Tatarstan dropped out of the top 10 in terms of number of economic crimes

From 5th place to 11th
According to the results of January-November 2022, Tatarstan ranks the 11th in the rating of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia in terms of the number of economic crimes. For the first time since the beginning of the year, the republic has dropped out of the top ten, Realnoe Vremya found out.
According to the results of January of this year, Tatarstan rounds out the top 10. The leader is Moscow, where 1,218 economic crimes were registered in just a month. It is followed by Moscow Oblast (823), Krasnodar Krai (778), St. Petersburg (618), Samara Oblast (510), Rostov Oblast (418), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (406), Dagestan (400) and Bashkiria (370).
One month later, Tatarstan “overtook” neighbouring Bashkiria. According to the results of January-February, the republics changed places — Tatarstan rose to the 9th, and Bashkortostan dropped to the 10th line. Moscow remained the leader, where the number of detected economic crimes increased to 2,250. According to the results of the first two months of 2022, 657 such crimes were registered in Tatarstan.
According to the results of the first quarter, Tatarstan rounded out the top 5 in terms of the number of detected economic crimes. In January-March, 1,211 such acts were registered in the republic, that is, in just a month their number almost doubled. Only Moscow (3,882), Krasnodar Krai (1,846), Moscow Oblast (1,743) and Samara Oblast (1,439) were ahead of it.
After another month, Tatarstan went beyond the antitop-5, losing to Samara Oblast and dropping to the sixth line. The number of registered economic crimes increased by 409 in April. In total, according to the results of four months, there were 1,620 such acts in the republic.
A similar alignment was preserved by the results of January-May 2022 — according to the number of detected economic crimes (1,866), the republic still occupied the 6th place in the rating of the Prosecutor General's Office. The top 5 included Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, St. Petersburg, Moscow Oblast, and Samara Oblast.
According to the results of the first half of 2022, the number of registered economic crimes in Tatarstan crossed the mark of 2 thousand. Despite this, the republic did not rise in the rating — at the end of January-June, it continued to occupy the 6th place. The top 5 remained virtually unchanged — all the same regions, but in a different sequence, with the traditional “leadership” of Moscow.
The position of Tatarstan in the rating did not change in January-July. The number of economic crimes increased, but the republic still held the 6th place. The top 5 still consisted of Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, Moscow Oblast and Samara Oblast and St. Petersburg.
Tatarstan dropped sharply in the ranking by the end of January-August — immediately to the 9th place. Rostov Oblast, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, and Chelyabinsk Oblast took the lead. Bashkiria rounded out the top ten in terms of the number of registered economic crimes.
According to the results of three quarters, Tatarstan dropped to the 10th place. In January-September, 2,244 economic crimes were registered in the republic. The top of the rating still belonged to Moscow — 9,083 such acts.
Tatarstan rounded out the top 10 in January-October. However, a month later, the republic managed to drop to the 11th line. The top ten leaders in the number of registered crimes of economic orientation are Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, Moscow Oblast and Samara Oblast, St. Petersburg, Rostov Oblast, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Volgograd Oblast and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast.
Number of detected economic crimes has decreased
In January-November 2022, 2,477 economic crimes were registered in Tatarstan. Compared to the same period last year, their number decreased by 9%, Realnoe Vremya found out.
According to the data of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, 2,724 economic crimes were registered in Tatarstan in January-November 2021. With such number, the republic ranked sixth in the ranking. The top 5 included Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, St. Petersburg, Moscow Oblast, and Samara Oblast.

In general, according to the results of 2021, Tatarstan ranked 7th in the ranking of regions in terms of the number of detected economic crimes. In 12 months, 2,905 such acts were registered in the republic. The leaders were Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, Moscow Oblast, Samara Oblast, and Rostov Oblast and St. Petersburg. The top 10 also included Chelyabinsk Oblast and Sverdlovsk Oblast, Stavropol Krai.
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