Rustam Minnikhanov: mask wearing are recommended in workplaces in Tatarstan

Rustam Minnikhanov: mask wearing are recommended in workplaces in Tatarstan

The coronavirus incidence has increased by 32% over the week in Tatarstan, the republic should intensify works to prevent the spread of coronavirus, claimed President of the region Rustam Minnikhanov. It is necessary to activate the work revaccination. It is important that herd immunity be created in advance, one shouldn’t wait for the situation to get worse, he said:

“It is necessary to provide strict compliance of sanitary anti-epidemiological requirements in workplaces, educational institutions and other social establishments.”

As of 12 August, herd immunity to COVID-19 in Tatarstan was estimated at 3,9%. A week ago, it totalled 4,8%. It should be reminded that according to the Tatarstan office of Russia’s consumer rights protection watchdog, in early spring, herd immuinty to coronavirus surpassed 80%. Due to this, mandatory vaccination of some citizens launched in October 2021 was cancelled in on 14 March.

Margarita Golovatenko

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