Tatarstan entrepreneurs owe 2 billion rubles of taxes since beginning of the year

In Tatarstan, the Investigative Committee initiated 16 criminal cases against entrepreneurs at the beginning of the year on the materials of tax audits. The total amount of arrears amounted to 2 billion rubles, said the head of the Federal Tax Service of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marat Safiullin.

According to the agency, eight criminal cases against businesses were initiated after tax audits on the basis of Articles 32 and 82 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of unpaid taxes amounted to 1,238 billion rubles.

Eight more criminal cases have been initiated based on the materials of on-site tax audits, the unpaid amount of taxes amounted to 823 million rubles. For example, during a joint inspection with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a fictitious scheme of document management has been revealed.

“It was proved that the work was actually carried out by the taxpayer's own forces, as a result, an amount of 241 million rubles was accrued under the act," the head of the Federal Tax Service for Tatarstan gave an example. It was not named against whom criminal cases have been initiated.

Immediately after the initiation of criminal cases, the businesses transferred 1,4 billion rubles to the treasury, added Marat Safiullin, the head of the Federal Tax Service of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In Tatarstan, 560 large and medium-sized enterprises reduced income tax deductions by 10 billion rubles for the second quarter of 2022. According to the forecast of the head of the Federal Tax Service for the republic, in the next quarter, a decrease in income tax receipts may fall by another third. If 61,7 billion rubles were collected in the second quarter, then a sharp decline to 35 billion is expected in the third.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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