Pride, support, and family protection: TAIF-NK congratulates men on Father's Day

Pride, support, and family protection: TAIF-NK congratulates men on Father's Day
Photo: Albert Muklokov/

Many people remember when Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia, but not everyone knows that Russian fathers also have their own official holiday. In our country, Father's Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of October — the corresponding decree was signed by Russia's President Vladimir Putin in 2021 “in order to strengthen the institution of the family and increase the importance of fatherhood in the upbringing of children”. This year, the festive date for fathers fell on October 15. The oil refining company, most of whose staff are men, can boast of strong and friendly families. Fathers with many children, who have five, six and even seven children growing up, are particularly proud of the company. On the eve of Father's Day, Realnoe Vremya met with the culprits of the holiday and learned their main secret of family happiness.

“The desire to have many children has always been there”

Locksmith for the repair of technological units of TAIF-NK Refinery Pavel Belyaev considers himself the happiest and richest man in the world — he has seven children. The eldest Ilya is 32 years old, the youngest Pavel is 14. The Belyaev family has three boys and four girls, two of whom are twins.

“The desire to have many children has always been there. My father passed away early, my older brother moved to live in another city. It was uncomfortable to be alone, I didn't want my children to be lonely too," Pavel Belyaev says.

The young people met in 1988 at a disco. They admit it was love at first sight. Albert Muklokov/

The fact that she would have a large family was also known by her spouse Olga, she herself was born in such a family. The young people met in 1988 at a disco. They admit it was love at first sight. They did not delay the wedding for a long time — they signed it a year later.

“Ilya was born first, Ivan was born four years later, then the eldest daughter Ekaterina was born. On my 30th birthday, my wife gave me twins Maria and Nastya, after them Daria was born and the last, in 2008, Pal Palych," the head of the family proudly tells.

The first years of living together were difficult, Pavel Belyaev recalls. The couple shared household duties and the upbringing of their children. Olga took care of household chores and worries, and Pavel took the children to kindergarten, school, clubs every day.

In total, there are three boys and four girls in the Belyaev family, two of them are twins. Albert Muklokov/

“When the older children grew up, it became easier. Ilya, Ivan, and Ekaterina began to look after the younger ones. And those, in turn, looking at them, tried to be independent. We have always taught them love, patience and mutual assistance," the head of the family emphasises.

Now the Belyaev family has grown to 17 people. The older children have got families, five grandchildren are growing up. It is not always possible to get everyone together, someone is studying, someone is working, but when this happens, Pavel and Olga feel really happy people.

“Father is not just a word. For the boy, dad is an example to follow, because he is strong and brave, a jack of all trades. He will tell you everything: how to hammer a nail, how to make peace with a friend, and how to stand up for yourself. For a girl, dad is pride. Every little princess dreams of meeting her prince who will look like her father. We can be proud of our dad, he is wonderful," admits Olga, Pavel's wife.

Now the Belyaev family has grown to 17 people. The older children have got families, five grandchildren are growing up. Albert Muklokov/

Eldest son Ilya, talking about his father, noted that it was his father who instilled in him the main qualities — courage and discipline, taught him to be honest, fair.

“We love our father very much. He is our role model, our pride and protection. We wish him and all the dads good health, wisdom and patience," Ilya said.

Daughter Daria works with her dad as a storekeeper at TAIF-NK. He says that his father always supports, gives instructions, suggests how best to act in a given situation.

“My dad is a real friend. I'm proud of him," Daria shares.

Sister Nastya adds that dad is always the first to come to the rescue, helps with homework and housework.

“Our dad is always there and ready to support in everything, give advice, guide. Being a father is not an easy task and a very big responsibility. He does it with a five plus," Nastya notes with a smile.

“The best father on a huge planet!”

The instrument maker of TAIF-NK Refinery, Anatoly Fokeechev, is also a father with many children. He has six children. Two are from the first marriage, four — from the second. The eldest son Alexey followed in his father's footsteps, for about 10 years he been worked in the neighbouring workshop of TAIF-NK Refinery as an electrician. My father helped me decide on the choice of profession.

The instrument maker of the TAIF-NK Refinery, Anatoly Fokeechev, is also a father with many children. He has six children. Lilia Egorova/

“When you're young, you don't know what profession to choose. He originally wanted to enroll as an instrument maker, but I advised him to consider the profession of an energy engineer. Electricians are in demand everywhere. Alexey listened to me, first he graduated from college, then from the institute. Recently he has upgraded his category. He married, has a son Konstantin. He likes to work at TAIF-NK — stability, high salary, there are all chances to grow up the career ladder," Anatoly notes.

His second son, Nikolay, is 24 years old. The eldest daughter Maria is 14 years old. The girl is fond of beadwork, studies piano at a music school. The third son Mikhail is 12. He, like his older sister, is fond of music — he is learning to play the guitar. Ten-year-old Sofia pleases her parents with success at school, and eight-year-old Vera tries to help her mother in everything.

The eldest daughter Maria is 14 years old. The girl is fond of beading, attends a music school. Lilia Egorova/

According to Svetlana's wife, both she and Anatoly have always wanted a big family. This is primarily support, mutual assistance, and support. Also, the Fokeechevs are very religious people, they try not to miss Sunday services, to live according to God's commandments. They also teach their children kindness, love and mutual respect. For two years the children have been attending Sunday school in the village of Bolshoe Afanasovo.

“Moral qualities should be brought up in the family from early childhood," Svetlana is sure.

In their free time, Anatoly and Svetlana develop a plot of land, they received it as a large family. Now the Fokeechevs dream of building a big house there.

“Our dad is a jack of all trades. He makes everything himself, builds, repairs. We love and respect him very much. We wish him not to get sick, to be cheerful. He is our main support and protection!” says Svetlana.

Moral qualities should be brought up in the family from early childhood, the spouses are sure. provided to by Anatoly Fokeechev

“He is smart, brave, kind, talented, caring. Congratulations to our beloved dad on Father's Day. We wish you happiness and good health," fourteen-year-old daughter Maria supported her mother.

“Dad, you are the nicest in the world. The best father on a huge planet! How I admire you, I'm proud of you, I hold on to friendship and a hand!” eight-year-old Vera read a touching poem for her father.

Maxim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC, joins all congratulations in honour of Father's Day. By the way, he is also a father with many children.

Maxim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC, joins all congratulations in honour of Father's Day. provided to by TAIF-NK press service

“On this wonderful day, let me heartily congratulate the respected dads on the holiday! I would like to express my great gratitude, first of all, to my father for the good upbringing and the atmosphere of love that our parents create for us to this day. Being a good father is the most responsible and necessary job in a man's life! Now we are dads ourselves and should be an example for our children! I wish everyone wisdom, patience, and, of course, the gratitude of the children. Let every father feel the warmth and love of his child on this special day for him!” Maxim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC summed up.

The company is proud of its fathers, thanks to whom the company has been holding leading positions in the oil refining industry of the country for many years, demonstrating consistently high quality indicators of its products. TAIF-NK always stands for the support of family values, promotes them. The company values family dynasties, but also does not forget about the youngest, organising cultural, sports and family events for the families of the company's employees.

Although fathers at TAIF-NK have different professions and responsibilities, positions and areas of responsibility, they all have one thing in common — love for their loved ones and relatives, what gives them the strength to move forward and conquer new production peaks.


Lilia Egorova

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