Up to 10 Meteor ships planned to be produced in Tatarstan annually

The Gorky Zelenodolsk Plant can ramp up the production to up to 10 Meteor ships a year. Tatarstan Minister of Transport and Road Farit Khanifov talked about these plans.
“The plant has historically worked on these ships very well. I think about 350-360 Meteors have been made. 10-12 ships a year used to be made. Our task is to make sure ship engineering and high-speed ship building reaches those years when we used to produce 10 ships, with the possibility of making 12 a year,” he said.
Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov ordered to increase the production of Meteors on 1 June.
“Today this plant has delivered a technical report for Rustam Minnikhanov about the capability of making six or eight Meteors a year today. Mr Minnikhanov ordered to increase the output to 10. Today the plant has accepted the order and gave a positive reply, that’s to say, to produce up to 10 Meteors a year. At the same time, how to do this? There is going to be a big meeting in mid-June, this is probably the State Council’s session on river transport,” said Farit Khanifov.

He specified that everything would depend on the size of the order. The situation with river transport is improving in Tatarstan, the minister assured the audience.
It should be reminded that Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan created in May received a Meteor-2020 ship earlier this summer. The Zelenodolsk plant is now making another four ships of this type.
Tatarstan plans to increase the amount of river transportation in the region to up to half a million people by 2025 and deal with both domestic and interregional trips. Director General of Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Lizalin said that the company intended to develop internal river tourism, including along the Kazanka River. Cruises and interregional trips are planned too.

The whole Tatarstan passenger fleet will operate as part of Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan next year. The 2023 season will end with Tatflot, Minister of Transport and Road of the region Farid Khanifov said.
“Today part of the fleet is used in such ship companies as Tatflot SC, Tatflot JSC. By the way, Tatflot JSC is today the main transporter, and we plan to end the 2023 season with it, of course, not to ruin and change the schedule, break the existing system. The whole fleet, both the old and new passenger fleet, will operate in our Fleet of the Republic of Tatarstan from the next season as one,” he said.
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