TAIF-NK participates in Victory Day’s celebration

On 9 May, the company’s employees headed by TAIF-NK PJSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov participated in the events dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

As a tradition, the celebration began near the Victory Monument at 10 a.m. with a rally and a minute of silence. Citizens and guests of the city honoured the memory of the dead warriors and then laid flowers to the memorial. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ayrat Khairullin, the Tatarstan president’s Plenipotentiary Ambassador on Entrepreneurs’ Rights Timur Nagumanov were present in the event.

The solemn part was followed by a festive parade where a joint detachment of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs’ office in Nizhnekamsk District, a platoon of the Federal Prison Service in Nizhnekamsk, reserve soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation participated, traditionally, the best platoons of the city’s educational establishments marched in front of veterans with measured steps. Pupils of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps and kids from kindergartens who also marched on the parade yard in military uniform marking a bond of generations became a pride of the parade.

Nizhnekamsk is the homeland of five Heroes of the Soviet Union and five Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory. About 8,000 Nizhnekamsk citizens stood up to protect the motherland with weapons in their arms, almost half of them didn’t come back – some remained on battlefields, others went missing.

“Victory Day is one of the stages in the history not only of our country but also the whole world. It’s a celebration that we must remember and appreciate. Victory Day was and remains a symbol of national spiritual greatness, an example of great patriotism, honour and bravery. Our duty is to conserve the memory of the awful war and pass this memory from generation to generation,” TAIF-NK PJSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov is convinced.

TAIF-NK workers actively supported the nationwide campaign the Immortal Regiment. The company’s employees with their families participated in the solemn procession, which united everyone, both the young and the old. TAIF-NK PJSC Director General Rushan Shamgunov who carried a portrait of his grandfather Zaripov Gabdelfart Zaripovich also was among the participants of The Immortal Regiment.

Nizhnekamsk citizens walked along the city’s avenues with the Immortal Regiment – Stroiteley and Khimikov. The campaign ended next to the Eternal Flame where citizens laid flowers to the Victory Monument and the Monument to War Children and Home Front Workers. This year the nationwide campaign has been held in Nizhnekamsk for the fifth time, and if 19,000 people were in the line in 2016, 27,000 were in 2017, 32,000 people were in 2018, and this year the number of its participants reached almost 40,000 people. Today 93 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, 1,042 home front workers, 113 veterans’ widows live in Nizhnekamsk, another 204 people have dual status – home front worker and the war veteran’s widow.

“You look at the portraits that Nizhnekamsk citizens are carrying during the Immortal Regiment campaign and understand how many people didn’t come back home… Today in the regiment we have war heroes who were called for at different times, somebody is an adult, but there are very young guys. We would like very much the memory of great people to remain in the heart of the future generation,” employee of TAIF-NK PJSC Alina Pistsova shared.

TAIF-NK PJSC is a leading modern enterprise of the oil refining sector of the republic that pays special attention to social issues. The company annually holds sports football, volleyball and table tennis competitions dedicated to Victory Day. A traditional athletic relay race also took place in Nizhnekamsk in early May in which the company’s employees have been actively participating for several years.

TAIF-NK congratulates everyone on the great holiday! This day will always remain in people’s memory as a day of national pride. Peace, joy and well-being!

Realnoe Vremya online newspaper

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