Tatarstan’s private car fleet decline in 3 years

Tatarstan’s private car fleet decline in 3 years
Photo: Platonov

The number of own passenger cars decreased by 7,25% in Tatarstan by 2021 compared to the indicators of 2018, Realnoe Vremya found out. According to statistics of the Tatarstan State Statistics Service, the highest number of own passenger cars was recorded in 2018 — 314,5 units per 1,000 people of the population. It is noteworthy that a year earlier this indicator reached only 293,1.

Reduction in the number of personal passenger cars

A sharp decrease in the number of own cars occurred in 2019, when their number reached 287,8 units per 1,000 people of the population. In subsequent years, the indicator increased. However, the changes were not so significant.

Photo: Platonov

289 units of personal passenger transport per 1,000 Tatarstan citizens were registered in 2020. In 12 months, their number increased by 0,9% — 291,7 cars in 2021.

From 2023, the indicator will only decrease, according to Ramil Khairullin, the regional representative of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia in Tatarstan. In a conversation with Realnoe Vremya, he expressed the opinion that it would take about two years to restore the car market after the withdrawal of foreign brands.

The growth of highway length

A sharp increase in the length of highways in Tatarstan was observed in 2021, when it increased by almost 1,000 kilometres in 12 months, reaching 43,4 thousand kilometres. At the same time, no such drastic changes were observed during the previous 4 years.

A year earlier, this value was 42,617 kilometres. It is worth noting that from 2017 to 2020, the length of roads increased by only 500 kilometres.

Photo: Vasilyev

Tatarstan citizens used buses most often in 2021 — 221 million people were transported by this transport in 12 months. Almost 6 times less people chose trams — 37,6 million.

The metro received 27,8 million passengers in 2021, and trolleybuses — 23 million. Even fewer citizens of the republic travelled by train — only 7,2 million people.

The most unpopular mode of transport in 2021 was water one. It was used by less than a million Tatarstan citizens — only a fourth of it.

Truck production growth

From 2017 to 2019, there was a steady decline in the production of trucks. If 53,160 new units were registered in 2017, then by 2019 their number had decreased to 50,063.

A year later, the value increased by 1%, reaching 50,628 cars. However, it was not possible to return to the indicators of 2017.

A sharp increase in the production of trucks was recorded in 2021, when this value increased by 27%. 69,519 trucks were produced in 12 months.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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