Tatarstan salaries above Volga salaries but below Russians

The highest salaries are in the Central Federal District, the lowest are in the North Caucasia.

Tatarstan salaries above Volga salaries but below Russians
Photo: Максим Платонов

The average salary rose to 66,500 rubles in Tatarstan during the first quarter of 2024. This exceeded the average incomes of residents of other Volga regions but are the Russian level. Read more about the population’s salaries in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

The average salary in Tatarstan rose by 20.5%

The average nominal salary in Tatarstan rose by 20.5% in January-March 2024, while the real salary did by 12.2%. The Tatarstan Statistics Service provides this data.

During the first three months of the year, the average nominal salary in the republic reached 66,500 rubles.

At the same time, the nominal salary in the republic in March totalled 72,400, which is 24.1% above last year’s level and 13.9% higher than last month.

The incomes of the Tatarstan population in January-March in general increased by 9% and amounted to 58.5 million rubles.

The highest salary in the Volga region is in Tatarstan

The average nominal salary in the Volga Federal District in Janaury-March 2024 reached 59,400 rubles, which is nearly 7% below the numbers across Tatarstan (66,500 rubles). At the same time, the average salary in the Volga area was 64,200 rubles falling behind the republican by 11.3%.

It is noteworthy that Tatarstan has the highest salary in January-March compared to the other Volga regions. Perm region with the average salary of 64,600 rubles is second in this indicator. Samara region is also in the top 3. Locals received 62,700 rubles on average in January-March. The nominal salary in Bashkortostan is just 1,600 rubles lower, the region ranks fourth.

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Residents of Mordovia received the lowest salary in the Volga region — 50,700 rubles on average, Penza citizens earned a bit more — 51,400 rubles. Kirov region with the average nominal salary of 51,700 rubles was third from the bottom of the list.

The salary across Russia in general reached 80,400 rubles in January-March. Last year, the sum was 66,700 rubles, which is a bit more than in Tatarstan. The highest salary is found in Moscow — 150,300 rubles.

The highest salary in the first quarter of the year is in the Central Federal District — 103,000 rubles. The Far East is second (88,600 rubles), the North Western Federal District is third (86,200 rubles).

Residents of the Northern Caucasus earned the least amount of money in Russia during this period. The average nominal salary here was 44,300 rubles. The average income in the Southern Federal District reached 55,400 rubles. The Volga Federal District is third from the bottom with the average salary of 59,400 rubles.

Nearly a third of Tatarstan residents earns over 60,000 rubles

According to the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the salary of 29% of republican residents was over 60,000 rubles. This is the highest percentage among the population.

At the same time, just 23.2% of Tatarstan residents had a similar monthly income. Most residents (28.7%) earned from 27 to 45,000 rubles.

According to the Tatarstan Statistics Service, it can be concluded that the amount of people whose income is above 45,000 rubles increased in the republic in the last year. At the same time, the percentage of people with the salary below the poverty line reduced by 0.4%.

Yelizaveta Punsheva

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