Salary for online preparation of Tatarstan schoolchildren for state exams overtakes oil workers’ salaries

The growth of salaries in construction has overtaken the growth of salaries of oil workers, while the income of teachers has not reached the average salary in the region

Salary for online preparation of Tatarstan schoolchildren for state exams overtakes oil workers’ salaries
Photo: Roman Khasaev/

The average monthly salary of residents of the republic increased by 20% last year, according to the recently published data of Tatarstan State Statistics Service. At the same time, employers are ready to pay from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles a month to particularly valuable specialists, and not always in those areas where the work of employees is paid the highest at the moment. The concept of “rich person” is quite extensible. Realnoe Vremya analysed who in the republic can earn from 300-400 thousand rubles a month, how many such people are in Tatarstan according to official data and where they can work.

When information technology is like a second oil

The average salary of Tatarstan oil workers increased by 22,4% in 2022 compared to the previous year — from 67,18 thousand to 82,22 thousand rubles. In the ranking of the most “lucrative” industries in terms of remuneration, compiled according to Tatarstan Statistics on the average monthly salary per person by type of economic activity, they occupy the first place, followed by IT specialists, whose wallets have grown heavier by an average of 20,2% over the year. Judging by the average monthly earnings, insurers are firmly established in third place, as in 2021. However, they overtook information technology specialists in terms of the rate of salary growth, which amounted to 21,3% over the year.

Scientific and technological progress, of course, does not stand still, but it does not bring such good dividends to its “engines” as extractive industries, IT and financial and insurance activities: salaries have increased by only 14,1% over the year. But in terms of salaries, professionals in the field of science and technology, as a year ago, were in an honourable fourth place. Energy workers round out the top five in this selection. But, maybe, a little more — and they will get ahead, since the annual salary growth in this industry was 19,9%.

The salaries of manufacturing workers increased by 19,3% over the year, the salaries of masters of culture by 14,1%, and those of military and officials — by 16%. It was the latter category that is on the “watershed”: their average salary is almost 600 rubles higher than the average for the republic, and everyone else's is lower.

One won't be full of learning

There is a reason to be happy for education workers, but only slightly: their average salary has increased by 22,6% over the year. At the same time, in 2021 it was by 9 thousand rubles lower than the average salary in the region, and in 2022 it became by 10 thousand lower, and the dynamics of this deviation does not agree well with the instruction of the president of Russia to bring the salary level of educators and teachers to the average earnings in the regions.

But healthcare round out the top three industries where incomes grew the slowest in 2022, and fell by one point in the salary ranking. The growth of salaries of doctors amounted to 13,2% over the year.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

At a faster pace

The sharpest increase in salaries in the republic occurred in construction. Over the year in this industry, they jumped by 37,3% — by more than a third, and rose in the ranking by three points at once — from 12th to 9th place.

The second in terms of growth are the incomes of trade workers and auto repair shops — they increased by 30,4% over the year.

Well, the most profitable industries in terms of absolute salary values — mining, finance and IT — turned out to be three lines lower in this rating.


Where the rich work

In Tatarstan, salaries exceeding 300 thousand rubles a month were earned in 2021 by IT specialists (32% of all recipients), salespeople (26%), top managers (21%), and only a fifth of the super-earnings went to representatives of other areas. Data for 2022 has not yet been published, but judging by the latest data on ads on Head Hunter, their structure will change little.

In 2021, 0,2% of workers in the field of water supply, sanitation and waste disposal, as well as employees of processing enterprises received salaries exceeding 3 million rubles per month

According to Rosstat, in 2021, 12% of workers in the service sector, 7,2% of those working in the field of culture, sports, leisure, and 3,6% of workers employed in education and real estate operations received salaries below the minimum wage in the Republic of Tatarstan. These four industries share the first three lines of salary anti-rating.

In the mining, manufacturing, as well as in the financial and insurance industries, 0,1% of employees received salaries below the lower limit, in construction — 0,2%.

Salaries from 400 thousand rubles to 1 million were received by 0,4% of workers employed in the field of water supply, sanitation and waste disposal, in trade and auto repair, as well as in the field of healthcare and social services. In 2021, 0,2% of workers in the field of water supply, sanitation and waste disposal, as well as employees of processing enterprises received salaries exceeding 3 million rubles per month.

Photo: Platonov

Sovereign people

Another category of workers whose wages have been known until recently are officials and civil servants. However, the president of Russia signed a decree in December, according to which data on the income and expenses of officials are no longer published, but declarations for 2020 and 2021 are still publicly available, and their salaries have hardly been cut since then.

If we do not take into account the deputies of the State Council, among whom there are enough businessmen, such as, for example, CEO of Ak Bars Holding Company JSC Ivan Egorov (income declared in 2021 is 17,6 million rubles a month) or Chairman of the board of directors of Kazan Fat Plant JSC Dmitry Samarenkin (10,1 million rubles a month), then among government departments, investigative bodies, the Federal Treasury Department and tax authorities are leading in terms of average wages, and the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan are leading in terms of the number of wealthy employees whose work is estimated at more than 300 thousand rubles per month.

There are a lot of highly paid employees in government structures — a total of 44. In particular, in 2021, 8 people had income of more than 300 thousand rubles in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, and 12 — in the Ministry of Finance.

The information is taken from open sources — the websites of state and municipal bodies, as well as an open database of income declarations of Russian officials. For each department, the number of people whose income exceeds 300 thousand rubles per month was calculated, followed by the average monthly income for the department.

Specialists for a million

From a million rubles a month, the owners of the Kazan Sotka PLC are ready to pay the new commercial director, which is in no way connected with suburban acres and collects cash harvests in the field of school education. This is an online school that prepares graduate students for the state exams for a fee. The main beneficiary and CEO of the company is Timur Ibragimov. On the Internet, customer reviews about her are contradictory — from enthusiastic to extremely negative.

In 2022, Sotka PLC earned almost 322 million rubles and finished it with a net profit of 89,8 million rubles. For all 3 years of its existence, the company registered in 2019 was rapidly increasing its turnover: in 2020, with revenue of 20,4 million, net profit amounted to 84 thousand rubles, in 2021 revenue reached 92,9 million, and net profit — 24,1 million, and after another year, both grew more than three times.

From 500 thousand rubles a month are promised to the one who will fill the vacancy of commercial director of Kartli PLC in Kazan, specialising in the trade of polymers. The same amount is offered to the head of the sales department of the Kazan representative office of the Moscow security systems supplier Louis+ PLC and the executive director of the marketplace management platform Marketguru. offers from 400 thousand a month to a driver with a personal truck (if you calculate the cost of maintenance and repair of the machine and take into account the intensity of labour — it may not be so much). From 300 thousand and above are offered to real estate sales managers, directors of grocery chains, heads of sales groups, technologists of complex industries, software developers.

It turns out that mainly employees from industries such as sales and IT can count on a high income. The expected high salary of top management and there are still several vacancies for engineers/ technologists, drivers.

There are 33,830 vacancies in total posted in our region on The income is indicated for 28,681 vacancies. And the number of vacancies with the high level of earnings we are interested in is 715, or 2,5% (of those where wages are indicated). At the same time, some companies indicated a vague salary, for example, from 35 thousand to 300 thousand rubles — in this case, it is unclear under what conditions the employee will receive (and whether they will receive at all) the same 300 thousand rubles, so we made a selection of vacancies only with a clearly defined income.

As a result, a wealthy Tatarstan citizen with an income of 300-400 thousand rubles a month holds either a managerial position in one company, or works in IT, and occupies the position of a senior. Perhaps, they work in law enforcement or are successful sales managers. Besides, it cannot be ruled out that a rich Tatarstan citizen is an entrepreneur, like many deputies of the State Council.

Inna Serova, Syumbel Gubaydullina

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