Holiday in the best Tatarstan camps: TAIF-NK compensates employees’ children for cost of tours

This summer 165 children of TAIF-NK employees will go on holiday to Tatarstan recreational camps. It is subsidised tours TAIF-NK allocates money for within its social policy. Thanks to this, parents pay only a third of the cost, while the company compensates for the main part. More in detail is in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

Close cooperation with Tatarstan camps

Youth camp, which is located near Nizhnekamsk, has had four sessions this summer, each of which has over 400 children on holiday. Children of TAIF-NK employees are among them. 12-year-old Polina went on holiday to the camp for the first time last year. The girl liked it so much that this time she persuaded her parents to send her to the camp again.

“I like that it is much fun at the camp. I made many friends, and we keep in touch even after the camp ends. We had classes every day, I liked journalism the most, I didn’t miss a class,” Polina shared.

A tour to a three-week session costs about 26,500 rubles. But there are discounts for TAIF-NK employees: parents pay only 30% of the price, TAIF-NK compensates for the rest of the sum. The enterprise works with four camps with a similar scheme: it’s Youth, The Olympian and Seagull in Nizhnekamsk as well as Baytik in Kazan.

“TAIF-NK has cooperated with our camp for many years already. The employees’ children from 7 to 14 years come here. Children feel comfortable here, this is why they can’t wait the day when their mums and das buy a tour again,” Director of Youth health camp for children Aleksandr Klipachyov said.

Discount tours within social policy

The enterprise gives discount tours within its social policy, which has been followed at TAIF-NK for many years. If previously the employees’ children could go on holiday only to camps in Nizhnekamsk District, several years ago the company began to expand the geography on the initiative of TAIF-NK JSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov, so now the enterprise also cooperates with Kazan camps. These camps book tours for TAIF-NK, which are then distributed among the employees. 165 children of the employees can have a rest during the summer in general. First of all, it is children from large and single-parent families and children of participants in military actions.

“Now it is a luxury to send a child to a camp. The enterprise covers a big part of the cost, this is why parents have just to pay a little bit. Thanks to this, my son has a chance to go to the summer camp,” TAIF-NK employee Olga Nikolayeva shared.

The majority of children will spend their holiday in Youth camp, a part of the children will in The Olympian camp. It is designed for those who professionally do sport, this is why it is not only an opportunity to have a rest but also improve one’s physical shape. Every term has about seven sports, for instance, athletics, judo, boxing, freestyle wrestling, basketball. All children have two training sessions a day: before lunch and in the evening. All conditions were created to do sport: three football pitches, an athletics stadium, three volleyball courts, a tennis court, a basketball court, exercise machines, pavilion for sports wrestling, two swimming pools, a sauna. Besides, children have the time for classes, parties, plays and dance battles. This all allows children to develop in different ways during the summer holiday.

Last year, TAIF-NK started the cooperation with Seagull camp in Nizhnekamsk. Here teenagers develop in sports classes: children can do karate, play table tennis, football and volleyball. Children also go to classes in choreography, theatre, painting, folklore, photo and video art. In addition, teenagers have trips and excursions, watch sunrises and go fishing.

Parents who want to send their child to the Kazan camp, they can choose Baytik. Here children actively develop in information technologies: children deal with robotics, quadcopter piloting, cartoon animation. Children also learn foreign languages and get the hang of culinary art.

Parents can diversify their children’s holiday because TAIF-NK actively supports children’s health improving holiday. This allows parents to save the family budget and children to improve their health, make new friends and have a lot of impressions. Almost 700 children of TAIF-NK employees in total have gone on holiday with discount tours in summer camps since 2015.

“TAIF-NK PJSC pays special attention to the social policy implementation, and employees’ health improvement is an important issue in this area. The enterprise does its best for holiday of its employees’ children. The company annually allocates much money to children’s summer holiday, thanks to it parents cover only 30% of the tour price to the camp,” said TAIF-NK JSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov.

The company’s social policy is aimed not only at children, but employees of the enterprise also have an opportunity to have a rest. TAIF-NK annually grants free tours to Naval Grove health resort. Those who work in especially harmful conditions improve their health with a special programme: the course includes manual massage, mineral baths, electrotherapeutics and so on. The workers are given tours from the social insurance fund. In addition, all TAIF-NK employees were granted voluntary medical insurance to get the necessary medical help.

Specialists are the main asset of the company, this is why care about people is a priority in the company’s business. According to TAIF-NK JSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov, social responsibility is the basic principle, which helps the enterprise of successfully perform all production tasks. This is why TAIF-NK will keep sticking to the adopted policy and remain as a company with high social responsibility.

Partnership material

By Ksenia Zharkova

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