Dina Garipova: ''I have an unceasing admiration for Dima Bilan. He is such an eager beaver''

Dina Garipova has been escaping the limelight since the start of her career as a star. He rarely talks to representatives of the world of media. In her latest interview to her colleagues from Zelenodolsk, Dina explained why she preferred to live in the edge city of Kazan, how she managed to bring a Tatar colour to art and what a diet she went on.

''In life, he is the person people talk about – a legend and behemoth''

Did your vision of the future justify itself after your victory in The Voice? How did your life change?

Every creative person, especially a singer, dreams of a big stage from childhood. You understand how many people try achieving it, and only a handful of them achieve something. I could not believe I would be among this handful! When this dream comes true, you think, ''So what happens next?'' I knew what contests, victories and defeats meant. But I did not know what show business was. It is a kind of big machine that one can get on and stay there with difficulty. This is why I had to work seriously, choose my repertoire, listen to millions of songs over and over that were sent from everywhere, go on tours and give spectators what they waited for.

Probably Aleksandr Gradsky correctly chose the time and place for your start. What does the work with him look like?

In life, he is the person people talk about – a legend and behemoth. He is very strict and complicated person. We often argue because he has his own point of view, and I have my opinion. But we come to an agreement. I try doing something new, while he tries stopping me from mistakes. I am thankful for everything he did for me. He still helps me, but I try following my own road.

We don't have a strict requirement to be in every rehearsal. But we must be in the annual Christmas concerts in Gradsky Hall. Or he has new projects where he invites us. So a concert dedicated to Vladimir Vysotsky's jubilee appeared where I performed I Don't Love and Ballade About Time.

''In life, he is the person people talk about – a legend and behemoth. He is very strict and complicated person. We often argue because he has his own point of view, and I have my opinion. But we come to an agreement.'' Photo: newlookmedia.ru

Kurai for Tatar colour

What do performances for spectators from the capital mean to you?

It is a big challenge. You know that people whom you can't let down are behind you. And people who not always ecstatically welcome you are in the hall. But it is great pleasure when you understand that you do what you like. Two concerts took place in Crocus City Hall and one was in Gradsky Hall. The hall is not very big there. This is why we managed to talk to the spectators, see their reaction to new songs that we managed to insert in the programme. My old friend and colleague guitarist Evgenia Korolkova was an invited artist to the concert. Aleksandr Gradsky was amazed at her talent and predicted her a big future in art. I invited Radik Salimov to add a Tatar colour. He plays the kurai as anybody else. All people who heard him were amazed. We also worked with a trio called Jukebox. They are lively and very creative guys from Kazan. We performed their new song Come To Me.

''My home, my family, my husband, my friends are here. I can't resolve to move to Moscow''

So now you have an opportunity to talk to celebrities. Whom did you like to talk the most?

The first shock that you see our Russian stars so close passed quickly. I have an unceasing admiration for Dima Bilan. He is such an eager beaver. He always works on new songs, videos, he doesn't let himself stop. The work with Garou was a bright impression. He is a French who is among the judges of his national The Voice. He decided to sing with the winner from Russia when he saw my interpretation of Édith Piaf. Garou was amazed that I did not speak French because my pronunciation impressed him. We spoke in English. And his openness was a real present for me. He constantly told how his road to success started, shared funny moments. He remembered how he got home by metro after a premiere of Notre-Dame de Paris, and a crowd of fans almost squeezed him.

''The work with Garou was a bright impression. He is a French who is among the judges of his national The Voice. He decided to sing with the winner from Russia when he saw my interpretation of Édith Piaf. Garou was amazed that I did not speak French because my pronunciation impressed him.'' Photo: ekskluziv-smi.ru

How do you live in Zelenodolsk? Don't fans bother you?

By the way, I live without any problem. Somebody doesn't believe it is me. Others get closer and say: ''We voted for you!'' and delicately ask to take a photo or sign an autograph, and then they go. Our city is polite, everything happens nice (smiling).

We remember that you were chubby just three years ago. Today you look awesome. Share your secret of slenderness!

I always thought that people should not spend their life on diets. This is why I just changed my approach to eating – I disliked fried food and high-calorie sweets but fell in love with steamed food like meat, I can't live without it. I try not to eat heavy food in the evening, maximum an apple or tea. I just reduce the helping, add movements, the result is obvious.

Who is your stylist today? Whose merit are gorgeous dresses you wear on the stage?

They are all a work of the stylist from Fashionable Sentence TV programme. She brings her options, helps to choose designer clothes for certain performances.

When will we hear Dina Garipova's new solo concert in the homeland?

I hope we will manage to make a programme for a big tour in big Russian cities, including in Kazan, by autumn. I still live here, I love Zelenodolsk. My home, my family, my husband, my friends are here. I can't resolve to move to Moscow. This change is too radical for me. I constantly visit my parents – my husky Persik lives there. He likes my visits. Here I can breathe calmly. Here I rest. I go home as my schedule allows it.

Our Zeleny Dol newspaper

Yulia Ozerova

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