Imitators of explosives and rotting flesh: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan to purchase requisite for service dogs

Imitators of explosives and rotting flesh: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan to purchase requisite for service dogs
Photo: Tikhonov

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan will spend 1 million rubles to purchase sets of educational imitators of the smells of explosives and human cadaverous remains. The simulators are intended for the Cynological Service Centre, where they will be used to train service dogs. In total, it is planned to purchase 18 sets of “smelling” requisites. At the same time, the toxic hazard class of all its elements must not exceed the fourth level and pose any danger.

Dogs of Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to “sniff gunpowder”

Most of the kits, namely 17, are designed for training in the search for explosives. The main components of such a set will be simulators:

  • TNT — the most common explosive used in most types of ammunition;
  • hexogen — one of the strongest poisons, sensitive to shocks and having the highest detonation rate;
  • PETN — a powerful explosive used to equip detonator caps, cumulative supplies and detonating cord;
  • tetrile — a substance that was used in small-caliber shells (currently discontinued);
  • octogen — plastic explosives used by sabotage special forces;
  • improvised explosive devices based on nitrogen-containing compounds “Chechen mixture” — the simplest components of explosives;
  • the smell of a gun “shot”;
  • as well as powder mixture.

The weight of each requisite is at least 60 grams. The kits must necessarily include cans with a screw cap and a label on which the name of the simulator is indicated. In addition, the set implies the presence of eight cloth bags, at least 50 pairs of gloves, one pair of tweezers, a passport and a box.

Photo: Tikhonov

As for the set of requisites with the smell of human cadaverous remains, it will include: Zombie simulator (decomposing flesh) and Mummy (a mummified corpse). They must be loose powders (at least 10 grams) and be packed in bags and glass jars. The main element of such simulators will be real human biological material.

Tons of dog food worth tens of millions of rubles

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan also regularly purchases dry food for its service dogs. For example, 33 million rubles were spent on these needs last year.

Photo: Tikhonov

A similar purchase was carried out for 2019 and 2020. Then about 51,2 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the purchase of 170,9 tonnes of feed.

Service dogs from Tatarstan are popular not only in the republic

In total, about 500 dog handlers and about 500 dogs of various breeds trained in different directions serve in Tatarstan. The main one, of course, is the search profile — the search for odours accounts for 80% to 90% of the entire work. Dogs also help in car inspections, searches and customs. There are more than 30 dogs in the cynological centre of the Kazan police, and their main breed is German Shepherds.

In 2018, four Russian shepherds were transferred to the National Centre of the Cynological Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Cuba for service. Three of them were from the kennel of the service dog breeding of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Tatarstan. They were accompanied by two dog handlers and a veterinarian.

Dogs are actively involved in the work of rescuers. In 2022, drathaar Gretta, who has been serving in the Kazan search and Rescue squad since 2015, won in the nomination “The Best Service Rescue Dog of Russia”. It regularly participates in exploratory work in the natural environment. For example, it was attracted to search for the bodies of those killed in the collapse of a house in Izhevsk.

Maksim Kokunin

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