Economic effect of 1 billion rubles: about how Kazanorgsintez introduces inventions of its engineers

The company has formed a movement of innovators and their support system

On the last Saturday of June, ''kitchen table inventors'' of the whole country celebrate their holiday — Day of Inventor and Innovator. Kazanorgsintez as one of the high-tech petrochemical enterprises of Tatarstan has successfully formed an innovative movement of workers and specialists. The economic effect of the implemented innovative ideas of the company for the last 5 years amounted to more than 1 billion rubles. To date, Kazanorgsintez is the developer and owner of more than 100 patents for inventions. The implemented innovations become one of the bases of economic growth of the enterprise. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Development of the movement of innovators at Kazanorgsintez

The Academy of Sciences of the USSR advanced the initiative to introduce Day of Inventor and Innovator in the late 1950s. The initiative was supported, and in the early 1980s the holiday received official status. In the post-perestroika years, the connection between science and production was destroyed and the movement of innovators disappeared. However, enterprises working in science-intensive industries have preserved their traditions. The implemented inventions and innovations helped to accelerate the economic growth in production indicators of enterprises.

Implemented inventions and innovations helped to accelerate the economic growth in production indicators of enterprises

From the first days Kazanorgsintez created the support system for ''kitchen table inventors''. In 1965, the company operated the service of rationalization, invention and scientific and technical information, headed by Olga Kulikova. She organized the work of the bureau for rationalization and invention, created a team of innovators in the industries and in the shops.

Later, the system was reformed to meet the challenges of modern production. Currently, the work with rationalization proposals at Kazanorgsintez is carried out by the patent and invention work department. Employees of the department help workers and specialists in the study of the basics of technical creativity, the legal framework in the field of intellectual property protection, regulatory documents. With their help, an idea of a worker or engineer becomes a real production solution. In this department, students of the Kazan National Research Technological University do pre-diploma practical training in recent years.

Department of patent and invention work is engaged in rationalization proposals at Kazanorgsintez

Kazanorgsintez is actively involved in support of the functioning of the new structure created to provide information to innovative strategies of companies, an integral part of which are patent strategies. The company provides wide access to specialized databases and other information resources in the field of intellectual property.

In April 2017, on the basis of Kazanorgsintez it was created the Centre of support of technologies and innovations of the second level with the support of FSBI Federal Institute for Industrial Property (FIPS) and SUE RT Tatarstan Centre of Scientific and Technical Information. The centre's activity is supervised by specialists of the patent and invention work department. They help with the work with databases. To receive access to FIPS databases and other resources, computers are provided in the reading room of the scientific and technical library. Employees of the company can also get acquainted with the library on the internal factory portal. It contains issues of information and library bulletins with stories about book novelties and abstracts of specialized journal publications. Also, on this page it is provided the access to electronic versions of technical and special literature.

From purification of water in Volga River to production of isopropylbenzene

Over 60 years of Kazanorgsintez operation, the workers of the company submitted hundreds of rationalization proposals. In Soviet times, employees of the company received more than 100 certificates of authorship for inventions. In modern conditions, Kazanorgsintez is the developer and owner of more than 100 patents for inventions. In the most difficult times, the factory inventors helped to improve production efficiency by identifying and using its internal reserves, reducing costs, improving quality, reducing time. Many inventions have been used in production for many years and give a real economic effect. Over the past 5 years, the economic effect of their implementation amounted to about 1 billion rubles.

Medal places in regional and federal competitions can serve as a recognition of the success of the team of inventors and innovators at Kazanorgsintez. Thus, specialists of the company — the authors of the invention ''Method of integrated disinfection of household drain'' (patent No. 2423322) — Rafis Khuzayanov, Andrey Smolko, Elena Gitsareva and others — were awarded a diploma of reverence in the contest ''Best invention of the year'' held among enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Over the past 5 years, the economic effect of their implementation amounted to about 1 billion rubles

The proposed change in the scheme of supply of activate sludge and industrial effluent made it possible to optimize the process of disinfection of domestic runoff, as well as to reduce the number of total and thermotolerant coliform bacteria. Bacteriological control of disinfection process, quality of treated wastewater and surface water in the Volga River in the control range showed the effectiveness of disinfection of domestic wastewater for this type of pollution up to 99,9%. The results of the survey have confirmed the compliance of the quality of treated wastewater according to bacteriological indicators with sanitary rules, norms and requirements of SanPiN.

Kazanorgsintez specialists Dmitry Shtatnov, Vladislav Frolov, Andrey Parullin and others received the patent No. 2477717 ''Method of obtaining isopropylbenzene''. The invention allowed to increase the selectivity of the process and reduce the consumption of benzene. The economic effect of the introduction of the innovation for 5 years of its use amounted to almost 160 million rubles due to the reduction of the specific consumption of benzene for the production of 1 tonne of isopropylbenzene. Another team of authors received regional awards for ''Method of removal of organic and inorganic acids from the reaction mass of decomposition of isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide'' (patent №2570203). The economic effect of the introduction of this invention for 2 years of its use amounted to more than 83 million rubles by reducing the specific consumption of isopropylbenzene and alkali for the production of 1 tonne of phenol.

In 2018, Aydar Valitov, chief engineer at the Plant of polycarbonates, Ramzil Gilmutdinov, leading engineer for Automated Process Control System at the Plant of polycarbonates, Almaz Nagimullin, repairman of the equipment at the Plant of ethylene, Ranis Sabirzyanov, engineering technologist of the shop of specialized repair of technological equipment, and Danis Salyakhov, leading engineer-technologist of the technical department became honourable workers of invention and rationalization for creative activity. Dozens of employees also received awards for their developments. It is gratifying that the inventions of the workers of Kazanorgsintez do not lie down in the table, but are actually implemented in the production and bring economic effect to the enterprise.

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By Ekaterina Gumarova

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