Tatarstan to allocate over 2.1 billion rubles to modernise primary health care

Tatarstan to allocate over 2.1 billion rubles to modernise primary health care
Photo: Платонов Максим

Over 2.1 billion rubles will be allocated this year in Tatarstan for Primary Health Care Modernisation regional project. 2.4 billion rubles were spent on it in the republic in 2023. Tatarstan Health Care Minister Marsel Minnullin announced the sum at a briefing in the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers on 20 February.

27 health care institutions were repaired in Tatarstan within the project last year. It is planned to improve another 29 in 2024. 117 health care institutions were built, 105 are going to be erected this year.

There are big plans for providing polyclinics and hospitals with equipment. If 1.900 health care institutions received new equipment in 2023, the number will quadruple in 2024 — 8.800 health care institutions.

Vasilya Shirshova

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