To be continued? 10 largest Tatarstan-Turkey projects in their stage of realization

Realnoe Vremya publishes a list of the largest investment projects of Turkish companies whose realization might be open to question due to the problems in relationships between Russia and Turkey.

  • 1. Mir Holding/Design Group, 1,200 ha greenhouses in Alabuga Special Economic Zone

Planned investments: $1bn (~67bn rubles)
Sector: Agriculture
Deadline: 2020

The project on the construction of greenhouses in the Alabuga SEZ was presented in March 2015. Due to a greenhouse system that will be installed by the Turkish Mir Holding and Design Group in Alabuga, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, pepper and marrow will be grown. It is supposed to reduce the dependence of Russia on imported vegetables and fruits by 70% as a result of the construction of greenhouses.

  • 2. Kastamonu, second line of production of plants of MDF manufacture

Planned investments: $200m (~13,5bn rubles)
Sector: Woodworking
Deadline: February 2016

The first line of Kastamonu Plant in Alabuga SEZ was launched in 2014. The sum of investments was $350m. Nowadays the number of workers in the plant is about 650 people.

The first line of Kastamonlu Plant was launched in 2014. Photo:

  • 3. Rixos/Polimex, a hotel in the building of Shamov hospital

Planned investments: $30m (~2bn rubles)
Sector: Hotels, Construction
Deadline: 2018

One of the most important and 'trendy' Tatar-Turkish projects is the reconstruction of the building of Shamov hospital. Realnoe Vremya wrote about it in detail in July. The hospital was built in 1910; it stopped to work in 2009. In 2012, the hospital was sold to a Malaysian investor. The sum of the deal was estimated at 59mn rubles. Later the Asian company refused the project. In 2013, the building was recovered by Tatarstan and, in 2014, it was sold to Turkish investors for reconstruction in order to convert it into a hotel of Rixos chain. Polimex is constructing the hotel. The investments are valued at $30m. The Malaysian company, the former owner, offered to invest in the reconstruction €20m.

Polimex is constructing the hotel. Photo:

  • 4. Kastamonu Entegre, first line of Sunrise City residential complex in Naberezhnye Chelny

Planned investments: 1,4m rubles
Sector: Construction
Deadline: first quarter of 2016

This Turkish company is constructing a large residential complex called Sunrise City on Syuyumbike Avenue in Naberezhnye Chelny. The project of the residential complex includes 4 blocks of flats at 19-25 storeys (877 flats), two business centres, a restaurant, fitness and shopping centre. According to the documentation of the project, the first part of the complex will be put into operation in the first quarter of 2016.

  • 5. Mir Holding/Design Group, production of plastic pipes

Planned investments: $12m (~805m rubles)
Sector: Industry
Deadline: 2015

The plant located in Sinergia Industrial Park. Photo:

The production of plastic pipes from polyethylene and polypropylene was already launched. The plant is located in Sinergia Industrial Park in Alabuga SEZ. The official opening ceremony is postponed indefinitely due to the change of the government of Turkey (the Minister of Economy of Turkey were to come to the ceremony).

  • 6. Koluman, production of special machines in the base of built of KAMAZ and Mercedes in Naberezhnye Chelny

Planned investments: $1,5m (~100m rubles)
Sector: SPV Production
Deadline: the plant was launched in September

There was put into operation a production in the Plant of Attached Implements for KAMAZ and Mercedes-Benz at the beginning of September 2015 in the Master Kama Industrial Park. The plant belongs to the Turkish Koluman Holding. The territory of the production is 3,800 square metres.

Despite the fact that the plant is operating, initially, the staff consisted of 5 people only. By the end of the year, the company plans to increase its personnel to 25 people and in 2016 – to 30 people.

The total territory of the factory is 3,800 square metres. Photo:

  • 7. Gebze Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Joint Special Economic Zone

Planned investments: Unknown
Sector: Investments
Deadline: Unknown

At the end of November, the President of Tatarstan met with Vahit Yildirim, the chairman of the board of directors of Gebze Industrial Zone. They discussed, in particular, the project on creation of the joint SEZ. One of the variants of its location, near Multimodal Logistics Centre of Sviyazhsk, was mentioned at the meeting. They came to an agreement on the creation of a working group to prepare the future project.

  • 8. Aydin Örme, Residential Treatment Centre for Kids near the Republican Clinical Hospital

Planned investments: Unknown
Sector: Medicine
Deadline: Unknown

The plans of Aydin Orme's Industrial Group on the Construction of the Residential Treatment Centre for Kids in Kazan was discussed within the scope of the trip of Minnikhanov to Turkey in October 2015. The group includes supermarkets, textile factory and Memorial chain of medical centres. It is supposed to build the Residential Treatment Centre near the Republican Clinical Hospital.

  • 9. Zorlu Holding, textile cluster

Planned investments: Unknown
Sector: Textile industry
Deadline: Unknown

They came to an agreement on the creation of a textile cluster at the end of 2014. Photo:

At the end of 2014 Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of Tatarstan offered Ahmet Zorlu, the chairman of the board of directors of Zorlu Holding, to create a textile cluster in the region. As a result of the meeting of Minnikhanov and Zorlu, it was planned to create a working group that was to include representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Tatneftekhiminvest-holding PJSC.

  • 10. Plentmak, equipment for production of paving stone and concrete block

Planned investments: Unknown
Sector: Production of equipment
Deadline: Unknown

For the first time, the information concerning the plans of Turkish Plentmak on the opening of the Plant on Production of Equipment for Paving Stone and Concrete Blocks was mentioned at the end of April in 2015. At that time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan signed a document on collaboration with the company in Ankara during the visit of the delegation of the republic to Turkey. Initially, it was planned to create the plant in a place called Chelny Industrial Park. According to the latest data, it refers to the Alabuga SEZ.

By Maksim Matveyev

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