‘Putin together with Kadyrov and Minnikhanov will definitely visit Kaaba over time’

What are the reasons and possible consequences of the visit of the President of Russia to Mount Athos

On 28 May, Vladimir Putin visited the Holy Mountain in Greece, however, the nature of his visit is still unclear: whether it was primarily a business trip, or the signing of several documents was a smokescreen for spiritual pilgrimage? In order to find answers to these questions, Realnoe Vremya turned to the well-known political strategist Viktor Minin. In his column, the expert writes who and why watches with a smirk on Putin's visit to Athos, why the Russian President should visit the Kaaba together with Rustam Minnikhanov, as well as what future awaits Russia in the coming years and whether there is a threat of repetition of the revolution like in 1917.

A business trip or a smokescreen for pilgrimage?

On the basis that Putin is a new type of leader, it is pointless to consider one aspect, we should start with the main — with spiritual. He is a person, he is a believer, the President and a spiritual leader. We should evaluate this trip basing on that assumption. Then it will be more or less clear what Putin is and why he does it.

Putin is a spiritual leader from the point of view of protection of the people's interests, the leader of all Russia — of all peoples and all faiths. If he will distinguish someone — goodbye, unity, goodbye, peace. He has already been on Mount Athos; he has visited Jewish holy places in Jerusalem, by the way, which are also holy for Muslims. He often visits the ancient places of power and faith of Russian old believers in the Altai. Perhaps, it is his most favorite spiritual trips.

I think that over time he together with Kadyrov and Minnikhanov will visit the Kaaba — it would be great, it would be more useful for him — he would have a better understanding of what Islam is. And, probably, he would get more closer to a Russian part of Muslim believers. He is a candidate to the leaders of a new type, so he is a Christian according to religion and christening, and according to the post, the level of consciousness and soul he is just a believer in the Creator, united for everyone. As the leader of a multinational country, he realizes that all religions are equal, it is just different paths leading to the Creator. This is the main basis for peace, the main condition for the development of cultural and ethnic peculiarities of each people of Russia.

Athos for him is a very important spiritual center. By visiting it, he receives spiritual support for his hard work to accomplish his purpose and to change the planetary operating principle of the function for which Russia is responsible now

In Russia, the principle of the development is the formula: through diversity to unity. In the West — through plurality to unity. In the West, major religions are broken down into increasingly smaller ones, to sects, organizations in which more and more the role of the Creator, love are removing, and only fear is left.

So, the visit for him personally and for the Christian part of Russia is very important, it shows that Putin is just a human being, except that he is the leader, that he also has heart, he also is looking for his path to the Creator. But he's not giving to anyone his freedom, to no religious leaders — for him they are just instructors, coaches. Above him is only God and what he believes. So, it is very hard for the Patriarch to be with him — he is equal for Putin, not 'above'. Despite all these rules of the Church.

Therefore, Athos for him is a very important spiritual center. By visiting it, he receives spiritual support for his hard work to accomplish his purpose and to change the planetary operating principle of the function for which Russia is responsible now. It is responsible for the transition of the planet to a new principle — a shift from capitalism, where the rules will be in the interests of the majority. Athos for him is an ancient center of power, directly connected with the ancient Russian religion.

Mystical implication of the unsuccessful attempts to visit Mount Athos earlier and 'completely different' Putin

For a reason he failed to get there twice (in December of 2001, on the Holy Mountain there was a horrible blizzard; in 2004 he went, but turned back because of the terrorist attack in Beslan — editor's note). It were signs for him as a person of not materialistic consciousness, and I think he took them into account with all the ensuing consequences. Yes, I think that then Putin was absolutely… When everyone asked 'Who is Putin?', he had no answer to the question 'who am I?'. But now, I think, he decided. I think at these stages he also was going to build the same Western society, what he saw in Germany, in the West.

Now it is completely different Putin, and he relies on the people more and more. In those years, he relied mainly on the oligarchs who helped him come to power, and on apparatus. Now he has support of the people. The meeting on 30 May also proved it, he said: 'The current system, liberal ideology, has exhausted itself, and we can not continue to develop.' Now there a search for a new ideology, new rules of life, expressed in the economy absolutely other mechanisms of equivalent exchange, where people will get what they earned, not what was allocated to them by an employer. With these thoughts, I think Athos not only allows but also is happy to accept Putin as an important spiritual and political leader of the world level.

I think Athos not only allows but also is happy to accept Putin as an important spiritual and political leader of the world level

If we believe in the Creator, then we should believe that He has some plan in relation to Russia, and to the planet Earth. In this sense, as they say, everything is God's will. We, of course, have a freedom of choice and we have the right to abandon the plan of the Creator, but that doesn't mean we can change it. We can only, communicating in these places with its energy flows, come closer to the understanding of the plan that he carries out here.

In this sense, it is the main function of the holy places and saints or elders, who have more direct connection with the Creator, with the heavens. In this sense, the meeting with the elder gives Putin an opportunity to believe in his recognition of the value of the plan of the Creator in relation to Russia and the world, the understanding of the same human being, but who is not burdened with a heavy level of power, and who is virtually representative of God on earth, if it can be said about a person. As the Bible says, we are all on the earth are not of this world.

Here, in such places, talking to people like the elder, you can partially distance yourself from the earth for some time and better reveal the divine in yourself — not of this world. And thus to coordinate your plans with divine. That is the sacred meaning of visiting these places, and Putin knows it perfectly. In these places, from the Creator there are flows, but they are in various rites from the point of view of religion.

'Putin helps Turkey and Erdogan to return to unity, to their aims, and not to serve foreign American ones'

As Islam says: the whole line of prophets is from one. In this sense, I think Putin is one of few leaders who has managed to overcome religious disagreements within himself, so he effectively carries on dialogue with the leaders of any country, any religion and that is why he does not understand Erdogan and does not accept. Therefore, he consciously responds to what he did. He believes that Erdogan has put personal interests above the people's, and therefore he believes that this is a betrayal, and that's the way he's behaving towards him, not Turkey.

An analogy: if someone in the couple cheated on the other, but they want to live together, peoples love each other – first, it is necessary to change yourself, to explain why this has been done. But not for the sake of Putin and not for the sake of themselves but for the Turkish people first and foremost. Why have you done it? Is it because it is necessary for the Turkish people to stop the outbreak of the civil war and the disintegration of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire? Turkey is an Empire, and without ideology, without an honest behavior of the leader it will not survive. This is the case when the selfishness and the power are higher than the interests of the peoples of Turkey.

'I think Putin is one of few leaders who has managed to overcome religious disagreements within himself, so he effectively carries on dialogue with the leaders of any country, any religion and that is why he does not understand Erdogan and does not accept' Photo: anews.com

I used to visit this place often. Once we went through the Sufi school and we have a close relationship with the leader of this school. We participated in different processes, consulted, and studied. I perfectly understand what is happening now, so having this position, Putin by and large, on the contrary, helps Turkey and Erdogan to return to unity, to their aims, and not to serve foreign American ones. I think that until they do not apologize… It's not personal ambitions of Putin — it is a help to the return to integrity with themselves. While there is no apology, there will not be any movement in this direction. Yes, informal talks and contacts are continuing, they are very active, but they will not result in the official changes of the situation.

'The connection of ancient byzantine wisdom with our Russian'

I think the fact that he sat in the chair of the ancient byzantine emperors — it is a part of sacred component, it looks like an inauguration – it is quite important, strong things. It is clear that they are known only to the initiated. Well, what this chair is – it is just a piece of wood, but it is a symbol, energy, and it is necessary to take into account where this chair stood.

This is one of a little self-consecration on the way; mentally, esoterically, energetically a person absorbs a part of our past, which came from Byzantium. This knowledge and this power should just be put in him. All that we need — wisdom, but to remove this dangerous cunning, this trickery. Now, only from this point of view it can be considered.

It is an inside connection of the ancient byzantine wisdom with our Russian. And, in general, the conscious acceptance of the center of power, but on an equal footing with everyone, taking on the function of the power to change the rules on the planet without superiority.

This is one of a little self-consecration on the way; mentally, esoterically, energetically a person absorbs a part of our past, which came from Byzantium. This knowledge and this power should just be put in him

Athos — the place of strength for Russian political elite?

This is the place of power of a planetary level, the place of power for those who is seeking the way, who thinks that it is better to communicate with the heavens here.

Usually those people come here who is squeezed by life. As a rule, it is a fatal disease or a death of a loved one, a mortal danger to your personal health, some problem with a career… It is the cases when they go there. When they are fine, they laugh at such visits. I think a lot of successful and healthy businessmen and politicians, including world ones, with a smile on their lips look at Putin's visit and think it's pure and simple PR. No, it is a deep spiritual path. For Putin, at least. I know a leader, my former friend, who went in Athos only after his wife died.

'Russia, as pregnant in toxicosis, is giving birth to new rules of life'

There is no way, it has ended. Capitalism is dead, the dollar is dead, but warm, in intensive care and Russian and Chinese do not knocked it only because there is nothing to replace it with yet and there are no new rules. The Chinese believe that these rules should be born in Russia, they ask to accelerate, because they are tired to support this strange temporary compromise between capitalism and socialism — it also has exhausted itself.

There, a result of labor does not belong to a person. In socialism, by and large, the people have limited rights — only to work, and the profit belongs to the state. In capitalism, a person also sells his time and energy, and the results of work belong to the owners. Socialist and capitalist ideologies, which do not much differ from each other, have exhausted themselves in the world… and now Russia, as pregnant, in toxicosis, is giving birth to new rules of life.

There is a gentle, smooth, slow transformation of consciousness of the majority, there is a search. The last economic meeting just indicates that we need to get away from former ideologies, models, economic religions in the form of liberalism or socialism, and begin to look for new solutions.

In Russia for a while there will be a soft, smooth search of rules of life, a new ideology, coinciding more and more with the divine, under the leadership of Putin

It is for a reason, next to Putin there was sitting Glazyev, and on the other hand there was Kudrin. Glazyev is a transitional model, which shows how to extend the life of Russia, using this period for searching for both political and economic. Kudrin is a liberal yesterday, which shows how to do hara-kiri, how to extend the life of the West due to dying Russia. Both models are temporary — they do not solve strategic problems. The same thing is happening all over the world, the same situation. In Russia for a while there will be a soft, smooth search of rules of life, a new ideology, coinciding more and more with the divine, under the leadership of Putin. It is on Mount Athos, perhaps, Putin will get a fax in which it will be clear and understandable in the form of principles the new rules of life, and they are very simple — as above, so below.

An ideology has been replaced by verbiage. An ideology is a perfect logic. Ideal from the point of view of divinity, coinciding with the divine rules, and they are the same in all religions. As Kadyrov said, fear God, love the people. The transformation will be smooth, there will be no disasters.The standard of living will be falling and this will force us to tighten our belts, but looking back — on the revolution, the war, neighboring Ukraine, the people will not take any drastic action in the form of coups and revolutions. We will be able to preserve peace and to find the way, new solutions. Other countries will take our principle, copy it on the basis of their climatic and religious conditions.

This is the way how the changes of the planetary operating principle through Russia will be happening with the help of the candidate to the leaders of a new type of Putin and our multi-ethnic, multireligious nation.

Will there be the repeat of revolution of 1917?

No way, under no circumstances. There will be neither war nor revolution. The danger of war passed by through the abolition of war with Ukraine, the danger of the revolution passed by in 2012 — the case with Belaya lenta. All of this is behind. The danger of revolution in Kazakhstan has also passed by now, but not completely. The system-forming situation in Russia is quite stable.

There will not be any revolution. The mass consciousness will not support this idea. In the mass consciousness capitalism and socialism are dead. We can't go back there — we have already been in socialism, can't stay in capitalism, even the capitalists are now in a difficult situation, if not worse, than the people. If to speak about this fifth column — they are not ideologues like Lenin or Trotsky. They do not believe in it. It's a business. Their strength is very small. It will be a business revolution, it is unable to raise the masses.

By Viktor Minin. Photo: kremlin.ru

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Viktor Minin — a professional political strategist. He was a deputy of the last Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Deputy Chairperson of the Commission of the USSR Supreme Soviet for the development of the concept of national security, then chief of the Presidential Administration of Crimea of Yury Meshkov in 1994 — 1995. An advisor to the chief of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation of Nikolai Yegorov, a political consultant in the team of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, in the Russian government office.

Participated in the elimination of almost all regional conflicts in the 1990s. Participated in the elections for governors and mayors (Rostov oblast, Krasnodar and Stavropol Krai, Tatarstan, Moscow region, Sochi, Sevastopol, Makhachkala). Not a member of any movement or party. A member of the Board of the society of social technologists (brings together the leading experts in the field of election technologies and political consulting).