Chief power engineer of TAIF-NK awarded the title of Honoured Power Engineer of the Republic of Tatarstan

Ramil Davliev, the Chief Power Engineer — Head of the Chief Power Engineer Department of TAIF-NK PSC, has been awarded the title of the Honoured Power Engineer of the Republic of Tatarstan. The awarding ceremony was held in the Kazan Kremlin, where Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin presented the state awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

In the list for the award — 48 Tatarstan citizens

Kazan Kremlin's ceremonial hall — traditionally here the state awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan are presented. This time, they were handed to 48 Tatarstan citizens, among whom there were distinguished professionals of different industries: petrochemical and refining industries, education, healthcare, science and arts. All of them received their well-deserved awards from the hands of Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin.

Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin presented the awards to 48 Tatarstan citizens. Photo:

''I heartily congratulate all those who have been invited to the Kazan Kremlin today to present the highest awards of the Russian Federation and our Republic. The tradition is very good, it has existed for a long time — to honour those who contributed at different stages of life of our republic,'' said Farid Mukhametshin.

Among the awarded — Ramil Davliev, the Chief Power Engineer — Head of the Chief Power Engineer Department of TAIF-NK PSC, who has been awarded the honorary title of the Honoured Power Engineer of the Republic of Tatarstan.

''This is the first award for me of such a high level. The name of my company has been mentioned here, so I am happy not only for myself. Because they mark not only those who is worthy of reward, but they mark the whole team. For me, this award is the recognition that I work well,'' said Chief Power Engineer — Head of the Chief Power Engineer Department of TAIF-NK PSC Ramil Davliev.

He devoted almost half of his labour way to TAIF-NK

Ramil Davliev has worked for more than thirty years in the energy sector. After graduating from the Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical College, he got a job at Nizhnekamskneftekhim as an electrician for repair of electrical equipment of the fourth category in the power supply shop. Then he worked at the Novomendeleevsk Chemical Plant, Nizhnekamskshina and Nizhnekamsk Plant of Technical Carbon, rising from electrician to chief power engineer. In November 2005, he got a job in TAIF-NK PSC as the main power engineer of the gas condensate processing plant. Three years later, in February 2008, he was appointed as the chief power engineer — head of the chief power engineer department of the company.

Ramil Davliev has been working for TAIF-NK for 14 years. In the list of his achievements: participation in the construction and launch of the gas condensate processing plant, supervision of installation and commissioning works of electrical equipment, design of the complete set of power and switchboard equipment. Thanks to him, the gasoline plant and the oil refinery plant updated the uninterruptible power supply units. Now, if electricity goes out at a production facility, the system supplies it as long as necessary for safe shutdown of the production facility.

The electrical rooms at the refinery are now equipped with an air conditioning system. This allows to maintain the temperature, which not only has a positive effect on the performance of the equipment, but also prolongs its service life. Under the leadership of Ramil Davliev to increase energy efficiency, the electrical control stations have been replaced at the unit ELOU-AVT-7. As a result of the carried out work, energy efficiency has been increased by the amount of 6 377,83 thousand rubles.

At the Heavy Residue Conversion Complex with the direct participation of Ramil Davliev the system of electric heating of pipelines and equipment was put into operation, thanks to which the pipelines began to be heated by heat tracing equipment.

In order to save energy, the automated system of control and metering of electricity was introduced throughout the enterprise. Now in real time they can monitor the electricity consumption of all production units of the company and ensure the accuracy of transmitted indication of electricity consumption.

He is competent, very responsible and principled leader — in that way his subordinates speak of Ramil Davliev. He can always identify the essentials and focus on key areas of production activities. Because of these qualities, he is well-known and highly respected in the team.

''This work has developed in me the character traits that I have''

Ramil Davliev has been working for TAIF-NK for 14 years. Photo:

Mr. Davliev, I congratulate you on receiving the title of Honoured Power Engineer of the Republic of Tatarstan. It's been almost a year since we last spoke. At the previous meeting, you spoke about improving the reliability of energy saving at TAIF-NK. This time I would like to talk a little about you. Could you tells us how you found yourself in the energy sector?

It's a random choice. After graduating from the 8th grade of secondary school, I entered the Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical College, I was attracted by the specialization ''Power supply of industrial enterprises and units''. So I chose this profession. Now I can not imagine myself in another field. It has developed in me all the character traits that I have. For example, insistence. The specialization is associated with danger, high requirements for the safety of work, maintenance of equipment, training and advanced training of personnel, so you always need to perform the tasks in full — you can not leave something unfinished. Energy supply of any enterprise is, we can say, the basis, without it nothing works. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the equipment and communications designed to supply the enterprise with energy resources is one of the main goals of the energy service of the enterprise, so they must be ready to work at any time.

How did fate bound you with TAIF-NK?

It happened by chance, too. I worked as the chief power engineer at the carbon black plant, and my colleagues, having heard that TAIF-NK was building a new plant, went there. They had difficulties in their work, they turned to me. I decided to try, and I was invited to the young, promising production.

TAIF-NK has developed and operates both short-term and long-term energy supply programmes. Photo: provided by TAIF-NK

How do you assess the implementation of energy security programmes at TAIF-NK?

TAIF-NK has developed and operates both short-term and long-term programmes. We are now engaged in a comprehensive testing of the Heavy Residue Conversion Complex, so until it starts to work steadily, it is too early to draw any conclusions. We are now gaining experience, of course, we are solving urgent problems immediately and by the time of sustainable work we will be ready with new plans to improve the reliability of energy supply. Today we are conducting a programme to improve reliability at the refinery and gasoline plants. We are replacing the worn-out equipment with the expired service life, we are updating the equipment, we are updating and repairing cable lines.

How are long-term programmes implemented at the enterprise?

To date, the company has several programmes that are designed for 3-5 years. At the second production facility of the gasoline plant, we are working to replace underground utilities and fire water pipelines. The same programme is carried out at the refinery, for the third year the programme has been implemented to replace the switchboards in the shop of primary oil processing.

If we talk about the digitalization of the entire energy sector, what work is being done at TAIF-NK in this direction?

At the Heavy Residue Conversion Complex, we are working on the introduction of an automatic dispatching control system for electrical equipment, which allows for the collection and display of information on the status of all electrical equipment, this year we are planning to complete the work. We have the information and measuring system of control and accounting of energy resources, which will unite all divisions and allows monitoring and planning of consumption of electric energy and power. Also, this year at the refinery we plan to modernize the compressor of hydrogen-containing gas with the unit of automatic workplace to control the parameters of the compressor motor.

Returning to today's solemn event — what does this award mean for you?

I am grateful that my work in the field of energy is appreciated at such a high state level. For me, this is another incentive for further effective work for the benefit of TAIF-NK.

Rushan Rashitovich Shamgunov, Director General of TAIF-NK PSC, Honoured Chemist of Tatarstan, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Dear Mr. Davliev! Your efforts and hard work that you have shown working in our company for many years have not gone unnoticed. The whole staff of TAIF-NK PSC and personally I are sincerely glad that your contribution to the development of the energy sector of the Republic of Tatarstan is appreciated at such a high state level. Your hard work in one of the key areas of the industry requires special dedication, responsibility and deserves the deepest respect. You are an example in our team and enjoy the respect of absolutely all colleagues. The employees are very proud to work under your leadership. Even in the most difficult, stressful situations, you keep your professionalism and optimism. You are comfortable and easy to work with, which is quite important and necessary for effective work. I am sure that the competence and the experience that you pass on to our employees, the established labour traditions and responsible approach to business will continue to contribute to the successful development of the industry, modernization of production, opening new prospects. Accept our congratulations on the well-deserved award! We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, vitality, optimism, new successes in responsible work, new successes and achievements! Director General of TAIF-NK PSC R.R. Shamgunov.

By Ksenia Zharkova

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