Infant mortality in Tatarstan decreases by almost a quarter

Infant mortality in Tatarstan decreases by almost a quarter
Photo: Nazmetdinov

123 babies died in Tatarstan over the year

One hundred and twenty-three babies under the age of one died in Tatarstan in 2022. This is by 24,5% less than in the previous year, according to official statistics.

The largest number of infant deaths in 2022 was registered in Bashkortostan — 153. This is by 67 fewer cases than in the previous year.

The smallest number of children who died under the age of one year was registered in Mordovia last year. This is five cases less than in 2021.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

In total, 989 babies died in the Volga Federal District in 2022. Compared to the previous year, the mortality rate among them decreased by 15,6%, or by 183 cases.

At the same time, there are regions in the Volga Federal District where infant mortality increased last year. These are Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (+0,9%), Perm Krai (+6,7%), Chuvashia (+6,9%) and Mari El (+20,8%).

The infant mortality rate remained unchanged in 2022 in two regions of the Volga Federal District — in Samara Oblast and Penza Oblast. One hundred and twenty-seven and 36 children under the age of one died there in 12 months, respectively.

One of the lowest rates of the number of dead babies per thousand born

The number of dead babies per thousand born in Tatarstan was 3,3. This is one of the lowest rates in the Volga Federal District. For example, in Chuvashia, it is estimated at 3,1, and in Saratov Oblast — at 3,2.

The highest rate of the number of dead babies per thousand born among the regions of the Volga Federal District is in Mari El, Kirov Oblast, and Samara Oblast — 5. Perm Krai and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast are next — 4,7.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

In general, in the Volga Federal District, the indicator of the number of dead babies per thousand born is 4,1. It has decreased over the year. In 2021, it was estimated at 4,5.

36,651 children were born in Tatarstan during the year

In 2022, 36,651 children were born in Tatarstan. Compared to the previous year, the birth rate has fallen by 10,5% — 40,936 newborns were born in 2021.

A decrease in the birth rate by the end of 2022 was registered in all regions of the Volga Federal District. In total, 237,452 children were born there in 12 months — 9,4% less than in 2021.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

Realnoe Vremya compiled the statistics on birth rate in Tatarstan for the first ten months of 2022:

  • January — 2,875 (+1,4%);
  • February — 2,820 (-2,2%);
  • March — 3,210 (-15,2%);
  • April — 2,801 children (-14,9%);
  • May — 2,900 (-11,2%);
  • June — 3,061 children (-15,4%);
  • July — 3,197 children (-11,8%);
  • August — 3,232 children (-10,8%);
  • September — 3,394 (-9,7%);
  • October — 3,000 (-10%);
  • November — 3,021 (-13%);
  • December — 3,140 (-8,7%).
Tatyana Demina

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