the aircraft designer lost in popularity to Tuqay in the competition to name airports has been explained in Tatarstan

The Civic Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan has summed up the results of the competition Great Names of Russia. Chairman of the Civic Chamber Anatoly Fomin told how they were making way towards the victory in Tatarstan, recalled the administrative resource that was used in Laishevsky district, calling to vote for specific candidates, and explained the unexpected dropping out of the race of Andrey Tupolev. The latter, he said, is a ''metamorphosis'' of the campaign. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

''Metamorphoses could be''

After the official announcement of the winners of the competition Great Names of Russia in the Civic Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan, they summed up the results of their work on the project. Let us remind that Kazan International Airport has been given the name of Gabdulla Tuqay, and Begishevo airport — of Nikolay Lemaev. The first gained 55% of votes, or 69,644, and second — 47% of votes, or 32,515. To the last in this race of names, Andrey Tupolev, who in the end was the second with 31% — 40,736 votes, was in the lead. The outstanding designer for a long time was the first, but at the last moment lost to Tuqay.

''For example, Musa Dzhalil got a lot of votes in social surveys. But such a metamorphosis, change of the leader could be. Some individual groups vote in social networks, some — through questionnaires. According to our surveys, for Tupolev it was given more votes than, for example, in Sheremetyevo. But in our city Tuqay surpassed Tupolev through surveys,'' Fomin tried to answer the question of Realnoe Vremya.

Despite the rapid development of the competition, numerous announcements about its stages, there is still no information on how the air hubs will have to apply the results of the vote.

''But in our city Tukay surpassed Tupolev through surveys,'' Fomin said. Photo: Maksim Platonov

''I think that there should be a decree of the government of the Russian Federation on the order of registration, there should be unification. Then the city hall has to resolve this issue. Terms have not been defined yet,'' Fomin answered vaguely about how and in what terms airports begin to make changes.

It is clear so far only that the geographical name is preserved, for example, Begishevo airport (this part is preserved) named after Nikolay Lemaev.

Further investigation in Laishevsky district is not needed

The voting has not been without some difficulties, however. The executive committee of Laishevsky district decided to make a letter for the heads of enterprises, where they prescribed for whom to vote, what is more — mandatory reporting was imposed. The scandal quickly broke out in the media, during the competition the chairman of the Civic Chamber of Tatarstan sent an appeal to the head of Laishevsky district with a request to investigate what had happened and to take action. Two days later, there was already a response to this appeal from the head of the district, Mikhail Afanasyev: ''I agree with you about the inadmissibility of administration in the framework of public voting and the fact that it can undermine the credibility of the project. This letter, unfortunately, is an independent initiative of Deputy Head of the Executive Committee V. E. Tyabin. This letter has been cancelled, any coercion and especially reporting on the project is not allowed.''

Anatoly Fomin believes that this situation no longer requires any additional measures.

''Yes, we in the Public Chamber reacted to this letter, sent the appeal to the management of the district, the conclusions about inadmissibility to force to vote have been drawn. No additional investigation is needed, they pleaded guilty, further investigation is useless, since people pleaded guilty. They do not insist on doing the right thing. Overdid it,'' the chairman of the Civic Chamber of Tatarstan reported to Realnoe Vremya.

He noted that this is the only such case in the republic with the compulsion to vote for specific candidates.

The scandal quickly broke out in the media, during the competition the chairman of the Civic Chamber of Tatarstan sent an appeal to the head of Laishevsky district with a request to investigate what had happened and to take action. Photo: laishevskyi.ru

''Any person can agitate''

At the briefing the opinions were sounded that such initiative in Laishevsky district may be related to the position of Rustam Minnikhanov, who publicly expressed his opinion on whom to vote. They could not recall similar examples in other regions.

''Every citizen can express his or her opinion and agitate. The opinions of figures of culture, art, scientists were also taken into account, the opinion of each affects. The authority of any person is proportionally reflected in the number of votes that a certain candidate received, it seems to me,'' Anatoly Fomin told evasively.

More specifically he answered why it was decided to exclude the names of politicians from the voting.

''It is a good thing they had been excluded. If their names took part in the vote, there would be a stratification of the society, according to the personality. Everyone still have different perceptions of certain persons,'' said Fomin.

Let us remind that the names of politicians and statesmen over the past 100 years were forbidden to offer for the competition.

By Yulia Kosolapkina

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