Tatarstan applying for Europeada and looking for money for salaries to athletes

Ministry of sports of Tatarstan is asking about the expansion of the staff after the division, the overhaul of 94 complexes and grants for keeping athletes in the region

The final meetings of the board of the ministry of sports of Tatarstan rarely differ from each other. These are mainly reports on the constructed facilities, on already usual victories of professional Tatarstan teams on Russian and international arenas and on numerous international forums held in Kazan. Everything is ok with this in Tatarstan. But this time, the speakers in the Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism decided to add financial problems to the agenda, and everything was boiled down to that people from the world of sports should be paid more. About how Leonov and Zinnurov motivate such initiatives, as well as what will be built in the event of accepting of the Kazan application for holding the European Games and whether federal funding will be provided — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Again on the arena

In the opening part of the board meeting, Minister of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov, who at the end of December told reporters about the achievements in the field of sports, reported on the work over the year. These are reports on the success of professional teams, four Tatarstan medals of the Korean Olympics, as well as three awards of Marta Zainullina at the Paralympics. Separately, the minister elaborated on the World Cup, in which Kazan received one of the most ''delicious'' matches of the entire World Cup. According to the minister, more than 250 spectators attended the Kazan games of the World Cup in Kazan, the average load of the stadium was 98,9% of the maximum capacity of the arena, and more than 800,000 fans visited the Festival site for the entire period.

''Incredible success and emotions. No incidents, everything was at the highest level. According to not only the country's leadership, but also the assessment of the International Football Federation and personally FIFA President Gianni Infantino, the championship turned out to be just fantastic. Kazan was one of the most hospitable cities,'' Leonov said.

As a kind of recognition of the merits of the region, the minister reminded about the National sports award — Tatarstan was highly appreciated at the federal level and was recognized as the major sporting region of Russia. ''This is also our great merit, and of course, the involvement of everyone in our industry,'' said Leonov.

After the ''representative'' part of the merits, the minister moved to the topic of reorganization of the ministry, or rather — its division into separate structures

He also mentioned about the traditional activity of Tatarstan on international sports arena. In 2018, the republic hosted 14 European and international competitions, 45 all-Russian tournaments and more than 800 national sports events.

Division of the ministry of sports will cost a bundle?

After the ''representative'' part of the merits, the minister moved to the topic of reorganization of the ministry, or rather — its division into separate structures. Last year, by a decree of President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the republis's own ministry of youth affairs appeared in the region.

''In connection with this story, we have the task — to introduce additional staffing in the municipal authorities in order to clearly separate their activities into youth policy and physical culture and sports. Since our colleagues in the districts of the republic often work in three areas — sports, youth and tourism, which, taking into account the increased tasks, has a negative impact on each of the areas. Mr. Mukhametshin, we ask you once again to support our joint initiative and once again to look for additional staff units in the directions at the municipal level,'' the minister of sports addressed to Farid Mukhametshin.

Money for sports through public-private partnership

The topics of personnel and increased funding were continued. First, Vladimir Leonov told Farid Mukhametshin that 94 sports facilities in the republic need overhaul.

''At the same time, our common task is to attract extra-budgetary funds, including within the framework of the so-called quite fashionable word 'public-private partnership'. There are mechanisms, and last year we held a large forum with the Investment Development Agency on this subject. The case is new for our country, but the scheme is already working. Therefore, I am asking everyone to be connected, and we are ready even to hold about it a seminar how to attract investments in construction of infrastructure and similar constructions,'' Leonov promised.

Vladimir Leonov told Farid Mukhametshin that 94 sports facilities in the republic need overhaul

A higher rate for villages?

Tatarstan can definitely boast a great amount of sports facilities of a decent level in the territory of the region. Almost every regional centre has splendid facilities and ice rinks. However, it is problematic to find those specialists who would be willing to stay and work there with the level of local wages. With this problematic issue, Leonov addressed to Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin.

Vladimir Leonov and his team adopted the model of the way out of the situation from the doctors, for them there is a system of additional monetary encouragement of specialists who go to work in the villages.

''In the current situation, there is a need to take measures of state support for coaches and teachers of our sports schools and coaches of the organization of sports work. Taking into account the decree of our president on the development of the village, it is proposed to introduce a one-time payment to specialists who have graduated from specialized higher and secondary special educational institutions in the amount of 120,000 in the first three years. In the first year — 30,000 rubles, the second — 40,000 rubles, the third — 50,000 rubles.''

''It should be noted that similar measures work in the health care system of the republic, as well as in various regions of Russia,'' the minister cited an example.

Grants to keep athletes in Tatarstan

The financial issue, in particular the issue of additional monetary incentives, was raised by State Duma Deputy and President of Sintez aquatics sports club Irek Zinnurov. In his opinion, professional athletes not from team sports should be paid extra grants to ensure they do not go to other regions and are not distracted by ''domestic issues''. On the other hand, does the republic really need such an athlete who is ready to go to the neighbouring region for an increase in salary?

According to Irek Zinnurov, professional athletes not from team sports should be paid extra grants

''Being an athlete in the past, now a functionary, I understand how important it is for an athlete who dedicates his life to high results not to think about everyday problems. The athletes who stand for the Republic of Tatarstan have no right to play for other regions, respectively, they can get salary only here. In this regard, I would like to ask the leadership of the republic, Farid Khairullovich, to introduce a system of grants for the main athletes preparing for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The size should depend on the results shown. It will allow athletes to remain in sports, to stimulate training work, and the most important — not to accept offers from the neighbouring regions, which can offer higher salary,'' Irek Zinnurov summed up.

Then the deputy suggested adopting experience of the school of Ekaterina Gamova for preparation of own pupils in professional sports.

''Taking into account that the capital of our republic has modern sports complexes that meet international standards for sports such as swimming, water polo, diving, I am proposing to organize the work of these departments using the experience of the Gamova school in the Kazan School of Olympic Reserve. Thus, it is a question of creation in Kazan of multilevel system of identification, selection and education of talented children for the purpose of preparation of a sports reserve in national teams of Russia,'' Zinnurov offered.

According to Zinnurov's idea, the child first gets in a sports school, then trained in the Olympic reserve school, after which he or she is transferred to the academy of sport and tourism.

According to Zinnurov's idea, the child first gets in a sports school, then trained in the Olympic reserve school, after which he or she is transferred to the academy of sport and tourism

Kazan has applied for Europeada

Well, after the official part, the journalists could not help but ask the minister of sports about the application of Kazan for European Games in 2023. According to Leonov, large construction projects, as it was before the Universiade 2013, are not planned in the city — Kazan already has a well-developed infrastructure for hosting competitions of this level. According to Leonov, the Universiade Village will be used as a place for athletes to live, the Academy of Sports will be used as an accreditation centre. From the new facilities, the republic can only get a new centre for beach sports.

''Two days ago, there was a big meeting under the leadership of Olga Golodets, and the commission made the decision on confirmation of our application for hosting the European Games in 2023,'' Leonov began. ''According to our data, there are three more candidate cities — our competitors. But, unfortunately, I can't name them yet, but they are serious cities. The Olympic Committee knows us, we already had negotiations, and made the decision that our Games are dated for the European championship.''

The main advantage of our application is that we already have everything. We do not plan to build anything. We plan to use Kazan Expo, we have already said that it is necessary to use this object. Yes, in four years some renovation of objects will be required. But today Kazan is conceptually ready to host these Games, and we have everything for that.

Does Tatarstan expect to receive federal co-financing in case of hosting the games?

We agreed that the entire application campaign will be carried out at the expense of the republic, it is small money. Then we will form a programme, and of course, we will plan that the federal centre will help us as much as possible. We have an appropriate agreement with the ministry of sports (of Russia – editor's note).

By Erik Dobrolyubov. Photo:

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