‘Children’s motorsport should develop. This is primarily road safety’

Anniversary race: annual karting competitions for TAIF-NK Cup held in Kamskie Polyany

‘Children’s motorsport should develop. This is primarily road safety’
Photo: Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

About 80 young racers from all over Tatarstan took part in the republican karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup. The competitions were traditionally held in Kamskie Polyany. For the residents of the village, as well as for the participants themselves, this is one of the most long-awaited and inexpressible sports events. Adrenaline, speed, the roar of engines, the smell of burnt rubber, unpredictable finale will remain in the memory of viewers and young pilots for a long time. About how the races went and who became the undisputed winner — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“It's not enough to love sports — it needs to be promoted”

About 80 pilots from 17 districts of the republic came to conquer the kart circuit track in Kamskie Polyany. The geography of participants is extensive: Sarmanovo, Laishevo, Nizhnekamsk, Kazan, Yelabuga, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Bavly, and other cities of Tatarstan. Young athletes aged 9 to 16 competed in four classes — Pilot, Strizh, 125 (Minsk), Honda GX200, and Honda GX270.

About 80 pilots from 17 districts of the republic came to conquer the kart circuit track in Kamskie Polyany. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

At the opening ceremony of the competition, the participants of the races on behalf of TAIF-NK were greeted by Vladimir Gatunok, the assistant director general of the company for general Issues. He stressed that, understanding the importance of developing children's and youth sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing road injuries, and promoting safe driving, TAIF-NK always supports such powerful and driving events.

TAIF-NK will always support such powerful and driving events. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“I am glad to welcome young racers to the next, already traditional karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup. Addressing the pilots, I want to express my gratitude for your love of speed, adrenaline, and competitive spirit. You are great fellows for devoting your leisure time to sports and dedication to your favourite business. I would like to mention the mentors. Many thanks to you for fostering discipline, teamwork, and respect for rivals in the participants. Thanks to your support, young racers are eager to win and adequately represent their club at numerous competitions," said Vladimir Gatunok.

These are the only races in Tatarstan where there is no need to make entry fees. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

The head of Kamskie Polyany, Rinat Salakhutdinov, thanked the TAIF-NK oil refining company for the support and development of children's motorsport, wished the racers success and, most importantly, to do without injuries.

“This year, the karting race for the TAIF-NK Cup is dedicated to one of the founders of the competition, the former head of the village of Kamskie Polyany, Alexander Pavlov. The first karting competitions were held in 2011, in 2012 they received the status of republican, and in 2015 they entered the official calendar of competitions of the Motorsport Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan. Over this time, 500 athletes from more than 25 cities of Tatarstan and Russia have taken part in the competition," Rinat Salakhutdinov said, not without pride.

Since 2011, 500 athletes from more than 25 cities of Tatarstan and Russia have participated in the competition. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“I would like to thank TAIF-NK for its annual assistance in holding competitions on the territory of Kamskie Polyany. TAIF-NK is one of the few companies that supports and helps develop youth sports in the region. Look at how many participants have come to us today. And how many viewers! Competitions bring not only pleasure and unforgettable emotions, they give young people an opportunity to express themselves. Athletes become stronger, smarter and, most importantly, gain self-confidence. In the future, when these guys get their license, they will already have a driving culture instilled in them, they will know the basic rules of the road. Racing also develops logical thinking and ingenuity," Alexander Pavlov is sure.

The organiser of the competition, the head of Kama-Motor-Sport automobile and sports club, European champion in autocross, master of sports of international class, Nikolay Zhavoronkov, adds that the karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup is always a holiday for young athletes. These are the only races in Tatarstan where there is no need to make entry fees, free hot meals are organised and where each participant, from first to tenth place, receives a gift.

TAIF-NK is one of the few companies that supports and helps develop youth sports in the region, Nikolay Zhavoronkov noted. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“The competitions are very interesting and spectacular. Thanks to TAIF-NK for the help in organising the event. Children's motorsport should develop. First of all, it is road safety, car driving skills, involvement of children in motorsport. Despite that many children participate in competitions on a weekly basis, they come to the races in Kamskie Polyany with great pleasure and anticipation of a gambling fight," emphasises Nikolay Zhavoronkov.

“Competitions in Kamskie Polyany are my most favourite”

Karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup consisted of 10 races of six laps each. The length of the route, though small — only 600 metres, but full of unexpected turns. The children from Kamskie Polyany know about this pretty well like no one else. Since the beginning of the summer, they have been training with full dedication, practicing a quick start and entering turns.

Length of the route, though small — only 600 metres, but full of unexpected turns. The guys from Kamskie Polyany know about this pretty well like no one else. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“We have prepared this route, we know it. The cars have been prepared. We hope that the victory will be ours. More than one generation of guys have grown up in our karting club. Life shows that there should be a lot of such clubs. These skills can be useful both in the army and in everyday life. The students of karting clubs are future engineers, designers, car mechanics, drivers. Teamwork disciplines a child, he enters adulthood as a normal family man. This is the most important thing," says coach Viktor Matveev with a smile.

For 15-year-old Aydina from Laishevo, this is the final race in the Honda GX270 class. The girl has dozens of competitions and victories behind her. Last year, the young racer became the fourth in Tatarstan.

For 15-year-old Aydina from Laishevo, this is the final race in the Honda GX270 class. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“The competitions in Kamskie Polyany are my most favourite. It's quite fun here, the track, although small, is quite difficult. Every time you participate in races, you can work out your skills, learn something new about the weaknesses of the opponent or new feints that can be used in your favour," Aydina admitted to the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya.

The girl's coach is her father Linar Safargaleev. He instilled his daughter's love for motorsport from an early age. Today, 15 children are engaged in the Leader club, the most experienced came to the TAIF-NK Cup competitions.

The girl's coach is her father Linar Safargaleev. He instilled his daughter's love for motorsport from an early age. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“We really like it here. There is always a warm welcome in Kamskie Polyany. We have been participating in the TAIF-NK Cup competitions since 2013. Then, my children won the first and eighth places, each received cups, diplomas and medals — this inspired the guys, became an impetus for their further development. Now many of those who participated in the races have already grown up, went to study further. Someone enrolled in the agricultural institute, someone — in the motor transport college. Everyone has found their own way of life. For me, coming here is always a holiday. I would like to thank the sponsors, TAIF-NK company, for the very good prizes and the atmosphere that reigns here," says Linar Safargaleev, the coach of the karting club from Laishevo.

Sixteen-year-old Salavat Khasanov represents Kazan at the races. The young man from the age of 8 is fond of motorsport. When asked why he decided to go karting, he answers that driving brings him joy, pleasure, and a sports charge.

Sixteen-year-old Salavat Khasanov represents Kazan at the races. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“Breaking forward is a difficult task. Especially when there are about ten cars in the race. Over the years of training, I have already mastered most of the piloting skills. It is necessary to be focused, not to “cling” with the enemy during overtaking, to catch your own pace. It is not speed and stability that brings victory, but their successful balance," Salavat Khasanov is sure.

Thirteen-year-old Valeria Savelyeva came to motorsport thanks to her dad. As a very young girl, he brought her to the go-karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup. Having seen high-speed cars, beautiful equipment of athletes and bright races with her own eyes, Valeria firmly decided to become a pilot.

Karting competitions for the TAIF-NK Cup consisted of 10 races of six laps each. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“My dream has come true, I myself participate in karting competitions in Kamskie Polyany. I am very worried, but I will try not to let the coach down. We have trained a lot, practiced tactics, cornering, I hope I will succeed," the girl said with excitement in her voice.

“I promised my mother bronze, but I got gold”

Throughout the race there was an equal struggle between the drivers, each team tried to get ahead of the others and break into the lead. According to the results of the competition, the first team place was taken by pupils from the club Yalkyn-1 (Sarmanovo), the second — from SYUT (Sarmanovo), the third — representatives of Yalkyn (Sarmanovo).

Throughout the race, there was an equal struggle between the drivers, each team tried to get ahead of the others and break into the lead. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

Bogdan Bashirov from the Genghis Khan Club (Kazan) became the best in the Strizh and Pilot class, Almaz Makhmutov, a pupil of Yalkyn (Sarmanovo), won in the 125 class (Minsk), Robert Ilgamutdinov from Yalkyn (Sarmanovo) won in the Honda GX200 race, in the Honda GX270 class, the main cup went to Miroslav Romanov from Pegas (Bavly). The fastest girl on the track was Guzel Khamidullina from Sarmanovo.

Ad of TAIF-NK JSC. Daria Redyukova/realnoevremya.ru

“I promised my mother a bronze, but got gold!” Guzel shared her impressions of the finish, hugging her loved ones, not holding back tears of joy.

“Well done, keep it up!” the coach praised her.

However, no one left without positive emotions and a great mood on this day — the participants of the race from the first to the tenth place received cups and memorable gifts.

Lilia Yegorova

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