By 7 degrees below climatic norm in Tatarstan — when warm weather to return

By 7 degrees below climatic norm in Tatarstan — when warm weather to return
Photo: (archive)

Average monthly temperature in May is barely reaching +10 degrees

This spring has turned out to be abnormal, said Yury Perevedentsev, the head of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Ecology of the Kazan Federal University, in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya. And the last cold May was observed 22 years ago — in 1999.

In May, the average monthly temperature should be +13,9 degrees, but it is reaching +9.6 degrees. It should be noted that the heating in Kazan was discontinued when a stable temperature regime was reached — above +8 degrees. Heating is discontinued if the average daily temperature stays above 8° C for 5 days and its further increase is expected according to the weather forecast.

Photo: (archive)

As Perevedentsev explained, Tatarstan is under the influence of Arctic air masses, cold is coming to us from the north. Besides, there is an active cyclonic activity: rains and the absence of sun are associated with it.

Due to the cold weather, sowing, field and gardening works are 10 days late. At the same time, as the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan assured Realnoe Vremya, “there is nothing critical in that”. Tatarstan gardeners noted that it is now important to preserve heat-loving seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers. At the same time, garlic and cabbage should ripen by the due date.

“There is hope that it will warm up at the end of May”

The cold weather is 6-8 degrees below the climatic norm with rains and frosts will last all week, it follows from the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Centre of Tatarstan. However, on weekends, with the change of air flows, the temperature will rise slightly.

Photo: (archive)

The head of the Department of Meteorology of the Kazan Federal University also expressed hope that by the end of May the long-awaited warming will come. He drew attention to that the average daily temperature at the end of May should go to +15 degrees, but now Tatarstan is by 7 degrees behind the climatic norm.

Since the beginning of the year, double precipitation has fallen in Tatarstan

Over five months of this year, 300 mm of precipitation fell in Tatarstan instead of the required 150 mm. Only May this year has “pleased” with a large amount of precipitation: 56 mm instead of 40 mm, Perevedentsev highlighted.

Photo: (archive)

According to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, heavy rainfalls of 60-70 mm are predicted in June. The average temperature will be normal — above +17 degrees. At the same time, July will probably not please with hot weather but will be cooler than the climatic norm. August will also be “normal”, averaging about 17 degrees above zero and with precipitation of about 60 mm. At the same time, the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia expects a hot September.

Tatyana Leukhina

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