Rustam Minnikhanov: Our well-being is to have saved the petroleum complex

Yesterday the largest multisectoral holding celebrated its 25th anniversary in the Culture and Leisure Complex Piramida. The first enterprises of the TAIF Group were formed 25 years ago. For this period, the Group raised its revenue more than twentyfold, modernized and improved the production. Rustam Minnikhanov and Mintimer Shaimiev took part in the celebration as well. Igor Krutoy, a composer and the main producer of the opening ceremony of the recent FINA World Championships, and some Russian stars created the atmosphere of the celebration.

'A serious company the budget of Tatarstan is based on'

Yesterday in Piramida, which was built by TAIF in 2002 for $40m, the Establishment was present in advance. Business and small talks in the lobby above the multilevel fountain unintentionally mentioned the hero of the occasion – the TAIF GC. Kazan Scientific Research Centre of Foreign Tradewas created on 17 September 25 years ago, and on its basis TAIF PJSC appeared on 11 August 1995. For 20 years the investments of the Group in the main funds were over 345bn rubles, the revenue – 3,184 trillion rubles, 1,2 trillion rubles were channeled to the development of the country, including tax payments and duties paid to different levels of the budget (441bn rubles), and social expenses that made 146bn rubles.

The largest multisectoral holding celebrated its anniversary in Piramida

The multisectoral holding approached its 25th anniversary with modernized assets, no debts on the balance sheet, large-scale investment projects and the construction of Heavy Residues Deep Conversion Complex in TAIF-NK is among them. By the way, Alfa-bank granted a loan equal to $600m. It will help to finish the construction of Complex, develop the largest fuel retailer 'Tatnefteproduct', which now is under control of the group of the holding, construct and launch Ethylene Complex in NKNKH, modernize General Electric's gas-turbine plant with a capacity of 388,6 MW in CHP Plant 3 of Kazan, etc.

Rifgat Khakimov, the director general of Northwest Main Petroleum Pipelines, in the conversation with Realnoe Vremya noted that, 'The TAIF GC is, undoubtedly, a serious company the budget of Tatarstan is based on. I know all their difficulties and success as a colleague who deliver fuel for the production. They are serious professionals who can cope with any task. Nowadays it's the only company capable of offering the gasoline of the Euro 5 standard. Practically no one approached the industrial production too close as they did. Unfortunately, such products aren't in demand in Russia. For some reasons, one wants something cheaper and quicker… What I think is that one day they will achieve success on the grounds that a high-quality product is a serious matter. As for Kazanorgsintez and Nizhnekamskneftekhim, I suppose that they are giants of the end-product sector with added value. In addition, many people work there and keep their families. This is very important.'

Farid Minnigulov, the director general of Kazanorgsintez, in turn, stated that, 'The TAIF GC provides us with the supply chain. And the feeling of strength and power is, of course, a pleasant sensation. I opine that 'Kazanorgsintez' has good indicators.' To tell the truth, this year, according to the results for 8 months, the commodity volume of KOS reached 46,605bn rubles while it was planned to total 35,949bn rubles.

Alexander Fridman, a member of the board of directors in TAIF PJSC, commented that the Group of Companies approached its anniversary with the results that were difficult to forecast. 'For 25 years of work, it wasn't easy to imagine that all plans could become a reality, and the volume would even swell. Today TAIF is one the largest taxpayers of the republic,' Fridman added.

The Group of Companies approached to its anniversary with the results that were difficult to forecast

It should be noted that last year the holding ramped up the volume of tax payments and duties paid to levels of the budget to 83bn rubles by virtue of stably growing indicators. It was 4,1bn rubles more in comparison with the previous year. And 14,6bn rubles were paid to the consolidated budget of Tatarstan, which account for 8% of the tax revenue of the budget of Tatarstan whose total sum is 172,8bn rubles.

The tax theme was continued by Shamil Ageyev, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tatarstan, who said that, 'Without any doubt the tax volume, which TAIF pays to the budget of the republic, tells a lot about the value of the company. They practically attained the level of the largest oil company. Moreover, pay attention to the amount of renewed factories in KOS and NKNKH. Literally basing on old factories, the Group of Companies managed to reach a new level because of the modernization. At present, they have great ethylene and polyethylene programmes. But the industry has many problems, and TAIF solves them.'

Quarter of year later

A soon as the eminent guests took their places in the concert hall of Piramida, Ilfat Abdrakhmanov and Aigul Badretdinova, the presenters of the evening, invited Albert Shigabutdinov, a person who saw the ground zero of the company and the director general of TAIF PJSC.

'This moment is very exciting personally for me as well as for TAIF. It even touches me in the raw on the grounds that here we have the most intimate people, our guests, workers of TAIF and friends. We saw the ground zero of new Tatarstan and new Russia. The new economy of the country was created as a result of our hard work, intellectual, physical and moral strength,' Albert Shigabutdinov said to the guests.

Albert Shigabutdinov is one the people who saw the ground zero of today's holding

In 1991, a difficult post-Perestroika period when the new ownership relations appeared in the country, Albert Shigabutdinov and his partners created Kazan Scientific Research Centre of Foreign Trade, which broke new ground. Consequently, 5 years later a historical meeting took place in the Kazan Kremlin with the participation of Mintimer Shaimiev, the first President of the republic, where it was decided to create the TAIF investment company.

Now 25 years of difficult tests and all employees' hard work without any exception are behind. These years are marked by great results and outstanding achievements. Indubitably, we had moments of despair when the difficulties seemed to be impossible to overcome. Everyone had problems. But the continuity of power and unity of the people of Tatarstan became a foundation of our confidence in the future,' Albert Shigabutdinov noted.

Growth point

After the director general's opening speech, the presenters invited Rustam Minnikhanov, the re-elected President of Tatarstan, on stage who came back from Moscow, where there was an opening ceremony of the Cathedral Mosque with a capacity of 10,000 prayers.

'Our well-being is that Tatarstan managed to save the petroleum, petroleum refining, and petrochemical complexes. Everything is for the sake of our republic. The contribution made by TAIF is, indubitably, enormous. Nowadays the GC deals with oil refining, petrochemistry, construction and banking complex and TV communications. It is not only a foundation of the republic but also the groundwork and foundation of today's Tatarstan. Every year we launch a new production. There are good explanations why Tatarstan is the largest plastic and synthetic rubber producer. In addition, we still have plans for the future. Albert Shigabutdinov and we came to an agreement that oil refining and petrochemistry will feature in the strategy called 'Tatarstan-2030' for the reason that they are the growth points. There are no doubt that high professional collectives of the TAIF GC are able to accomplish the tasks posed by the administration of the republic and the country. We can. Thank you. I wish all of us success,' Rustam Minnikhanov said.

Then a string of state awards began. Creating a home-like atmosphere, Rustam Minnikhanov told a joke that 'we need to celebrate it' and proposed his first toast.

After that, Mintimer Shaimiev, the state councillor of Tatarstan, was called on. He immediately asked a question, 'What would have happened if a team of those impudent guys didn't exist?' Mintimer Shaimiev continued his speech after a pause saying that, 'It is difficult to imagine. That moment was too important. In that period of Perestroika they had different businesses and were quite smart to unite everything in one holding and start earning. I remember how during that painful period for the country, TAIF earned $560m and interested foreign investments. We can't even explain everything. We valued every ruble… And when they decided to deal with petrochemistry and bought shares of the oil company at market value, they saved the petrochemistry of the republic.'

Our well-being is that Tatarstan managed to save the petroleum, petroleum refining and petrochemical complexes. The contribution made by TAIF is, indubitably, enormous

Mintimer Shaimiev awarded the TAIF Group of Companies a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Renascence Foundation for renewal of Bolgar and insular city of Sviyazhsk

Many times applauses interrupted Mintimer Shaimiev's speech. He concluded his address granting the TAIF GC a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Renascence Foundation for renewal of sites of cultural heritage in the ancient city of Bolgar and the insular city of Sviyazhsk. These cities are supposed to increase the tourist attractiveness of Tatarstan.

The solemn speeches and wishes for successful development and achievement of ambitious tasks smoothly flowed to the entertaining part of the evening with songs of Igor Krutoy, Nikolay Baskov, Angelica Varum, Irina Allegrova, Laima Vaikule, Alexandr Serov, Ani Lorak, Ilyusa Khuzina, Aigul Galeyeva and Valeria.

By Alsina Gazizova, photo: Roman Khasaev

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