‘Those scorch who do not have a culture of behaviour on the roads’: fight against dangerous driving in Russia

‘Those scorch who do not have a culture of behaviour on the roads’: fight against dangerous driving in Russia
Photo: Максим Платонов

“Any motorist will support that scorchers should be punished”

A new bill providing for fines for dangerous driving has been submitted to the State Duma yesterday. It is proposed to supplement the Administrative Code with a new article, according to which a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles will be provided for dangerous driving, and in case of repeated violation — deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months.

The chairman of the republican organisation All-Russian Society of Motorists, Yuri Kulagin, in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya, supported the idea of introducing fines for reckless drivers on the roads. He believes that such measures are necessary because violators create emergency situations and cause problems to other motorists.

“Any motorist will support that scorchers should be punished. They do not just violate traffic rules, but create emergency situations and thereby cause problems for other motorists," Yury Kulagin stressed.

According to the expert, the fine should be proportionate to the violation, since recklessness is a manifestation of the lack of a culture of behaviour on the road. In his opinion, education on the road cannot be taught in a driving school. In this regard, he believes that the only possible punishment for such drivers is material.

“I agree that it is necessary to punish. But how this will be carried out is another question. As far as I know, there is no standard way to record violations of this kind yet," the expert said. “I think that the fine should be proportionate to what was violated. Those scorch who do not have a culture of behaviour on the roads. In other words, a poorly mannered person. He can't be re-educated. Education is not given in a driving school, it begins with the family, and the only education in such cases is financial punishment.”

Kulagin: “Education is not given in a driving school, it begins with the family, and the only education in such cases is financial punishment.”. Дмитрий Резнов / realnoevremya.ru

“A person who knows how to drive a vehicle is very in demand during the special military operation”

Besides, the government has submitted to the State Duma a bill that will allow participants in the special military operation to use a driver's license, even if they were previously deprived of their license for gross traffic violations.

Chairman of the Society of Motorists: “A person who knows how to drive a vehicle is very in demand during the special military operation.”. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

As reported, this measure will be valid only for the duration of military service. According to Kulagin, the participants of the special military operation, who know how to drive vehicles, are in demand.

“A person who knows how to drive a vehicle is very in demand during the special military operation. At the end of the operation, let him return his rights and “sit out” his term without rights and retake it," Kulagin summed up.

Oleg Isakov

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