Sludge drying beds reconstructed at Kazanorgsintez

Biological treatment facilities reconstruction will allow Kazanorgsintez to reduce water abstraction from the Volga River

Kazanorgsintez continues to implement environmentally significant projects. The reconstructed sludge drying beds have been recently launched on the territory of the shop of effluent neutralization and industrial wastewater treatment. Their restoration appropriately coincided with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Year of the environment and public spaces in the Republic of Tatarstan. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Sludge drying beds updating coincided with the Year of Ecology in Russia

In October, Kazanorgsintez launched the reconstructed sludge drying beds

The lauching ceremony of the reconstructed sludge drying beds took place in October on the territory of the shop of neutralization and treatment of industrial wastewater (NiOPSV) of Kazanorgsintez PJSC. This significant event was attended by Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazanorgsintez PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov, chief engineer of the enterprise Rafael Safarov, the head of Rospotrebnadzor for Tatarstan Farit Khayrutdinov, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev and others.

The reconstruction of the sludge drying beds was timed to coincide with the Year of Ecology in Russia. Having signed in December 2016 the agreement on cooperation with the ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Russian Federation and the Federal office of Rosprirodnadzor, the government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazanorgsintez has assumed a number of obligations on protection of the environment.

Rafael Safarov told about the reconstruction of biological treatment facilities

On the territory of the shop of neutralization and treatment of industrial wastewater, the guests were demonstrated the updated sludge drying beds. Deputy chief of NiOPSV Radik Khusnetdinov told about all stages of the reconstruction, ''In the course of the reconstruction, there have been replaced the base of the bottom and walls of the sludge beds, formed from separate slabs, with a solid concrete base to prevent seepage of contaminated sludge into the soil and groundwater. After the reconstruction, the accumulation of sludge precipitation on the reconstructed site will reach 10,000 cubic metres a year, before the reconstruction the figure was 7,000 cubic metres a year.''

The construction of the sludge beds took about 3 years

The construction of the sludge bed took about 3 years. The work on sludge banks took a little more than a year. The contractor organization replaced the open trays with the closed pressure pipelines. This was done to protect the environment from contaminants, containing in sludges. To evenly distribute the liquid sewage sludge, there were established modern regulating close fitting valves, the drainage systems were improved, which ensures better water yield and achieving a certain moisture content of sludge for further utilization.

The clay retainer on sludge beds was replaced with reinforced concrete base, there were used construction materials with special additives. They provide high waterproofing properties and protec the adjacent soil and groundwater from contamination. All wastewater generated from the filtering on the beds, goes in the 'head' of the treatment facilities of the enterprise, where they are additionally treated.

Sludge drying beds were upgraded in record time

Chief engineer at Kazanorgsintez Rafael Safarov admits: when KOS became part of TAIF Group, special attention was focused on the environmental program, the task was to mitigate the negative impact of the production on the environment. In the shop of neutralization and treatment of industrial wastewater system, there was introduced the system of microfiltration of industrial and stormwater sewage.

The program on modernization of the sludge beds was presented to Ruslan Shigabutdinov two years ago

''This allowed us to treat up to 600 cubic meters of water per hour and to return this amount to the company, which significantly reduced the abstraction and discharge of water in the Volga River. To neutralize alkaline wastewater, sulfuric acid was replaced with more secure carbon dioxide, which is also part of the environmental programme,'' added Rafael Safarov.

The program on modernization of the sludge beds was presented to Ruslan Shigabutdinov two years ago. Its implementation was designed for 5 years, however, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazanorgsintez, realizing the importance of environmental protection, offered to complete the program in a shorter time.

Kazanorgsintez closely cooperates with the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan

Speaking to the employees of the company, Farid Abdulganiev highlighted the systematic approach of Kazanorgsintez to the environment protection issues. According to him, the damage that they managed to prevent is significantly larger than the amount that was laid for the reconstruction of the sludge drying beds.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazanorgsintez PJSC established close cooperation

After inspection of the shop, Farit Khayrutdinov said that between the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazanorgsintez PJSC it was established close cooperation. In confirmation of his words, he presented letters of appreciation for contribution to environmental protection to chief engineer of Kazanorgsintez PJSC Rafael Safarov and chief ecologist of the enterprise Andrey Smolko.

''The opening of the newe sludge drying beds is the implementation of one of the items of commitments assumed by TAIF Group. In Russia, 55 enterprises have entered into a tripartite agreement with the federal and regional authorities in the framework of the Year of Ecology. Five of them are located in Tatarstan, three — belong to TAIF Group. In 2017, the environment conservation works are to be implemented at 4 billion rubles. Now the schedule is being implemented, in some objects even ahead of the schedule,'' added Farit Khayrutdinov.

The environmental program of Kazanorgsintez PJSC will be continued next year as well

The environmental program of Kazanorgsintez PJSC will be continued next year as well. At the present time, they are designing the balancing reservoirs and blower stations. The company is engaged in upgrading the laboratory of the shop of neutralization and treatment of industrial wastewater. The management is seeking to minimize the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment. Implementation of environmental measures at Kazanorgsintez PJSC indicates a high level of responsibility for ecological security of the region, the adoption and effective implementation of the environmental technologies in the activities of the company.

By Ekaterina Gumarova. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

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