Median number of born babies per 1k women higher in Tatarstan countryside than in cities

Median number of born babies per 1k women higher in Tatarstan countryside than in cities
Photo: Platonov

A thousand women aged 15 and above living in the countryside who reported how many children they had have 1,501 children on average, reads the data of the Russian Census held in 2021. The number doesn’t almost differ from the Russian one, which was 1,500. At the same time, the average number of children per 1 thousand women didn’t turn out the highest in the Volga Federal District — the republic gives way to seven regions, Realnoe Vremya found out.

Tatarstan 8th in average number of children per 1k women

There are 1,501 children per thousand women aged 15 and above living in the countryside who reported how many children they had. Moreover, the number is higher in the countryside than in cities — 1,881 and 1,373 children respectively.

The biggest number is in Chuvashia — the average number of kids born per a thousand women was 1,738. Like in Tatarstan, the amount in the country is higher than in cities — 2,084 and 1,510 respectively. Udmurtia ranks second (1,681 children per thousand women), while Orenburg Oblast is the last in the top 3 (1,666).

Photo: Nazmetdinov

Samara Oblast is the last in the Volga Federal District where the average number of children born per thousand women was 1,395. The situation is like in Tatarstan and Chuvashia: the number in cities is lower than in the countryside — 1,310 and 1,697 respectively.

Realnoe Vremya has made a rating of Volga regions in number of babies born per a thousand women aged 15 and above living in the countryside:

  • Chuvashia — 1 738
  • Udmurtia — 1 681
  • Orenburg Oblast — 1 666
  • Mari El — 1 658
  • Perm Krai — 1 583
  • Bashkiria — 1 550
  • Ulyanovsk Oblast — 1 550
  • Tatarstan — 1 501
  • Saratov Oblast — 1 481
  • Mordovia — 1 476
  • Kirov Oblast — 1 462
  • Penza Oblast — 1 468
  • Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 1 397
  • Samara Oblast — 1 395

2,819 children per 1k women is the record

The average number of babies born to a thousand Tatarstan women is higher among women with education than among without. The tendency is characteristic of both the cities and the countryside.

The average number of babies born per a thousand Tatarstan women without education was 1,128. Moreover, among women above 70, the number is 2,492. The average number of children born per a thousand women is higher among those who have a school or lower degree — 2,819.

There are on average 1,377 children per thousand Tatarstan women with higher education. It is less than per a thousand women with a college degree — 1,555. The average number of children born per thousand with an incomplete university degree was 1,264.

There are four children per a thousand minor residents of Tatarstan — girls from 15 to 17. The number of children born per thousand of those who just crossed this threshold as adults — 18-19 years — is almost six times bigger — 23.

Photo: Platonov

The older the women, the bigger the average number of children born per thousand of their representatives. For instance, if for women aged 20-24 it is 216, for those who are 25-29 it is 781, for women from 30 to 34, the number is 1,295.

Tatiana Dyomina

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