‘There was even a person who just off plane went on an excursion with us to Kazan roofs’

The Kazan roofer discovers a new view at the capital of Tatarstan for the tourists

The list of entertainments for the tourists coming to Kazan has grown with another item — excursions to the roofs. Realnoe Vremya talked to a Kazan roofer Dmitry Grigoryev, who offers the tourists to see the city from a whole different angle, often away from the already bored to many people center of Kazan. Our interlocutor told about the best views of the city and about the beauty of a winter walk on the roofs of the Kazan houses.

Three 'chosen' roofs and the beauty of the winter Kazan

Dmitry, how did you come up with the idea to organize the walking trails of the Kazan roofs?

I began to walk on the roofs in 2009. For 5 years, I have been doing it purely for pleasure — for good views and pictures. During this time, I have accumulated a good 'database' of the open roofs of the Kazan houses, and then in 2014 I came up with the idea to take people there, to acquaint them with the pleasure of walking on the roofs.

At first, it was just looking at beautiful views, and then I came up with the idea to make some tourist routes. I thought up what to tell people about the city to acquaint them with other side of the city. In general, since childhood I read a lot about Kazan, I 'dig' information, much I find on the Internet. It is very interesting to find old photographs of those places that you see from the top: for example, I found out that on one of the tour roofs, on 'Tandem' shopping centre, there was a big cathedral.

'I make a route on the basis of what roofs are opened at that moment, and, of course, they should be easy to climb.' Photo: Dmitry Grigoryev (vk.com/kznroof)

What route do you usually choose for the tourists? What are the three 'chosen' roofs?

I make a route on the basis of what roofs are opened at that moment, and, of course, they should be easy to climb. At first, we visited six roofs in one tour, but, in my opinion, it is too tedious for people. Now I choose three roofs plus travel by taxi or by bike in between. By bike, of course, it is more fun — you can see the sights from land and to understand the city from the other side. After all, we ride not only in the center but also in other districts, which are no less interesting for the guests.

This summer I took tourists on the roof of the house in the Admiralty Sloboda: from there you can see the Kazanka River, the Volga River, Verkhniy Uslon village. It is also a beautiful sunset, the Kremlin, a piece of the Novo-Savinovsky district and indescribable beauty at dawn. The second roof depends on the time of the walk — at sunset or at dawn. If it is dawn, we go to the roof near the Kazan Arena – from the side of the stadium the dawn is very beautiful. If it is sunset, I take the tourists to the roof in the Moscow district near Gagarin Str. The third roof, on Tandem shopping centre, is beautiful after sunset — there you can see the Kremlin, Dekabristov Str., cars, lines… Everything is bright, colorful.

In general, in different years it was different roofs. There were times of easy access to the apartment complex Bereg, before that it was the roof in Bolshaya Krylovka, which was my favorite. Since 2009, the view from it began to change gradually, that is why I liked it. Every time you come and see it slightly different — a road was built, the trams were launched, then some private houses were demolished.

'In general, a summer Kazan can be only compared with a winter city during a snowfall or during an October dry fall, a yellow city.' Photo: Dmitry Grigoryev (vk.com/kznroof)

Does the tour season close with the beginning of cold weather?

No. We still have rare orders in wintertime, but at this time of year it is just uncomfortable to walk: you should have something waterproof to wear, because all the roofs are in snow, you should dress warmly, take a lot of hot tea.

In winter, we choose only flat roofs with sides that can be easily reached. As for the sloping roofs in the center, they are strictly forbidden to climb — it's insanely dangerous. I did myself once, I do not want anymore.

In general, a summer Kazan can be only compared with a winter city during a snowfall or during an October dry fall, a yellow city. Each season has its own beauty… Except for spring. It is the time of year when I just have no orders, because the city is dirty, in snow — I mean March, April. In May, everything is fine.

'Impassable' khrushchyovkas and dangerous antennas

Who climbs with you on the roof more often: tourists or Kazan citizens?

To begin with, the tourist flow highly depends on the time of year: a ratio is about 95 to 5 percent. Most of my visitors are people from other cities who take excursions with tourist purposes, in order to learn about the city something new. Basically, they are from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Samara. After our walk, their impression of Kazan is complemented — after all, earlier most of them walked only in the places that are for tourists. You know, there was even a person who just off plane went with us on an excursion to the Kazan roofs.

But Kazan citizens do not go very often — they are more interested in datings on the roofs and things like that. We do not arrange them — many other guys do that.

'We try on walk on flat roofs, the number of tourists should be no more than three. If they begin to behave inappropriately, the tour is automatically ended.' Photo: prokazan.ru

After all, a roof is a dangerous place. I would like to know, how do you ensure the safety of the guests?

In general, yes, the roof is a risk. But all roofs are different. There are those that are super-sloping, under some impassable angles, as, for example, on khrushchyovkas (a type of low-cost, concrete-paneled or brick three- to five-storied apartment building which was developed in the USSR during the early 1960s, during the time its namesake Nikita Khrushchev directed the Soviet government – editor's note), and there are just flat, with very high sides. We try to walk on flat roofs, the number of tourists should be no more than three. If they begin to behave inappropriately, the tour is automatically ended.

If we go to the roof where there are antennas that pose a serious danger, I always instruct people (I am studying radio electronics), warn them that there are areas where they must not go. By now, we have not had any incident.

Generally, it is a prerequisite — we do everything quietly and calmly. This is just a tour: we watch, take pictures. We do not break anything, do not break social order. Therefore, there were no incidents associated with the tenants or with the police.

A brief excursion to the roofs of Kazan, and the race for height

You have visited quite a lot of the Kazan roofs: could you name three favorite places?

First, it is now closed roof on Serov street, 51/11 — my first roof. Further, in the Kirov district, there is also the closed roof on Shirokaya str., 2; despite the fact that the roof is at River College, the view from it is just awesome — the Kremlin right before your eyes from a different angle than from the same Lenin dam or from the Ferris wheel, as well as the Kazanka River. Also, from there you can see the humpback bridge (Gorbaty Bridge). In general, this house is big, n-shaped, so there are a lot of good view points. Another roof is a five-storey building on Kremlyovskaya str., which is also closed. From here you can see the Spasskaya tower, the entire center, sunset, from the distance of several hundred meters.

'The Kremlin right before your eyes from a different angle than from the same Lenin dam or from the Ferris wheel, as well as the Kazanka River. Also, from there you can see the humpback bridge.' Photo: Dmitry Grigoryev (vk.com/dm.grigoriev)

Is there any roof where you have not been but want to visit? Maybe, Lazurnye Nebesa luxury residential complex?

Is the first place, it is new residential complexes that were built somewhere in the center or in Novo-Savinovsky district — near rivers. In the center I would like to climb on Alexandrovsky passage — inside and on the roof.

If you look at Lazurnye Nebesa, then yes, it is the highest residential complex which is located on the hill, the view from is very far. But if you look at what it shows — on the one hand it is field, further – Azino, residential district of Kazan, on the other hand — a little of the Millenium bridge. That is, the percentage of awesome views from this roof is not as big as, for example, from the building on Shirokaya str., 2, where half of the view is the Kremlin, a part — the Kazanka River. Of course, you can enjoy just from the height, from being at high altitude, but I do not have that buzz anymore.

Speaking of heights: in mid-August, Russian thrill-seekers made a 'date' at the top of the highest building in the world, having climbed on the skyscraper Goldin Finance 117, located in the Chinese city of Tianjin. What do you think about such hobby?

There are several categories of roofers: photographers, people who love to relax on the roof, and there are roofers whose main goal is to conquer as many high roofs as possible to get. I do not hunt for heights, I rather belong to the first and second categories.

If the guys do not break the law, do not threaten any structures, people below, do not use any illegal methods of penetration, I treat it quite positively.

However, there is one point: if the climbing is filmed and uploaded on the Internet, it can help other people to do evil things upstairs. Also, this case is now actively promoted, and for many people it begins to seem that it is very easy, and they begin to follow the trail of roofers. This relates primarily to children.

Well, I do not know whether I would climb such height or not. It all depends on the degree of danger. Maybe, with insurance I would go, but without mountain climbing equipment to climb cranes, which stand at an angle of 70 degrees, in cold weather or in high humidity — no.

By Lina Sarimova

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