Warm weekend expected in Tatarstan, temperatures 6-8°С above average

Warm weekend expected in Tatarstan, temperatures 6-8°С above average
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

It is going to get warm in Tatarstan to +11 degrees by the end of the week. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on 24-26 March, average temperatures are going to be 6-8°С above the average, the republic’s Hydrometeorological Centre forecasts.

On Wednesday night, on 22 March, it was rainy with snow, the temperature is forecasted to be from 0 to +3 degrees. Significant daytime precipitation isn’t expected, it will be warm to +4...+9°С.

On Thursday, 23 March, Tatarstan will be temporarily affected by a high pressure wave. No precipitation expected. Night temperatures will be from 0 to -3 degrees, and from +6 to 11 degrees at daytime.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

According to the Tatarstan Hydrometeorological Centre’s preliminary forecast, it will be very warm on 24-26 March, with some rain. At night, the temperature won’t fall below 0, from +6 to +11 expected.

Tatiana Dyomina

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