Tatarstan introducing mandatory vaccination against coronavirus for some citizens

Mandatory vaccination against coronavirus has been introduced for some citizens in Tatarstan. This is written on the website of the republican office of Russia’s consumer rights protection watchdog.

The mandatory vaccination has been introduced for:

  • for people who are 60 and older,
  • workers of medical, educational organisations, social establishments, people working in transport, energy, industrial institutions, construction, agriculture;
  • workers of law enforcement agencies, public and municipal workers; people working in the services sector (commerce, hairdressers’, banyas, sports venues, domestic services, public catering; banks, post offices, transport, taxi, mobile network, housing and utilities, energy; museums, theatres, cinemas, concert and exhibition halls, libraries, leisure and entertainment centres, children camps, tourism, the mass media, pharmacies, veterinary clinics, hotels, car services, delivery, etc.);
  • students referred to on-the-job training.

Directors must organise the vaccination of their employees with the second dose until 7 December 2021. The first dose must be administered until 9 November.

People who don’t receive the first dose of the vaccine until 9 November and don’t complete the vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection until 7 December are due to be suspended from work.

The vaccination rate in staff must be at least 80% considering those who have had the disease in the last six months. The Tatarstan Ministry of Health Care will take measures to organise the vaccination of the elderly at home.

A number of coronavirus restrictions came into force in Tatarstan on 11 October. So a QR code on vaccination must be provided to enter cafes, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, concert halls, cinemas, theatres — no more than 50% but no more than 500 people. A 70% rate is possible if all the employees have been vaccinated, a QR code system has been introduced and events are approved by the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers.

Tatiana Leukhina

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