Tatarstan elaborates a new programme for transport system development

Tatarstan elaborates a new programme for transport system development
Photo: Platonov

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the authorities of Tatarstan plan to approve the updated programme for transport system development of the republic. It has already been prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the region. The Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan is to approve the document, the implementation of which is calculated until 2027 inclusive. Read more about the programme, the amount of its funding, and goals in our material.

Almost half a trillion rubles for implementation

The new programme for the development of the transport system of Tatarstan is going to cover the years 2022-2027. It includes eight subprograms aimed at the development of railway infrastructure, river transport of inland waterways and river ports, air transport and air navigation, automobile, urban electric transport. The fifth subprogramme is the improvement, development and preservation of the road network, the sixth is the improvement of the safety level of the transport system, the seventh is the improvement of state policy in the transport complex of the republic, and the eighth is energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement in the transport industry for 2022-2027.

Photo: Platonov

The volume of planned allocations for the implementation of the programme is estimated at a little more than 453 billion rubles. For example, in 2023, the amount will amount to 69,9 billion rubles, of which 33,35 billion will be from the federal budget, and 34,6 billion from the republican budget. 106,6 million rubles are going to be attracted from extra-budgetary sources, and almost 1,5 million more — from municipal road funds.

The largest amount of allocations is indicated for the past 2022 — 129,9 billion rubles. A little less, almost 113 billion, are going to be attracted for the implementation of the programme next year. In 2025, according to the plan, this amount should be almost 94,3 billion, in 2026 — almost 23,2 billion, and in 2027 — 22,8 billion.

Photo: Platonov

The results of the implementation of the programme is to be an increase in three indicators — the share of roads of regional and intermunicipal significance that meet regulatory requirements — up to 55,34%; the proportion of settlements with paved roads to the public transport network — up to 83%; the share of the road network of urban agglomerations that are in a regulatory state — up to 85,3%.

Old problems and new routes

The length of public roads within Tatarstan at the beginning of 2023 amounted to 40,362,267 kilometres. Of these, 1,184,463 kilometres are federal highways. By the way, Tatarstan accounts for 2,1% of the total length of federal roads in Russia.

The length of roads of regional significance in Tatarstan as of January 1 of this year is 13,595.504 kilometres, and it constantly grows. The Ministry of Transport of the republic indicated that due to insufficient financing of road works, the total volume of repairs not carried out within the regulatory deadlines for the beginning of 2023 amounted to 6,755.61 kilometres. As a result, the share of routes of regional and inter-municipal significance that do not meet regulatory requirements amounts to 49,69% of the total length of the regional network. “The preservation of the existing road network of the Republic of Tatarstan is possible only with a multiple increase in the cost of repairing highways," the department stated.

Photo: Platonov
Tatyana Demina

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