Now for animals: first public hospital for animals in Tatarstan to open in Kazan

Work in the new veterinary centre in Soviet District is planned to finish by this September-October

The municipality of Kazan has been concerned about the creation of a public hotel with a veterinary clinic and rehabilitation centre for animals for the second year already. The new veterinary centre for 50 animals will cost the city about 10 million rubles and is to appear this September-October. If, of course, there are no changes in plans like last year when the tender winner refused the job. Meanwhile, as Realnoe Vremya's correspondent found out, after a meeting of the specialised committee of the State Committee that catches dogs in February, no violations had been found. Our material tells the details.

Without infections now

The results of work of the city's veterinary service were the main report of ''business Monday'' in the city administration of Kazan on 9 April. But the results were for 2017. It was written a lot that last year bird flu was brought together with poultry from Rostov Oblast to Tatarstan, and Laishevo had to destroy millions of eggs and thousands of chickens. In 2017, the veterinary service detected 264 tonnes of low-quality and dangerous animal and vegetable products. We should remind including products that were past their sell-by date and package integrity damage is considered as low-quality produce.

As director of the State Veterinary Association of Kazan Timur Galeyev told after the report, the veterinary service had detected 60-70 tonnes of low-quality products in the first quarter of 2018.

''The products that were past their sell-by date account for the lion's share, then the laboratories where parasitic infections are found,'' the speaker explained.

This September-October, Kazan should wait for the opening of a full-cycle veterinary centre consisting of a veterinary clinic, rehabilitation centre and hotel for animals, said Timur Galeyev. Photo:

He told that at the moment no dangerous infections had been found on the territory of Kazan. The speaker calmed down saying that there was vaccination against nodular dermatitis, killing and vaccination of wild carnivorous animals against rabies, other measures not to allow infections contamination are taken.

Hotel for animals to open in Kazan

Timur Galeyev also shared the latest news. For instance, this September-October, Kazan should wait for the opening of a full-cycle veterinary centre consisting of a veterinary clinic, rehabilitation centre and hotel for animals. The state establishment designed for 50 animals will appear in the Soviet District. More than 10m rubles are planned to be spent on these purposes by means of extra-budgetary money – the city administration's entrepreneurship activity.

''The centre will be equipped with all necessary physical and therapeutic equipment to care during surgery complications. Nowadays Tatarstan doesn't have it,'' notices Galeyev. According to his words, the cost of the services will be much lower there than in private veterinary centres.

The work on the creation of the veterinary centre was planned to begin as early as last year. But then the winner of the tender for corresponding services refused to do the job.

The reconstruction of the veterinary centre in the Soviet District will end a series of repair works in municipal veterinary hospitals of Kazan. As Galeyev explained, nowadays the overhaul in four regional veterinary hospitals of the city ended.

This February, deputies asked a question: why only 500 of 8,100 caught homeless dogs in 2017 in Kazan weren't sent to knacker's yard. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

No violation detected

Timur Galeyev didn't comment on the topic of homeless animals and explained that a specialised organisation dealt with it. But in answer to Realnoe Vremya's question, he told about the consequences of the meeting of the relative committee of the Tatarstan State Council this February.

We should remind that at that moment deputies asked a question: why only 500 of 8,100 caught homeless dogs in 2017 in Kazan weren't sent to knacker's yard. And head of the Committee for Ecology, Natural Resource Management, Agro-industrial and Food Policy Takhir Khadeyev, who chaired the meeting, offered to change the name of VetHouse, which was responsible for homeless animals, to One-Way House. As it turned out, after the meeting, its participants carried out a raid to VetHouse and didn't find any violation in its work.

''After this meeting, we went with representatives of the State Council, looked out the whole organisation, there were not any remarks,'' told the head of the State Veterinary Association of the Tatarstan capital. According to his words, more than 600 dogs were sterilised, chipped and freed in Kazan after the catch.''

By Maria Gorozhaninova

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