Number of people employed in SMEs is 66% up in Tatarstan in the last four years

Number of people employed in SMEs is 66% up in Tatarstan in the last four years
Photo: Максим Платонов

The number of employees working in small and mid-sized businesses (including sole traders) is 66% up in Tatarstan from 2019 to 2023, Realnoe Vremya found out from data of Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development. If at the beginning of the given period the number of workers in SMEs was 552,200 people, their amount increased to 916,200 in 2023.

With this indicator, Tatarstan ranks first in the Volga Federal District. It is followed by Samara Oblast with 710,000 employees working in small and mid-sized businesses. The top 3 includes Nizhny Novgorod Oblast with 687,300 people. The top 5 also has Bashkortostan (633,400) and Perm Krai (528,300).

The rating is rounded up by Chuvashia (220,000), Mordoia (116,000) and Mari El (107,800). In the Volga Federal District in general, 5.6 million people are employed in SMEs, the number across Russia is 31.5 million.

Speaking about Tatarstan, the number of workforce in the republic from 15 and above is a bit more than 2 million people. The Russian Federal Statistic Service provides this data. This means that 26.7% of workforce, or 13.8% of the population, according to the census in 2023.

Artyom Gafarov

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